eZ component: Graph: Interactive data points, Requirements ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :Author: $Author$ :Revision: $Rev$ :Date: $Date$ Introduction ============ Description ----------- Interactive data points describe a feature in charts, that the viewer of the chart can interactively get more information about data, when viewing the chart, or moving his mouse pointer over points of interest in the chart. Requirements ============ There are two major sets of features to implement Value indication ---------------- The value indication means, that at the position of the mouse pointer lines are drawn, depeding on the chart type, to indicate the current data value at this poistion in the chart. In a line chart this would mean a horizontal and a vertical line to the axis and some coordinate information at the current position of the mouse pointer, while in radar chart a line to the center of the chart and an ellipse, indicating the value on the y axis, needs to be drawn. SVG No real problem. GD / Cairo / IMagick Not possible without large effort. Flash No really big deal with flash and ext/ming. Additional data point information --------------------------------- When hovering or clicking on a data point or a legenda ite, a box with additional information should be displayed. The box should contain text or user defined content. SVG With only user defined inlined SVGs or Text in a box no big deal. GD / Cairo / IMagick With a tool script generating HTML and javascript to use with the image map, it should be possible to use HTML and text in boxes. This is similar to the currently used mechanism to create image maps. Flash Possible with user provided SWFMovies or shapes. Special consideration ===================== It is impossible to implement natively more then simple text in a box for the additional information in highlighted data points, because this would require a complete redering model like HTML uses. Formats ======= The integration of HTML, Flash or SVG documents should be possible, but would be a non driver generic mechanism. It seems not easily possible to convert user defined Flash, HTML and SVG to the respective other format. .. Local Variables: mode: rst fill-column: 79 End: vim: et syn=rst tw=79