regressionDir = dirname(__FILE__) . "/regression_tests"; $directories = array(); $this->readDirRecursively( $this->regressionDir, $directories, "in" ); if ( isset( $_ENV['EZC_TEST_TEMPLATE_SORT'] ) && $_ENV['EZC_TEST_TEMPLATE_SORT'] == 'mtime' ) { // Sort by modification time to get updated tests first usort( $directories, array( $this, 'sortTestsByMtime' ) ); } else { // Sort it, then the file will be processed first. Handy for development. usort( $directories, array( $this, 'sortTestsByName' ) ); } $this->directories = $directories; // Check for environment variables which turns on special features if ( isset( $_ENV['EZC_TEST_INTERACTIVE'] ) ) { $this->interactiveMode = (bool)$_ENV['EZC_TEST_INTERACTIVE']; } } public function sortTestsByMtime( $a, $b ) { if ( $a['mtime'] != $b['mtime'] ) { return $a['mtime'] < $b['mtime'] ? 1 : -1; } return strnatcmp( $a['file'], $b['file'] ); } public function sortTestsByName( $a, $b ) { return strnatcmp( $a['file'], $b['file'] ); } public function __destruct() { } public function count() { // We return 1 here since we have startTest/endTest for each .in file return 1; } public function getFiles() { return $this->directories; } public function setCurrentFile( $file ) { $this->currentFile = $file; } // This method overrides the default run() in PHPUnit to allowed data-driven testing. public function runTest() { if ( $this->currentFile === false ) { throw new PHPUnit_Framework_ExpectationFailedException( "No currentFile set for test " . __CLASS__ ); } $exception = null; $this->retryTest = true; while ( $this->retryTest ) { try { $this->retryTest = false; $this->testRunRegression( $this->currentFile ); } catch (Exception $e) { $exception = $e; } } if ( $exception !== null ) { throw $exception; } } protected function setUp() { $this->createTempDir( "regression_compiled_" ); date_default_timezone_set( "UTC" ); } protected function tearDown() { $this->removeTempDir(); } public static function suite() { return new ezcTemplateTestRegressionSuite( __CLASS__ ); } private function removeTags( $str ) { $str = str_replace( '<' . '?php', '<' . '?', $str ); $str= '?' . '>' . trim( $str ) . '<' . '?'; return $str; } private function readDirRecursively( $dir, &$total, $onlyWithExtension = false) { $extensionLength = strlen( $onlyWithExtension ); $path = opendir( $dir ); while ( false !== ( $file = readdir( $path ) ) ) { if ( $file != "." && $file != ".." ) { $new = $dir . "/" . $file; if ( is_file( $new ) ) { if ( !$onlyWithExtension || substr( $file, -$extensionLength - 1 ) == ".$onlyWithExtension" ) { $total[] = array( 'file' => $new, 'mtime' => filemtime( $new ) ); } } elseif ( is_dir( $new ) ) { $this->readDirRecursively( $new, $total, $onlyWithExtension ); } } } } public function interact( $template, $tplSource, $expected, $actual, $expectedFile, $help, $exceptionText ) { while ( true ) { echo "Action (g/c/c!/r/d/do/de/ds/dc/dta/dtt/dd/dx/ge/ee/es/ir/v/q/?): "; $reply = strtolower( trim( fgets( STDIN ) ) ); if ( $reply == "q" ) { exit(0); } elseif( $reply == "v" ) { echo ( "\n" ); echo ( str_pad( "Compile path: ", 17) . $template->configuration->compilePath . "\n" ); echo ( str_pad( "Template path: ", 17 ) . $template->configuration->templatePath . "\n" ); echo ( str_pad( "Source path: ", 17 ) . $tplSource . " \n" ); echo ( str_pad( "Expected output: ", 17 ) . $expectedFile . " \n" ); echo ( "\n" ); echo ( str_pad( "Context: ", 17 ) . get_class( $template->configuration->context ) ); echo( "\n" ); continue; } elseif ( $reply == "r" ) { $this->retryTest = true; return; } elseif ( $reply == "g" ) { file_put_contents( $expectedFile, $actual ); return; } elseif ( $reply == "do" || $reply == "de" || $reply == "dx" || $reply == "ds" || $reply == "dc" || $reply == "dta" || $reply == "dtt" || $reply == "dd" || $reply == "d" ) { $displayText = false; if ( $reply == "ds" || $reply == "d" ) { if ( $reply == "d" ) { $displayText .= "------Source template------\n"; } $displayText .= file_get_contents( $tplSource ); } if ( $reply == "do" || $reply == "d" ) { if ( $reply == "d" ) { $displayText .= "------Generated output------\n"; } $displayText .= $actual; } if ( $reply == "de" || $reply == "d" ) { if ( $reply == "d" ) { if ( file_exists( $expectedFile ) ) { $displayText .= "------Expected output------\n"; } else { $displayText .= "------Expected output (file missing)------\n"; } } $displayText .= $expected; } if ( $reply == "dx" || $reply == "d" ) { if ( $reply == "d" ) { $displayText .= "------Expection------\n"; } $displayText .= $exceptionText; } if ( $reply == "dd" || $reply == "d" ) { if ( $reply == "d" ) { $displayText .= "------Diff of output------\n"; } if ( PHP_OS == 'Linux' ) { $expectedTmp = $this->getTempDir() . "/expected.tmp"; $actualTmp = $this->getTempDir() . "/actual.tmp"; file_put_contents( $expectedTmp, $expected ); file_put_contents( $actualTmp, $actual ); $displayText .= shell_exec( "diff -U3 '$expectedTmp' '$actualTmp'" ); unlink( $expectedTmp ); unlink( $actualTmp ); } else { } } if ( $reply == "dc" || $reply == "d" ) { if ( file_exists( $template->compiledTemplatePath ) ) { if ( $reply == "d" ) { $displayText .= "------Compiled PHP code------\n"; } $code = file_get_contents( $template->compiledTemplatePath ); $code = str_replace( "<"."?php", "", $code ); $displayText .= str_replace( "?" . ">", "", $code ); } else { if ( $reply == "d" ) { $displayText .= "------Compiled PHP code not found------\n"; } else { echo "The compiled file <" . $template->compiledTemplatePath . "> was not found\n"; echo "This usually means the template file contained syntax errors\n"; continue; } } } if ( $reply == "dtt" || $reply == "d" ) { // NOTE: This currently fails due to missing implementations in the Tst class. if ( $template->tstTree instanceof ezcTemplateTstNode ) { if ( $reply == "d" ) { $displayText .= "------TST------\n"; } $displayText .= ezcTemplateTstTreeOutput::output( $template->tstTree ); $displayText .= "\n"; } else { if ( $reply == "d" ) { $displayText .= "------TST tree not available------\n"; } else { echo "The TST tree is not available\n"; continue; } } } if ( $reply == "dta" || $reply == "d" ) { if ( $template->astTree instanceof ezcTemplateAstNode ) { if ( $reply == "d" ) { $displayText .= "------AST------\n"; } $displayText .= ezcTemplateAstTreeOutput::output( $template->astTree ); } else { if ( $reply == "d" ) { $displayText .= "------AST tree not available------\n"; } else { echo "The AST tree is not available\n"; continue; } } } if ( PHP_OS == 'Linux' ) { // Pipe the text to less $l = popen( "less", "w" ); if ( $l ) { fwrite( $l, $displayText ); pclose( $l ); continue; } } echo $displayText, "\n"; continue; } elseif ( $reply == 'c' ) { throw new PHPUnit_Framework_ExpectationFailedException( $help ); } elseif ( $reply == 'c!' ) { self::$skipMissingTests = true; throw new PHPUnit_Framework_ExpectationFailedException( $help ); } elseif ($reply == "ir" ) { if ( file_exists( $tplSource.".tmp" ) ) { echo "Cannot rename the file to: {$tplSource}.tmp because the file already exists\n"; continue; } echo ( "renaming: " . $tplSource . " to: " . $tplSource.".tmp\n" ); rename ( $tplSource, $tplSource.".tmp" ); throw new PHPUnit_Framework_ExpectationFailedException( $help ); } elseif ( $reply == "ge" || $reply == "ee" ) { $editor = ( isset($_ENV["EDITOR"] ) && $_ENV["EDITOR"] != "" ) ? $_ENV["EDITOR"] : "vi"; if ( $reply == "ge" ) { file_put_contents( $expectedFile, $actual ); } passthru( $editor . " " . escapeshellcmd( $expectedFile ) ); continue; } elseif ( $reply == "es" ) { $editor = ( isset($_ENV["EDITOR"] ) && $_ENV["EDITOR"] != "" ) ? $_ENV["EDITOR"] : "vi"; passthru( $editor . " " . escapeshellcmd( $tplSource ) ); continue; } elseif ( $reply == '?' ) { echo "The actions are:\n", "g - Generate output file (Implies success of test)\n", "c - Continue, Skip the current test (Implies failure of test)\n", "c! - Continue, Skip all test with a missing out file.\n", "r - Retry the test\n", "do - Display the generated output\n", "de - Display the expected output\n", "dx - Display the exception\n", "ds - Display source template\n", "dc - Display generated/compiled PHP code\n", "d - Display all\n", "dta - Display the AST tree\n", "dtt - Display the TST tree\n", "dd - Display difference between generated output and expected output\n", "v - Display verbose template information\n", "q - Quit\n", "ir - Input Rename. Rename the input file so that it won't be available in the next run.\n", "ge - Generate and edit the expected output file.\n"; "ee - Edit the expected output file.\n"; "es - Edit the source file.\n"; continue; } else { continue; } return; // No more testing to be done now since the file is generated } } public function testRunRegression( $directory ) { $template = new ezcTemplate(); $dir = dirname( $directory ); $base = basename( $directory ); $template->configuration = new ezcTemplateConfiguration( $dir, $this->getTempDir() ); $template->configuration->targetCharset = "Latin1"; // $template->configuration->cachePath = $this->getTempDir() . "/cached"; // $template->configuration->cachePath = "/tmp/cache"; /* if ( !is_dir( $template->configuration->cachePath ) ) { mkdir( $template->configuration->cachePath); } */ $template->configuration->addExtension( "TestBlocks" ); $template->configuration->addExtension( "LinksCustomBlock" ); $template->configuration->addExtension( "cblockTemplateExtension" ); $template->configuration->addExtension( "Sha1CustomBlock" ); if ( preg_match("#^(\w+)@(\w+)\..*$#", $base, $match ) ) { $contextClass = "ezcTemplate". ucfirst( strtolower( $match[2] ) ) . "Context"; $template->configuration->context = new $contextClass(); } else { $template->configuration->context = new ezcTemplateNoContext(); } $send = substr( $directory, 0, -3 ) . ".send"; if ( file_exists( $send ) ) { $template->send = include ($send); } $out = ""; $exceptionText = ""; try { $out = $template->process( $base ); } catch ( Exception $e ) { $out = $e->getMessage(); $exceptionText = get_class( $e ) . "(" . $e->getCode() . "):\n" . $out; // Begin of the error message contains the full path. We replace this with 'mock' so that the // tests work on other systems as well. if ( strncmp( $out, $directory, strlen( $directory ) ) == 0 ) { $out = "mock" . substr( $out, strlen( $directory ) ); } $exceptionText .= "\n" . $e->getTraceAsString(); } $expected = substr( $directory, 0, -3 ) . ".out"; if ( !file_exists( $expected ) ) { $help = "The out file: '$expected' could not be found."; if ( !self::$skipMissingTests && $this->interactiveMode ) { echo "\n", $help, "\n"; self::interact( $template, $directory, false, $out, $expected, $help, $exceptionText ); return; } else { throw new PHPUnit_Framework_ExpectationFailedException( $help ); } } $expectedText = file_get_contents( $expected ); try { $this->assertEquals( $expectedText, $out, "In: <$expected>\nOut: <$directory>" ); } catch ( PHPUnit_Framework_ExpectationFailedException $e ) { $help = "The evaluated template <".$this->regressionDir . "/current.tmp> differs "; $help .= "from the expected output: <$expected>."; if ( $this->interactiveMode ) { // Touch the file. It will be run first, next time. if ( isset( $_ENV['EZC_TEST_TEMPLATE_SORT'] ) && $_ENV['EZC_TEST_TEMPLATE_SORT'] == 'mtime' ) { touch( $directory ); } $exceptionText = get_class( $e ) . "(" . $e->getCode() . "):\n" . $e->getMessage(); $exceptionText .= "\n" . $e->getTraceAsString(); echo "\n", $help, "\n"; self::interact( $template, $directory, file_get_contents( $expected ), $out, $expected, $help, $exceptionText ); return; } // Rethrow with new and more detailed message throw new PHPUnit_Framework_ExpectationFailedException( $help, $e->getComparisonFailure() ); } // check the receive variables. $receive = substr( $directory, 0, -3 ) . ".receive"; if ( file_exists( $receive ) ) { $expectedVar = include( $receive ); $foundVar = $template->receive; $this->assertEquals( $expectedVar, $foundVar, "Received variables does not match" ); } } } ?>