tempDir = $this->createTempDir( __CLASS__ . sprintf( '_%03d_', ++$i ) ) . '/'; $this->basePath = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/data/'; } protected function tearDown() { unset( $this->driver ); if ( !$this->hasFailed() ) { $this->removeTempDir(); } } public function testSetGeneralFont() { $chart = new ezcGraphPieChart(); $chart->options->font->path = $this->basePath . 'font.ttf'; $this->assertTrue( $chart->options->font instanceof ezcGraphFontOptions, 'No fontOptions object was created.' ); $this->assertEquals( $this->basePath . 'font.ttf', $chart->options->font->path, 'Font face was not properly assigned.' ); $this->assertEquals( 6, $chart->options->font->minFontSize, 'Deafult minimum font size invalid.' ); } public function testGetGeneralFontForElement() { $chart = new ezcGraphPieChart(); $chart->options->font->path = $this->basePath . 'font.ttf'; $this->assertTrue( $chart->legend->font instanceof ezcGraphFontOptions, 'No fontOptions object was created.' ); $this->assertEquals( $this->basePath . 'font.ttf', $chart->legend->font->path, 'Font face was not properly assigned.' ); } public function testSetFontForElement() { $chart = new ezcGraphLineChart(); $chart->options->font->path = $this->basePath . 'font.ttf'; $chart->legend->font->path = $this->basePath . 'font2.ttf'; $this->assertEquals( $this->basePath . 'font.ttf', $chart->options->font->path, 'General font face should be the old one.' ); $this->assertEquals( $this->basePath . 'font.ttf', $chart->title->font->path, 'Font face for X axis should be the old one.' ); $this->assertTrue( $chart->legend->font instanceof ezcGraphFontOptions, 'No fontOptions object was created.' ); $this->assertEquals( $this->basePath . 'font2.ttf', $chart->legend->font->path, 'Font face for legend has not changed.' ); } public function testSetFontForElementWithRendering() { $chart = new ezcGraphLineChart(); $chart->data['sampleData'] = new ezcGraphArrayDataSet( array( 'sample 1' => 234, 'sample 2' => 21, 'sample 3' => 324, 'sample 4' => 120, 'sample 5' => 1) ); $chart->options->font->path = $this->basePath . 'font.ttf'; $chart->legend->font->path = $this->basePath . 'font2.ttf'; $chart->render( 500, 200 ); $this->assertEquals( $this->basePath . 'font.ttf', $chart->options->font->path, 'General font face should be the old one.' ); $this->assertEquals( $this->basePath . 'font.ttf', $chart->title->font->path, 'Font face for X axis should be the old one.' ); $this->assertTrue( $chart->legend->font instanceof ezcGraphFontOptions, 'No fontOptions object was created.' ); $this->assertEquals( $this->basePath . 'font2.ttf', $chart->legend->font->path, 'Font face for legend has not changed.' ); } public function testTTFFontType() { $chart = new ezcGraphLineChart(); $chart->options->font->path = $this->basePath . 'font.ttf'; $this->assertSame( $chart->options->font->type, ezcGraph::TTF_FONT, 'Font type is not TTF.' ); } public function testPSFontType() { $chart = new ezcGraphLineChart(); $chart->options->font->path = $this->basePath . 'ps_font.pfb'; $this->assertSame( $chart->options->font->type, ezcGraph::PS_FONT, 'Font type is not TTF.' ); } public function testUnknownFontType() { $chart = new ezcGraphLineChart(); try { $chart->options->font->path = $this->basePath . 'ez.png'; } catch ( ezcGraphUnknownFontTypeException $e ) { return true; } $this->fail( 'Expected ezcGraphUnknownFontTypeException.' ); } public function testFontOptionsPropertyName() { $options = new ezcGraphFontOptions(); $this->assertSame( 'sans-serif', $options->name, 'Wrong default value for property name in class ezcGraphFontOptions' ); $options->name = 'serif'; $this->assertSame( 'serif', $options->name, 'Setting property value did not work for property name in class ezcGraphFontOptions' ); try { $options->name = false; } catch ( ezcBaseValueException $e ) { return true; } $this->fail( 'Expected ezcBaseValueException.' ); } public function testFontOptionsPropertyPath() { $options = new ezcGraphFontOptions(); try { $catched = false; $options->path; } catch ( ezcBaseFileNotFoundException $e ) { $catched = true; $this->assertEquals( $e->getMessage(), 'The font file \'\' could not be found.', 'Wrong default content mentioned in exception.' ); } if ( !$catched ) { $this->fail( 'Expected ezcBaseFileNotFoundException.' ); } $options->path = $file = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/data/font2.ttf'; $this->assertSame( $file, $options->path, 'Setting property value did not work for property path in class ezcGraphFontOptions' ); try { $options->path = false; } catch ( ezcBaseFileNotFoundException $e ) { return true; } $this->fail( 'Expected ezcBaseFileNotFoundException.' ); } public function testFontOptionsPropertyType() { $options = new ezcGraphFontOptions(); $this->assertSame( ezcGraph::TTF_FONT, $options->type, 'Wrong default value for property type in class ezcGraphFontOptions' ); $options->type = ezcGraph::PS_FONT; $this->assertSame( ezcGraph::PS_FONT, $options->type, 'Setting property value did not work for property type in class ezcGraphFontOptions' ); try { $options->type = false; } catch ( ezcBaseValueException $e ) { return true; } $this->fail( 'Expected ezcBaseValueException.' ); } public function testFontOptionsPropertyMinFontSize() { $options = new ezcGraphFontOptions(); $this->assertSame( 6, $options->minFontSize, 'Wrong default value for property minFontSize in class ezcGraphFontOptions' ); $options->minFontSize = 8; $this->assertSame( 8., $options->minFontSize, 'Setting property value did not work for property minFontSize in class ezcGraphFontOptions' ); try { $options->minFontSize = false; } catch ( ezcBaseValueException $e ) { return true; } $this->fail( 'Expected ezcBaseValueException.' ); } public function testFontOptionsPropertyMaxFontSize() { $options = new ezcGraphFontOptions(); $this->assertSame( 96, $options->maxFontSize, 'Wrong default value for property maxFontSize in class ezcGraphFontOptions' ); $options->maxFontSize = 12; $this->assertSame( 12., $options->maxFontSize, 'Setting property value did not work for property maxFontSize in class ezcGraphFontOptions' ); try { $options->maxFontSize = false; } catch ( ezcBaseValueException $e ) { return true; } $this->fail( 'Expected ezcBaseValueException.' ); } public function testFontOptionsPropertyMinimalUsedFont() { $options = new ezcGraphFontOptions(); $this->assertSame( 96, $options->minimalUsedFont, 'Wrong default value for property minimalUsedFont in class ezcGraphFontOptions' ); $options->minimalUsedFont = 24; $this->assertSame( 24., $options->minimalUsedFont, 'Setting property value did not work for property minimalUsedFont in class ezcGraphFontOptions' ); $options->minimalUsedFont = 36.; $this->assertSame( 24., $options->minimalUsedFont, 'Setting property value did not work for property minimalUsedFont in class ezcGraphFontOptions' ); } public function testFontOptionsPropertyColor() { $options = new ezcGraphFontOptions(); $this->assertEquals( ezcGraphColor::fromHex( '#000000' ), $options->color, 'Wrong default value for property color in class ezcGraphFontOptions' ); $options->color = $color = ezcGraphColor::fromHex( '#FFFFFF' ); $this->assertSame( $color, $options->color, 'Setting property value did not work for property color in class ezcGraphFontOptions' ); try { $options->color = false; } catch ( ezcGraphUnknownColorDefinitionException $e ) { return true; } $this->fail( 'Expected ezcGraphUnknownColorDefinitionException.' ); } public function testFontOptionsPropertyBackground() { $options = new ezcGraphFontOptions(); $this->assertSame( false, $options->background, 'Wrong default value for property background in class ezcGraphFontOptions' ); $options->background = $color = ezcGraphColor::fromHex( '#FFFFFF' ); $this->assertSame( $color, $options->background, 'Setting property value did not work for property background in class ezcGraphFontOptions' ); try { $options->background = false; } catch ( ezcGraphUnknownColorDefinitionException $e ) { return true; } $this->fail( 'Expected ezcGraphUnknownColorDefinitionException.' ); } public function testFontOptionsPropertyBorder() { $options = new ezcGraphFontOptions(); $this->assertSame( false, $options->border, 'Wrong default value for property border in class ezcGraphFontOptions' ); $options->border = $color = ezcGraphColor::fromHex( '#FFFFFF' ); $this->assertSame( $color, $options->border, 'Setting property value did not work for property border in class ezcGraphFontOptions' ); try { $options->border = false; } catch ( ezcGraphUnknownColorDefinitionException $e ) { return true; } $this->fail( 'Expected ezcGraphUnknownColorDefinitionException.' ); } public function testFontOptionsPropertyBorderWidth() { $options = new ezcGraphFontOptions(); $this->assertSame( 1, $options->borderWidth, 'Wrong default value for property borderWidth in class ezcGraphFontOptions' ); $options->borderWidth = 2; $this->assertSame( 2, $options->borderWidth, 'Setting property value did not work for property borderWidth in class ezcGraphFontOptions' ); try { $options->borderWidth = false; } catch ( ezcBaseValueException $e ) { return true; } $this->fail( 'Expected ezcBaseValueException.' ); } public function testFontOptionsPropertyPadding() { $options = new ezcGraphFontOptions(); $this->assertSame( 0, $options->padding, 'Wrong default value for property padding in class ezcGraphFontOptions' ); $options->padding = 1; $this->assertSame( 1, $options->padding, 'Setting property value did not work for property padding in class ezcGraphFontOptions' ); try { $options->padding = false; } catch ( ezcBaseValueException $e ) { return true; } $this->fail( 'Expected ezcBaseValueException.' ); } public function testFontOptionsPropertyMinimizeBorder() { $options = new ezcGraphFontOptions(); $this->assertSame( true, $options->minimizeBorder, 'Wrong default value for property minimizeBorder in class ezcGraphFontOptions' ); $options->minimizeBorder = false; $this->assertSame( false, $options->minimizeBorder, 'Setting property value did not work for property minimizeBorder in class ezcGraphFontOptions' ); try { $options->minimizeBorder = 42; } catch ( ezcBaseValueException $e ) { return true; } $this->fail( 'Expected ezcBaseValueException.' ); } public function testFontOptionsPropertyTextShadow() { $options = new ezcGraphFontOptions(); $this->assertSame( false, $options->textShadow, 'Wrong default value for property textShadow in class ezcGraphFontOptions' ); $options->textShadow = true; $this->assertSame( true, $options->textShadow, 'Setting property value did not work for property textShadow in class ezcGraphFontOptions' ); try { $options->textShadow = 42; } catch ( ezcBaseValueException $e ) { return true; } $this->fail( 'Expected ezcBaseValueException.' ); } public function testFontOptionsPropertyTextShadowOffset() { $options = new ezcGraphFontOptions(); $this->assertSame( 1, $options->textShadowOffset, 'Wrong default value for property textShadowOffset in class ezcGraphFontOptions' ); $options->textShadowOffset = 2; $this->assertSame( 2, $options->textShadowOffset, 'Setting property value did not work for property textShadowOffset in class ezcGraphFontOptions' ); try { $options->textShadowOffset = false; } catch ( ezcBaseValueException $e ) { return true; } $this->fail( 'Expected ezcBaseValueException.' ); } public function testFontOptionsPropertyTextShadowColor() { $options = new ezcGraphFontOptions(); $this->assertEquals( ezcGraphColor::fromHex( '#FFFFFF' ), $options->textShadowColor, 'Wrong default value for property textShadowColor in class ezcGraphFontOptions' ); $options->textShadowColor = $color = ezcGraphColor::fromHex( '#CCCCCC' ); $this->assertSame( $color, $options->textShadowColor, 'Setting property value did not work for property textShadowColor in class ezcGraphFontOptions' ); try { $options->textShadowColor = false; } catch ( ezcGraphUnknownColorDefinitionException $e ) { return true; } $this->fail( 'Expected ezcGraphUnknownColorDefinitionException.' ); } public function testPropertyNotFoundException() { $options = new ezcGraphFontOptions(); try { $options->unknown = 42; } catch ( ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException $e ) { return true; } $this->fail( 'Expected ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException.' ); } public function testUTF8SpecialCharsSVG() { $filename = $this->tempDir . __FUNCTION__ . '.svg'; $driver = new ezcGraphSvgDriver(); $driver->options->width = 200; $driver->options->height = 100; $driver->drawPolygon( array( new ezcGraphCoordinate( 10, 10 ), new ezcGraphCoordinate( 160, 10 ), new ezcGraphCoordinate( 160, 80 ), new ezcGraphCoordinate( 10, 80 ), ), ezcGraphColor::fromHex( '#eeeeec' ), true ); $driver->drawTextBox( 'öäüÖÄÜß', new ezcGraphCoordinate( 10, 10 ), 150, 70, ezcGraph::LEFT ); $driver->render( $filename ); $this->compare( $filename, $this->basePath . 'compare/' . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.svg' ); } public function testISO_8859_15SpecialCharsSVG() { $filename = $this->tempDir . __FUNCTION__ . '.svg'; $driver = new ezcGraphSvgDriver(); $driver->options->width = 200; $driver->options->height = 100; $driver->options->encoding = 'ISO-8859-15'; $driver->drawPolygon( array( new ezcGraphCoordinate( 10, 10 ), new ezcGraphCoordinate( 160, 10 ), new ezcGraphCoordinate( 160, 80 ), new ezcGraphCoordinate( 10, 80 ), ), ezcGraphColor::fromHex( '#eeeeec' ), true ); $driver->drawTextBox( iconv( 'UTF-8', 'ISO-8859-15', 'öäüÖÄÜß' ), new ezcGraphCoordinate( 10, 10 ), 150, 70, ezcGraph::LEFT ); $driver->render( $filename ); $this->compare( $filename, $this->basePath . 'compare/' . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.svg' ); } public function testUTF8SpecialCharsGD() { $filename = $this->tempDir . __FUNCTION__ . '.png'; $driver = new ezcGraphGdDriver(); $driver->options->font->path = $this->basePath . 'font.ttf'; $driver->options->width = 200; $driver->options->height = 100; $driver->drawPolygon( array( new ezcGraphCoordinate( 10, 10 ), new ezcGraphCoordinate( 160, 10 ), new ezcGraphCoordinate( 160, 80 ), new ezcGraphCoordinate( 10, 80 ), ), ezcGraphColor::fromHex( '#eeeeec' ), true ); $return = $driver->drawTextBox( 'öäüÖÄÜß', new ezcGraphCoordinate( 10, 10 ), 150, 70, ezcGraph::LEFT ); $driver->render( $filename ); $this->assertImageSimilar( $filename, $this->basePath . 'compare/' . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png', 'Image does not look as expected.', 2000 ); } public function testISO_8859_15SpecialCharsGD() { $filename = $this->tempDir . __FUNCTION__ . '.png'; $driver = new ezcGraphGdDriver(); $driver->options->font->path = $this->basePath . 'font.ttf'; $driver->options->width = 200; $driver->options->height = 100; $driver->drawPolygon( array( new ezcGraphCoordinate( 10, 10 ), new ezcGraphCoordinate( 160, 10 ), new ezcGraphCoordinate( 160, 80 ), new ezcGraphCoordinate( 10, 80 ), ), ezcGraphColor::fromHex( '#eeeeec' ), true ); $return = $driver->drawTextBox( iconv( 'UTF-8', 'ISO-8859-15', 'öäüÖÄÜß' ), new ezcGraphCoordinate( 10, 10 ), 150, 70, ezcGraph::LEFT ); $driver->render( $filename ); $this->assertImageSimilar( $filename, $this->basePath . 'compare/' . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png', 'Image does not look as expected.', 2000 ); } public function testUTF8SpecialCharsFlash() { $this->fail( 'No support for UTF-8 chars in SWFTextField. SWFText is not usable by driver for other reasons.' ); $filename = $this->tempDir . __FUNCTION__ . '.swf'; $driver = new ezcGraphFlashDriver(); $driver->options->font->path = $this->basePath . 'fdb_font.fdb'; $driver->options->width = 200; $driver->options->height = 100; $driver->drawPolygon( array( new ezcGraphCoordinate( 10, 10 ), new ezcGraphCoordinate( 160, 10 ), new ezcGraphCoordinate( 160, 80 ), new ezcGraphCoordinate( 10, 80 ), ), ezcGraphColor::fromHex( '#eeeeec' ), true ); $driver->drawTextBox( 'öäüÖÄÜß', new ezcGraphCoordinate( 10, 10 ), 150, 70, ezcGraph::LEFT ); $driver->render( $filename ); $this->swfCompare( $filename, $this->basePath . 'compare/' . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.swf' ); } public function testISO_8859_15SpecialCharsFlash() { if ( !ezcBaseFeatures::hasExtensionSupport( "ming" ) ) { $this->markTestSkipped( "ext/ming not found" ); } $filename = $this->tempDir . __FUNCTION__ . '.swf'; $driver = new ezcGraphFlashDriver(); $driver->options->font->path = $this->basePath . 'fdb_font.fdb'; $driver->options->width = 200; $driver->options->height = 100; $driver->drawPolygon( array( new ezcGraphCoordinate( 10, 10 ), new ezcGraphCoordinate( 160, 10 ), new ezcGraphCoordinate( 160, 80 ), new ezcGraphCoordinate( 10, 80 ), ), ezcGraphColor::fromHex( '#eeeeec' ), true ); $driver->drawTextBox( iconv( 'UTF-8', 'ISO-8859-15', 'öäüÖÄÜß' ), new ezcGraphCoordinate( 10, 10 ), 150, 70, ezcGraph::LEFT ); $driver->render( $filename ); $this->swfCompare( $filename, $this->basePath . 'compare/' . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.swf' ); } } ?>