saveInternal( $object ); } /** * Saves the persistent $object to the database using an UPDATE query. * * The object needs to have already a valid ID als described in its {@link * ezcPersistentObjectDefinition}. * * @throws ezcPersistentDefinitionNotFoundException * if $object is not of a valid persistent object type. * @throws ezcPersistentObjectNotPersistentException * if $object is not stored in the database already. * @throws ezcPersistentQueryException * if the UPDATE query fails. * * @param object $object */ public function update( $object ) { $this->updateInternal( $object ); } /** * Saves or updates the persistent object $object to the database. * * If the object is a new object an INSERT INTO query will be executed. If * the object is persistent already it will be updated with an UPDATE * query. * * @throws ezcPersistentDefinitionNotFoundException * if the definition of the persistent object could not be loaded. * @throws ezcPersistentObjectException * if $object is not of a valid persistent object type. * @throws ezcPersistentObjectException * if any of the definition requirements are not met. * @throws ezcPersistentObjectException * if the insert or update query failed. * @param object $object * @return void */ public function saveOrUpdate( $object ) { $class = get_class( $object ); $def = $this->definitionManager->fetchDefinition( $class ); $state = $this->session->getObjectState( $object ); // Fetch the id generator $idGenerator = null; // @todo: Missing else part! Should throw exception! if ( ezcBaseFeatures::classExists( $def->idProperty->generator->class ) ) { $idGenerator = new $def->idProperty->generator->class; if ( !( $idGenerator instanceof ezcPersistentIdentifierGenerator ) ) { throw new ezcPersistentIdentifierGenerationException( $class, "Could not initialize identifier generator: {$def->idProperty->generator->class}." ); } } if ( !$idGenerator->checkPersistence( $def, $this->database, $state ) ) { $this->saveInternal( $object, false, $idGenerator ); } else { $this->updateInternal( $object, false ); } } /** * Create a relation between $object and $relatedObject. * * This method is used to create a relation between the given source * $object and the desired $relatedObject. The related object is not stored * in the database automatically, only the desired properties are set. An * exception is {@ezcPersistentManyToManyRelation}s, where the relation * record is stored automatically and there is no need to store * $relatedObject explicitly after establishing the relation. * * If multiple relations are defined between the class of $object and the * one of $relatedObject, the $relationName is mandatory. * * @param object $object * @param object $relatedObject * @param string $relationName * * @throws ezcPersistentRelationOperationNotSupportedException * if a relation to create is marked as "reverse" {@link * ezcPersistentRelation->reverse}. * @throws ezcPersistentRelationNotFoundException * if the deisred relation is not defined. */ public function addRelatedObject( $object, $relatedObject, $relationName = null ) { $class = get_class( $object ); $relatedClass = get_class( $relatedObject ); $def = $this->definitionManager->fetchDefinition( $class ); $objectState = $this->session->getObjectState( $object ); $relatedObjectState = $this->session->getObjectState( $relatedObject ); // Sanity check if ( !isset( $def->relations[$relatedClass] ) ) { throw new ezcPersistentRelationNotFoundException( $class, $relatedClass ); } $relation = $def->relations[$relatedClass]; // New multi-relations for a single class if ( $relation instanceof ezcPersistentRelationCollection ) { if ( $relationName === null ) { throw new ezcPersistentUndeterministicRelationException( $relatedClass ); } if ( !isset( $relation[$relationName] ) ) { throw new ezcPersistentRelationNotFoundException( $class, $relatedClass, $relationName ); } $relation = $relation[$relationName]; } // Another sanity check if ( isset( $relation->reverse ) && $relation->reverse ) { throw new ezcPersistentRelationOperationNotSupportedException( $class, $relatedClass, __FUNCTION__, "Relation is a reverse relation." ); } $relatedDef = $this->definitionManager->fetchDefinition( $relatedClass ); switch ( get_class( $relation ) ) { case "ezcPersistentOneToManyRelation": // Not needed, already caught by sanity checks: // case "ezcPersistentManyToOneRelation": case "ezcPersistentOneToOneRelation": foreach ( $relation->columnMap as $map ) { $relatedObjectState[ $relatedDef->columns[$map->destinationColumn]->propertyName ] = $objectState[ $def->columns[$map->sourceColumn]->propertyName ]; } $relatedObject->setState( $relatedObjectState ); break; case "ezcPersistentManyToManyRelation": $this->insertRelationRecord( $relation, $def, $relatedDef, $objectState, $relatedObjectState ); break; } } /** * Returns an update query for the given persistent object $class. * * The query is initialized to update the correct table and * it is only neccessary to set the correct values. * * @throws ezcPersistentDefinitionNotFoundException * if there is no such persistent class. * * @param string $class * * @return ezcQueryUpdate */ public function createUpdateQuery( $class ) { $def = $this->definitionManager->fetchDefinition( $class ); $q = $this->database->createUpdateQuery(); $q->setAliases( $this->session->generateAliasMap( $def, false ) ); $q->update( $this->database->quoteIdentifier( $def->table ) ); return $q; } /** * Updates persistent objects using the query $query. * * The $query should be created using createUpdateQuery(). * * Currently this method only executes the provided query. Future * releases PersistentSession may introduce caching of persistent objects. * When caching is introduced it will be required to use this method to run * cusom delete queries. To avoid being incompatible with future releases it is * advisable to always use this method when running custom delete queries on * persistent objects. * * @throws ezcPersistentQueryException * if the update query failed. * * @param ezcQueryUpdate $query */ public function updateFromQuery( ezcQueryUpdate $query ) { $this->session->performQuery( $query, true ); } /** * Saves the new persistent object $object to the database using an INSERT INTO query. * * If $doPersistenceCheck is set this function will check if the object is persistent before * saving. If not, the check is omitted. The correct ID is set to $object. * * @throws ezcPersistentObjectException * if $object is not of a valid persistent object type. * @throws ezcPersistentObjectException * if $object is already stored to the database. * @throws ezcPersistentObjectException * if it was not possible to generate a unique identifier for the * new object. * @throws ezcPersistentObjectException * if the INSERT query failed. * * @param object $object * @param bool $doPersistenceCheck * @param ezcPersistentIdentifierGenerator $idGenerator */ private function saveInternal( $object, $doPersistenceCheck = true, ezcPersistentIdentifierGenerator $idGenerator = null ) { $class = get_class( $object ); $def = $this->definitionManager->fetchDefinition( $class ); $state = $this->filterAndCastState( $this->session->getObjectState( $object ), $def ); $idValue = $state[$def->idProperty->propertyName]; // Fetch the id generator. if ( $idGenerator === null && ezcBaseFeatures::classExists( $def->idProperty->generator->class ) ) // @todo: Missing else part, should throw an exception! { $idGenerator = new $def->idProperty->generator->class; if ( !( $idGenerator instanceof ezcPersistentIdentifierGenerator ) ) { throw new ezcPersistentIdentifierGenerationException( $class, "Could not initialize identifier generator: {$def->idProperty->generator->class}." ); } } if ( $doPersistenceCheck == true && $idGenerator->checkPersistence( $def, $this->database, $state ) ) { throw new ezcPersistentObjectAlreadyPersistentException( $class ); } // Set up and execute the query. $q = $this->database->createInsertQuery(); $q->insertInto( $this->database->quoteIdentifier( $def->table ) ); foreach ( $state as $name => $value ) { if ( $name !== $def->idProperty->propertyName ) { // Set each of the properties. $q->set( $this->database->quoteIdentifier( $def->properties[$name]->columnName ), $q->bindValue( $value, null, $def->properties[$name]->databaseType ) ); } } // Atomic operation $this->database->beginTransaction(); // Let presave id generator do its work. $idGenerator->preSave( $def, $this->database, $q ); // Execute the insert query try { $this->session->performQuery( $q ); } catch ( Exception $e ) { $this->database->rollback(); throw $e; } // Fetch the newly created ID, and set it to the objects ID property. $id = $idGenerator->postSave( $def, $this->database ); if ( $id === null ) { // Something must have went wrong, no ID generated. $this->database->rollback(); throw new ezcPersistentIdentifierGenerationException( $class ); } // Everything seems to be fine, lets commit the queries to the database // and update the object with its newly created ID. $this->database->commit(); $state[$def->idProperty->propertyName] = $id; $object->setState( $state ); } /** * Saves the new persistent $object to the database using an UPDATE query. * * If $doPersistenceCheck is set this function will check if the object is * persistent before saving. If not, the check is omitted. * * @throws ezcPersistentDefinitionNotFoundException * if $object is not of a valid persistent object type. * @throws ezcPersistentObjectNotPersistentException * if $object is not stored in the database already. * @throws ezcPersistentQueryException * if the UPDATE query failed. * * @param object $object * @param bool $doPersistenceCheck */ private function updateInternal( $object, $doPersistenceCheck = true ) { $class = get_class( $object ); $def = $this->definitionManager->fetchDefinition( $class ); $state = $this->filterAndCastState( $this->session->getObjectState( $object ), $def ); $idValue = $state[$def->idProperty->propertyName]; // Fetch the id generator $idGenerator = null; if ( ezcBaseFeatures::classExists( $def->idProperty->generator->class ) ) { $idGenerator = new $def->idProperty->generator->class; if ( !( $idGenerator instanceof ezcPersistentIdentifierGenerator ) ) { throw new ezcPersistentIdentifierGenerationException( $class, "Could not initialize identifier generator: {$def->idProperty->generator->class}." ); } } if ( $doPersistenceCheck == true && !$idGenerator->checkPersistence( $def, $this->database, $state ) ) { throw new ezcPersistentObjectNotPersistentException( $class ); } // Set up and execute the query $q = $this->database->createUpdateQuery(); $q->update( $this->database->quoteIdentifier( $def->table ) ); foreach ( $state as $name => $value ) { // Skip the id field. if ( $name != $def->idProperty->propertyName ) { // Set each of the properties. $q->set( $this->database->quoteIdentifier( $def->properties[$name]->columnName ), $q->bindValue( $value, null, $def->properties[$name]->databaseType ) ); } } $q->where( $q->expr->eq( $this->database->quoteIdentifier( $def->idProperty->columnName ), $q->bindValue( $idValue, null, $def->idProperty->databaseType ) ) ); $this->session->performQuery( $q, true ); } /** * Filters out all properties not in the definition and casts the * values to native PHP types. * * @param array(string=>string) $state * @param ezcPersistentObjectDefinition $def * @return array(string=>mixed) */ private function filterAndCastState( array $state, ezcPersistentObjectDefinition $def ) { $typedState = array(); foreach ( $state as $name => $value ) { $type = null; if ( $name === $def->idProperty->propertyName ) { $type = $def->idProperty->propertyType; // ID property has no conversion. $conv = null; } else { if ( !isset( $def->properties[$name] ) ) { // Unknown property continue; } $type = $def->properties[$name]->propertyType; $conv = $def->properties[$name]->converter; } if ( !is_null( $value ) ) { // First convert back from complex type. if ( !is_null( $conv ) ) { $value = $conv->toDatabase( $value ); } // Then cast simple type. switch ( $type ) { case ezcPersistentObjectProperty::PHP_TYPE_INT: $value = (int) $value; break; case ezcPersistentObjectProperty::PHP_TYPE_FLOAT: $value = (float) $value; break; case ezcPersistentObjectProperty::PHP_TYPE_BOOL: $value = (bool) $value; break; case ezcPersistentObjectProperty::PHP_TYPE_STRING: $value = (string) $value; break; } } $typedState[$name] = $value; } return $typedState; } /** * Inserts the relation record for a many-to-many relation. * * @param ezcPersistentManyToManyRelation $relation * @param ezcPersistentObjectDefinition $def * @param ezcPersistentObjectDefinition $relatedDef * @param array $objectState * @param array $relatedObjectState */ private function insertRelationRecord( ezcPersistentManyToManyRelation $relation, ezcPersistentObjectDefinition $def, ezcPersistentObjectDefinition $relatedDef, array $objectState, array $relatedObjectState ) { $q = $this->database->createInsertQuery(); $q->insertInto( $this->database->quoteIdentifier( $relation->relationTable ) ); $insertColumns = array(); foreach ( $relation->columnMap as $map ) { if ( !in_array( $map->relationSourceColumn, $insertColumns ) ) { $q->set( $this->database->quoteIdentifier( $map->relationSourceColumn ), $q->bindValue( $objectState[ $def->columns[$map->sourceColumn]->propertyName ], null, $def->columns[$map->sourceColumn]->databaseType ) ); $insertColumns[] = $map->relationSourceColumn; } if ( !in_array( $map->relationDestinationColumn, $insertColumns ) ) { $q->set( $this->database->quoteIdentifier( $map->relationDestinationColumn ), $q->bindValue( $relatedObjectState[ $relatedDef->columns[$map->destinationColumn]->propertyName ], null, $relatedDef->columns[$map->destinationColumn]->databaseType ) ); $insertColumns[] = $map->relationDestinationColumn; } } $this->session->performQuery( $q, true ); } } ?>