session->loadIfExists( 'PersistentTestObject', 1 ); $this->assertEquals( 'PersistentTestObject', get_class( $object ) ); $object->varchar = 'Finland'; $object->integer = 42; $object->decimal = 1.42; $object->text = "Finland has Nokia!"; $this->session->update( $object ); // check that we got the correct values $object2 = $this->session->loadIfExists( 'PersistentTestObject', 1 ); $this->assertEquals( 'Finland', $object2->varchar ); $this->assertEquals( 42, (int)$object2->integer ); $this->assertEquals( 1.42, (float)$object2->decimal ); $this->assertEquals( 'Finland has Nokia!', $object2->text ); } public function testUpdateInvalidObject() { try { $this->session->update( new Exception() ); $this->fail( "Update of non-persistent object did not throw exception" ); } catch ( ezcPersistentObjectException $e ) { } } public function testUpdateNotInDatabase() { try { $this->session->update( new PersistentTestObject() ); $this->fail( "Update of object not in database did not fail." ); } catch ( ezcPersistentObjectNotPersistentException $e ) {} } public function testConversionOnUpdate() { $obj = new PersistentTestObjectConverter(); $obj->varchar = 'Foo Bar'; // Leave null // $obj->integer = new DateTime( '@327535200' ); $obj->decimal = 23.42; $obj->text = 'Foo Bar Baz'; $this->session->save( $obj ); $q = $this->session->createFindQuery( 'PersistentTestObjectConverter' ); $q->where( $q->expr->eq( $this->session->database->quoteIdentifier( 'type_varchar' ), $q->bindValue( 'Foo Bar' ) ) ); $arr = $this->session->find( $q, 'PersistentTestObjectConverter' ); $this->assertEquals( 1, count( $arr ) ); $this->assertTrue( isset( $arr[5] ) ); $this->assertNull( $arr[5]->integer ); $arr[5]->integer = new DateTime( '@327535200' ); $this->session->update( $arr[5] ); $q = $this->session->createFindQuery( 'PersistentTestObjectConverter' ); $q->where( $q->expr->eq( $this->session->database->quoteIdentifier( 'type_varchar' ), $q->bindValue( 'Foo Bar' ) ) ); $arr = $this->session->find( $q, 'PersistentTestObjectConverter' ); $this->assertEquals( 1, count( $arr ) ); $this->assertTrue( isset( $arr[5] ) ); $this->assertType( 'DateTime', $arr[5]->integer ); $this->assertEquals( '327535200', $arr[5]->integer->format( 'U' ) ); } public function testConversionNullOnUpdate() { $obj = $this->session->load( 'PersistentTestObjectConverter', 1 ); $this->assertEquals( 449.96, $obj->decimal ); $obj->decimal = null; $this->session->update( $obj ); $storedObj = $this->session->load( 'PersistentTestObjectConverter', 1 ); $this->assertEquals( 23.42, $storedObj->decimal ); } public function testConversionNotBreaksState() { $date = new DateTime( '@327535200' ); $obj = new PersistentTestObjectConverter(); $obj->varchar = 'Foo Bar'; $obj->integer = $date; $obj->decimal = 23.42; $obj->text = 'Foo Bar Baz'; $this->session->save( $obj ); $this->assertSame( $date, $obj->integer ); } public function testNoConversionOnUpdate() { $obj = new PersistentTestObjectConverter(); $obj->varchar = 'Foo Bar'; $obj->integer = new DateTime( '@327535200' ); $obj->decimal = 23.42; $obj->text = 'Foo Bar Baz'; $this->session->save( $obj ); $q = $this->session->createFindQuery( 'PersistentTestObjectConverter' ); $q->where( $q->expr->eq( $this->session->database->quoteIdentifier( 'type_varchar' ), $q->bindValue( 'Foo Bar' ) ) ); $arr = $this->session->find( $q, 'PersistentTestObjectConverter' ); $this->assertEquals( 1, count( $arr ) ); $this->assertTrue( isset( $arr[5] ) ); $this->assertType( 'DateTime', $arr[5]->integer ); $this->assertEquals( '327535200', $arr[5]->integer->format( 'U' ) ); $arr[5]->integer = null; $this->session->update( $arr[5] ); $q = $this->session->createFindQuery( 'PersistentTestObjectConverter' ); $q->where( $q->expr->eq( $this->session->database->quoteIdentifier( 'type_varchar' ), $q->bindValue( 'Foo Bar' ) ) ); $arr = $this->session->find( $q, 'PersistentTestObjectConverter' ); $this->assertEquals( 1, count( $arr ) ); $this->assertTrue( isset( $arr[5] ) ); $this->assertNull( $arr[5]->integer ); } // save public function testSaveValid() { $object = new PersistentTestObject(); $object->varchar = 'Finland'; $object->integer = 42; $object->decimal = 1.42; $object->text = "Finland has Nokia!"; $this->session->save( $object ); $this->assertEquals( 5, $object->id ); $object2 = $this->session->loadIfExists( 'PersistentTestObject', 5 ); $this->assertEquals( 'Finland', $object2->varchar ); $this->assertEquals( 42, (int)$object2->integer ); $this->assertEquals( 1.42, (float)$object2->decimal ); $this->assertEquals( 'Finland has Nokia!', $object2->text ); } public function testSaveInvalidObject() { try { $this->session->save( new Exception() ); $this->fail( "Save of non-persistent object did not throw exception" ); } catch ( ezcPersistentDefinitionNotFoundException $e ) {} } public function testSaveAlreadyInDatabase() { $object = new PersistentTestObject(); $object->varchar = 'Finland'; $object->integer = 42; $object->decimal = 1.42; $object->text = "Finland has Nokia!"; $this->session->save( $object ); try { $this->session->save( $object ); $this->fail( "Save of object already saved did not fail." ); } catch ( ezcPersistentObjectAlreadyPersistentException $e ) {}; } public function testMissingIdProperty() { $object = new PersistentTestObjectNoId(); $object->varchar = 'Finland'; $object->integer = 42; $object->decimal = 1.42; $object->text = "Finland has Nokia!"; try { $this->session->save( $object ); } catch ( ezcPersistentDefinitionMissingIdPropertyException $e ) { return; } $this->fail( "Exception not thrown on missing ID property." ); } public function testConversionOnSave() { $obj = new PersistentTestObjectConverter(); $obj->varchar = 'Foo Bar'; $obj->integer = new DateTime( '@327535200' ); $obj->decimal = 23.42; $obj->text = 'Foo Bar Baz'; $this->session->save( $obj ); $q = $this->session->createFindQuery( 'PersistentTestObjectConverter' ); $q->where( $q->expr->eq( $this->session->database->quoteIdentifier( 'type_varchar' ), $q->bindValue( 'Foo Bar' ) ) ); $arr = $this->session->find( $q, 'PersistentTestObjectConverter' ); $this->assertEquals( 1, count( $arr ) ); $this->assertTrue( isset( $arr[5] ) ); $this->assertType( 'DateTime', $arr[5]->integer ); $this->assertEquals( '327535200', $arr[5]->integer->format( 'U' ) ); } public function testConversionNullOnSave() { $obj = new PersistentTestObjectConverter(); $obj->varchar = 'Foo Bar'; $obj->integer = new DateTime( '@327535200' ); $obj->decimal = null; $obj->text = 'Foo Bar Baz'; $this->session->save( $obj ); $q = $this->session->createFindQuery( 'PersistentTestObjectConverter' ); $q->where( $q->expr->eq( $this->session->database->quoteIdentifier( 'type_varchar' ), $q->bindValue( 'Foo Bar' ) ) ); $arr = $this->session->find( $q, 'PersistentTestObjectConverter' ); $this->assertEquals( 1, count( $arr ) ); $storedObj = current( $arr ); $this->assertEquals( 23.42, $storedObj->decimal ); } public function testNoConversionOnSave() { $obj = new PersistentTestObjectConverter(); $obj->varchar = 'Foo Bar'; // Leave null // $obj->integer = new DateTime( '@327535200' ); $obj->decimal = 23.42; $obj->text = 'Foo Bar Baz'; $this->session->save( $obj ); $q = $this->session->createFindQuery( 'PersistentTestObjectConverter' ); $q->where( $q->expr->eq( $this->session->database->quoteIdentifier( 'type_varchar' ), $q->bindValue( 'Foo Bar' ) ) ); $arr = $this->session->find( $q, 'PersistentTestObjectConverter' ); $this->assertEquals( 1, count( $arr ) ); $this->assertTrue( isset( $arr[5] ) ); $this->assertNull( $arr[5]->integer ); } // Save or update public function testSaveOrUpdateSave() { $object = new PersistentTestObject(); $object->varchar = 'Finland'; $object->integer = 42; $object->decimal = 1.42; $object->text = "Finland has Nokia!"; $this->session->saveOrUpdate( $object ); $this->assertEquals( 5, $object->id ); $object2 = $this->session->loadIfExists( 'PersistentTestObject', 5 ); $this->assertEquals( 'Finland', $object2->varchar ); $this->assertEquals( 42, (int)$object2->integer ); $this->assertEquals( 1.42, (float)$object2->decimal ); $this->assertEquals( 'Finland has Nokia!', $object2->text ); } public function testSaveOrUpdateUpdate() { $object = $this->session->loadIfExists( 'PersistentTestObject', 1 ); $this->assertEquals( 'PersistentTestObject', get_class( $object ) ); $object->varchar = 'Finland'; $object->integer = 42; $object->decimal = 1.42; $object->text = "Finland has Nokia!"; $this->session->saveOrUpdate( $object ); // check that we got the correct values $object2 = $this->session->loadIfExists( 'PersistentTestObject', 1 ); $this->assertEquals( 'Finland', $object2->varchar ); $this->assertEquals( 42, (int)$object2->integer ); $this->assertEquals( 1.42, (float)$object2->decimal ); $this->assertEquals( 'Finland has Nokia!', $object2->text ); } public function testSaveOrUpdateInvalidObject() { try { $this->session->saveOrUpdate( new Exception() ); $this->fail( "SaveorUpdate of non-persistent object did not throw exception" ); } catch ( ezcPersistentDefinitionNotFoundException $e ) {} } // updateFromQuery public function testUpdateFromQuery() { $q = $this->session->createUpdateQuery( 'PersistentTestObject' ); $q->set( 'integer', 50 ); $this->session->updateFromQuery( $q ); // check that each value got 'integer' set to 50 $q = $this->session->createFindQuery( 'PersistentTestObject' ); $it = $this->session->findIterator( $q, 'PersistentTestObject' ); foreach ( $it as $object ) { $this->assertEquals( 50, (int)$object->integer ); } } // misc public function testNoTablePrefixingInUpdateQuery() { $q = $this->session->createUpdateQuery( 'PersistentTestObject' ); $q->set( 'integer', 50 ); $sql = $q->getQuery(); $this->assertFalse( strpos( $sql, $this->session->database->quoteIdentifier( 'PO_test' ) . '.' . $this->session->database->quoteIdentifier( 'type_integer' ) ) ); } } ?>