db = ezcDbInstance::get(); } catch ( Exception $e ) { $this->markTestSkipped( 'There was no database configured' ); } RelationTestEmployer::setupTables(); RelationTestEmployer::insertData(); $this->session = new ezcPersistentSession( ezcDbInstance::get(), new ezcPersistentCodeManager( dirname( __FILE__ ) . "/../data/" ) ); } public function teardown() { RelationTestEmployer::cleanup(); } // Tests of the relation definition class public function testGetAccessSuccess() { $relation = new ezcPersistentOneToManyRelation( "PO_persons", "PO_addresses" ); $this->assertEquals( "PO_persons", $relation->sourceTable ); $this->assertEquals( "PO_addresses", $relation->destinationTable ); $this->assertEquals( array(), $relation->columnMap ); $this->assertEquals( false, $relation->reverse ); $this->assertEquals( false, $relation->cascade ); } public function testGetAccessFailure() { $relation = new ezcPersistentOneToManyRelation( "PO_persons", "PO_addresses" ); try { $foo = $relation->non_existent; } catch ( ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException $e ) { return; } $this->fail( "Exception not thrown on access of non existent property." ); } public function testIssetAccessSuccess() { $relation = new ezcPersistentOneToManyRelation( "PO_persons", "PO_addresses" ); $this->assertTrue( isset( $relation->sourceTable ) ); $this->assertTrue( isset( $relation->destinationTable ) ); $this->assertTrue( isset( $relation->columnMap ) ); $this->assertTrue( isset( $relation->reverse ) ); $this->assertTrue( isset( $relation->cascade ) ); } public function testSetAccessSuccess() { $relation = new ezcPersistentOneToManyRelation( "PO_persons", "PO_addresses" ); $tableMap = new ezcPersistentSingleTableMap( "other_persons_id", "other_addresses_id" ); $relation->sourceTable = "PO_other_persons"; $relation->destinationTable = "PO_other_addresses"; $relation->columnMap = array( $tableMap ); $relation->reverse = true; $relation->cascade = true; $this->assertEquals( $relation->sourceTable, "PO_other_persons" ); $this->assertEquals( $relation->destinationTable, "PO_other_addresses" ); $this->assertEquals( $relation->columnMap, array( $tableMap ) ); $this->assertEquals( $relation->reverse, true ); $this->assertEquals( $relation->cascade, true ); } public function testSetAccessFailure() { $relation = new ezcPersistentOneToManyRelation( "PO_persons", "PO_addresses" ); $tableMap = new ezcPersistentDoubleTableMap( "other_persons_id", "other_persons_id", "other_addresses_id", "other_addresses_id" ); try { $relation->sourceTable = 23; $this->fail( "Exception not thrown on invalid value for ezcPersistentOneToManyRelation->sourceTable." ); } catch ( ezcBaseValueException $e ) { } try { $relation->destinationTable = 42; $this->fail( "Exception not thrown on invalid value for ezcPersistentOneToManyRelation->destinationTable." ); } catch ( ezcBaseValueException $e ) { } try { $relation->columnMap = array( $tableMap ); $this->fail( "Exception not thrown on invalid value for ezcPersistentOneToManyRelation->columnMap." ); } catch ( ezcBaseValueException $e ) { } try { $relation->columnMap = array(); $this->fail( "Exception not thrown on invalid value for ezcPersistentOneToManyRelation->columnMap." ); } catch ( ezcBaseValueException $e ) { } try { $relation->reverse = array(); $this->fail( "Exception not thrown on invalid value for ezcPersistentOneToManyRelation->reverse." ); } catch ( ezcBaseValueException $e ) { } try { $relation->cascade = array(); $this->fail( "Exception not thrown on invalid value for ezcPersistentOneToManyRelation->cascade." ); } catch ( ezcBaseValueException $e ) { } try { $relation->non_existent = true; $this->fail( "Exception not thrown on set access on non existent property." ); } catch ( ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException $e ) { } } // Tests using the actual relation definition public function testGetRelatedObjectsFromEmployer1Success() { $employer = $this->session->load( "RelationTestEmployer", 1 ); $res = array( 2 => RelationTestPerson::__set_state(array( 'id' => '2', 'firstname' => 'Frederick', 'surname' => 'Ajax', 'employer' => '1', )), 3 => RelationTestPerson::__set_state(array( 'id' => '3', 'firstname' => 'Raymond', 'surname' => 'Socialweb', 'employer' => '1', )), ); $this->assertEquals( $res, $this->session->getRelatedObjects( $employer, "RelationTestPerson" ), "Related RelationTestPerson objects not fetched correctly." ); } public function testGetRelatedObjectsFromEmployer2Success() { $employer = $this->session->load( "RelationTestEmployer", 2 ); $res = array( 1 => RelationTestPerson::__set_state(array( 'id' => '1', 'firstname' => 'Theodor', 'surname' => 'Gopher', 'employer' => '2', )), ); $this->assertEquals( $res, $this->session->getRelatedObjects( $employer, "RelationTestPerson" ), "Related RelationTestPerson objects not fetched correctly." ); } public function testFindRelatedObjectsFromEmployer2Success() { $employer = $this->session->load( "RelationTestEmployer", 2 ); $q = $this->session->createRelationFindQuery( $employer, 'RelationTestPerson' ); $res = array( 1 => RelationTestPerson::__set_state(array( 'id' => '1', 'firstname' => 'Theodor', 'surname' => 'Gopher', 'employer' => '2', )), ); $this->assertEquals( $res, $this->session->find( $q ), "Related RelationTestPerson objects not fetched correctly." ); } public function testGetRelatedObjectFromEmployer1Success() { $employer = $this->session->load( "RelationTestEmployer", 1 ); $res = RelationTestPerson::__set_state(array( 'id' => '2', 'firstname' => 'Frederick', 'surname' => 'Ajax', 'employer' => '1', )); $this->assertEquals( $res, $this->session->getRelatedObject( $employer, "RelationTestPerson" ), "Related RelationTestPerson objects not fetched correctly." ); } public function testGetRelatedObjectFromEmployer2Success() { $employer = $this->session->load( "RelationTestEmployer", 2 ); $res = RelationTestPerson::__set_state(array( 'id' => '1', 'firstname' => 'Theodor', 'surname' => 'Gopher', 'employer' => '2', )); $this->assertEquals( $res, $this->session->getRelatedObject( $employer, "RelationTestPerson" ), "Related RelationTestPerson objects not fetched correctly." ); } public function testGetRelatedObjectFromEmployer3Failure() { $employer = $this->session->load( "RelationTestEmployer", 3 ); try { $this->session->getRelatedObject( $employer, "RelationTestPerson" ); } catch ( ezcPersistentRelatedObjectNotFoundException $e ) { return; } $this->fail( "Exception not thrown when getRelatedObject() does not find a record." ); } public function testAddRelatedPersonsToEmployer2Success() { $employer = $this->session->load( "RelationTestEmployer", 2 ); $persons[0] = new RelationTestPerson(); $persons[0]->setState( array( "firstname" => "Tobias", "surname" => "Preprocess", ) ); $persons[1] = new RelationTestPerson(); $persons[1]->setState( array( "firstname" => "Jan", "surname" => "Soap", ) ); foreach ( $persons as $person ) { $this->session->addRelatedObject( $employer, $person ); } $res = array ( 0 => RelationTestPerson::__set_state(array( 'id' => null, 'firstname' => 'Tobias', 'surname' => 'Preprocess', 'employer' => 2, )), 1 => RelationTestPerson::__set_state(array( 'id' => null, 'firstname' => 'Jan', 'surname' => 'Soap', 'employer' => 2, )), ); $this->assertEquals( $res, $persons, "Relation not established correctly" ); } public function testAddRelatedPersonToEmployer2Success() { $employer = $this->session->load( "RelationTestEmployer", 2 ); $person = new RelationTestPerson(); $person->setState( array( "firstname" => "Jan", "surname" => "Soap", ) ); $this->session->addRelatedObject( $employer, $person ); $res = RelationTestPerson::__set_state(array( 'id' => null, 'firstname' => 'Jan', 'surname' => 'Soap', 'employer' => 2, )); $this->assertEquals( $res, $person, "Relation not established correctly" ); } public function testAddRelatedPersonToEmployer2SaveSuccess() { $employer = $this->session->load( "RelationTestEmployer", 2 ); $person = new RelationTestPerson(); $person->setState( array( "firstname" => "Jan", "surname" => "Soap", ) ); $this->session->addRelatedObject( $employer, $person ); $this->session->save( $person ); $res = RelationTestPerson::__set_state(array( 'id' => 4, 'firstname' => 'Jan', 'surname' => 'Soap', 'employer' => 2, )); $this->assertEquals( $res, $person, "Relation not established correctly" ); } public function testAddRelatedObjectAddressFailureNonExsitentRelation() { $employer = $this->session->load( "RelationTestEmployer", 2 ); $address = new RelationTestAddress(); $address->setState( array( "street" => "Test road", "zip" => 12345, "city" => "Testing town", "type" => "private" ) ); try { $this->session->addRelatedObject( $employer, $address ); } catch ( ezcPersistentRelationNotFoundException $e ) { return; } $this->fail( "Exception not thrown on undefined relation." ); } public function testAddRelatedPersonsToEmployer2SaveSuccess() { $employer = $this->session->load( "RelationTestEmployer", 2 ); $persons[0] = new RelationTestPerson(); $persons[0]->setState( array( "firstname" => "Tobias", "surname" => "Preprocess", ) ); $persons[1] = new RelationTestPerson(); $persons[1]->setState( array( "firstname" => "Jan", "surname" => "Soap", ) ); foreach ( $persons as $person ) { $this->session->addRelatedObject( $employer, $person ); } foreach ( $persons as $person ) { $this->session->save( $person ); } $res = array( 0 => RelationTestPerson::__set_state(array( 'id' => 4, 'firstname' => 'Tobias', 'surname' => 'Preprocess', 'employer' => 2, )), 1 => RelationTestPerson::__set_state(array( 'id' => 5, 'firstname' => 'Jan', 'surname' => 'Soap', 'employer' => 2, )), ); $this->assertEquals( $res, $persons, "Relation not established correctly" ); } public function testRemoveRelatedObjectFromEmployer2Success() { $employer = $this->session->load( "RelationTestEmployer", 2 ); $person = $this->session->getRelatedObject( $employer, "RelationTestPerson" ); $this->session->removeRelatedObject( $employer, $person ); $res = RelationTestPerson::__set_state(array( 'id' => '1', 'firstname' => 'Theodor', 'surname' => 'Gopher', 'employer' => null, )); $this->assertEquals( $res, $person, "Related RelationTestPerson objects not removed correctly." ); } public function testRemoveRelatedPersonsFromEmployer1StoreSuccess() { $employer = $this->session->load( "RelationTestEmployer", 1 ); $persons = $this->session->getRelatedObjects( $employer, "RelationTestPerson" ); foreach ( $persons as $person ) { $this->session->removeRelatedObject( $employer, $person ); $this->session->update( $person ); } $res = array(); $this->assertEquals( $res, $this->session->getRelatedObjects( $employer, "RelationTestPerson" ), "Related RelationTestPerson objects not fetched correctly." ); } public function testDeleteEmployer2CascadePersonCascadeBirthdaySuccess() { $employer = $this->session->load( "RelationTestEmployer", 2 ); $persons = $this->session->getRelatedObjects( $employer, "RelationTestPerson" ); $this->session->delete( $employer ); foreach ( $persons as $person ) { // Check that the specific person got deleted $q = $this->session->createFindQuery( "RelationTestPerson" ); $q->where( $q->expr->eq( $this->session->database->quoteIdentifier( "id" ), $q->bindValue( $person->id ) ) ); $this->assertEquals( array(), $this->session->find( $q, "RelationTestPerson" ), "Cascade not performed correctly to RelationTestPerson on delete." ); // Check that all birthdays of the persons got deleted $q = $this->session->createFindQuery( "RelationTestBirthday" ); $q->where( $q->expr->eq( $this->session->database->quoteIdentifier( "person_id" ), $q->bindValue( $person->id ) ) ); $this->assertEquals( array(), $this->session->find( $q, "RelationTestBirthday" ), "Cascade not performed correctly to RelationTestBirthday on delete." ); // Check that all relations to addresses for the person got deleted $q = $this->session->database->createSelectQuery(); $q->select( "COUNT(*)" )->from( $this->session->database->quoteIdentifier( "PO_persons_addresses" ) ) ->where( $q->expr->eq( $this->session->database->quoteIdentifier( "person_id" ), $q->bindValue( $person->id ) ) ); $stmt = $q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $this->assertEquals( 0, $stmt->fetchColumn(), "ManyToMany relations not correctly removed on delete." ); unset( $q, $stmt ); } // Check that the other records are untouched $q = $this->session->database->createSelectQuery(); $q->select( "COUNT(*)" )->from( $this->session->database->quoteIdentifier( "PO_employers" ) ); $stmt = $q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $this->assertEquals( 2, $stmt->fetchColumn(), "Employer not correctly deleted directly." ); unset( $q, $stmt ); $q = $this->session->database->createSelectQuery(); $q->select( "COUNT(*)" )->from( $this->session->database->quoteIdentifier( "PO_persons" ) ); $stmt = $q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $this->assertEquals( 2, $stmt->fetchColumn(), "Persons cascaded from employer not deletec correctly." ); unset( $q, $stmt ); $q = $this->session->database->createSelectQuery(); $q->select( "COUNT(*)" )->from( $this->session->database->quoteIdentifier( "PO_persons_addresses" ) ); $stmt = $q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $this->assertEquals( 4, $stmt->fetchColumn(), "Relations from person to address not correctly removed." ); unset( $q, $stmt ); $q = $this->session->database->createSelectQuery(); $q->select( "COUNT(*)" )->from( $this->session->database->quoteIdentifier( "PO_birthdays" ) ); $stmt = $q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $this->assertEquals( 1, $stmt->fetchColumn(), "Birthdays cascaded from persons not correctly delted." ); } } ?>