parts[] = $part; } public function multipartType() { return 'Test'; } } /** * @package Mail * @subpackage Tests */ class ezcMailMultipartTest extends ezcTestCase { private $multipart; public function setUp() { $this->multipart = new TestMultipart(); } /** * Tests if the properties work correctly */ public function testProperties() { $this->assertSetPropertyFails( $this->multipart, "does_not_exist", array( 42 ) ); $this->assertSetProperty( $this->multipart, "boundary", array( "testvalue" ) ); } /** * Test if the ContentType header is correctly set */ public function testContentType() { $this->multipart->boundary = "LeChuck"; $expected = 'multipart/Test; boundary="LeChuck"'; $this->assertEquals( $expected, $this->multipart->getHeader( 'Content-Type' ) ); } /** * Tests if creating two Multiparts in rapid succession creates different boundaries */ public function testMultipleBoundaries() { $part1 = new TestMultipart(); $part2 = new TestMultipart(); if ( $part1->boundary === $part2->boundary ) { $this->fail( "Multiparts got same boundary" ); } } /** * Tests generating a multipart */ public function testGenerate() { $this->multipart->addPart( new ezcMailText( "Look behind you, a three headed monkey!." ) ); $this->multipart->addPart( new ezcMailText( "Ask me about Loom(tm)" ) ); $this->multipart->addPart( new ezcMailText( "Whew, a rubber tree" ) ); $this->multipart->boundary = "pirate"; $this->assertEquals( file_get_contents( dirname( __FILE__) . "/data/" ), $this->multipart->generate() ); } public static function suite() { return new ezcTestSuite( "ezcMailMultipartTest" ); } } ?>