rows = max( 1, (int) $rows ); $this->columns = max( 1, (int) $columns ); if ( $values !== null ) { $this->fromArray( $values ); } else { $this->init(); } } /** * Create matrix from array * * Use an array with float values to set matrix values. * * @param array $values Array with values * @return ezcGraphMatrix Modified matrix */ public function fromArray( array $values ) { for ( $i = 0; $i < $this->rows; ++$i ) { for ( $j = 0; $j < $this->columns; ++$j ) { $this->matrix[$i][$j] = ( isset( $values[$i][$j] ) ? (float) $values[$i][$j] : 0 ); } } return $this; } /** * Init matrix * * Sets matrix to identity matrix. * * @return ezcGraphMatrix Modified matrix */ public function init() { for ( $i = 0; $i < $this->rows; ++$i ) { for ( $j = 0; $j < $this->columns; ++$j ) { $this->matrix[$i][$j] = ( $i === $j ? 1 : 0 ); } } return $this; } /** * Returns number of rows * * @return int Number of rows */ public function rows() { return $this->rows; } /** * Returns number of columns * * @return int Number of columns */ public function columns() { return $this->columns; } /** * Get a single matrix value * * Returns the value of the matrix at the given position * * @param int $i Column * @param int $j Row * @return float Matrix value */ public function get( $i, $j ) { if ( ( $i < 0 ) || ( $i >= $this->rows ) || ( $j < 0 ) || ( $j >= $this->columns ) ) { throw new ezcGraphMatrixOutOfBoundingsException( $this->rows, $this->columns, $i, $j ); } return ( !isset( $this->matrix[$i][$j] ) ? .0 : $this->matrix[$i][$j] ); } /** * Set a single matrix value * * Sets the value of the matrix at the given position. * * @param int $i Column * @param int $j Row * @param float $value Value * @return ezcGraphMatrix Updated matrix */ public function set( $i, $j, $value ) { if ( ( $i < 0 ) || ( $i >= $this->rows ) || ( $j < 0 ) || ( $j >= $this->columns ) ) { throw new ezcGraphMatrixOutOfBoundingsException( $this->rows, $this->columns, $i, $j ); } $this->matrix[$i][$j] = $value; return $this; } /** * Adds one matrix to the current one * * Calculate the sum of two matrices and returns the resulting matrix. * * @param ezcGraphMatrix $matrix Matrix to sum with * @return ezcGraphMatrix Result matrix */ public function add( ezcGraphMatrix $matrix ) { if ( ( $this->rows !== $matrix->rows() ) || ( $this->columns !== $matrix->columns() ) ) { throw new ezcGraphMatrixInvalidDimensionsException( $this->rows, $this->columns, $matrix->rows(), $matrix->columns() ); } for ( $i = 0; $i < $this->rows; ++$i ) { for ( $j = 0; $j < $this->columns; ++$j ) { $this->matrix[$i][$j] += $matrix->get( $i, $j ); } } return $this; } /** * Subtracts matrix from current one * * Calculate the diffenrence of two matices and returns the result matrix. * * @param ezcGraphMatrix $matrix subtrahend * @return ezcGraphMatrix Result matrix */ public function diff( ezcGraphMatrix $matrix ) { if ( ( $this->rows !== $matrix->rows() ) || ( $this->columns !== $matrix->columns() ) ) { throw new ezcGraphMatrixInvalidDimensionsException( $this->rows, $this->columns, $matrix->rows(), $matrix->columns() ); } for ( $i = 0; $i < $this->rows; ++$i ) { for ( $j = 0; $j < $this->columns; ++$j ) { $this->matrix[$i][$j] -= $matrix->get( $i, $j ); } } return $this; } /** * Scalar multiplication * * Multiplies matrix with the given scalar and returns the result matrix * * @param float $scalar Scalar * @return ezcGraphMatrix Result matrix */ public function scalar( $scalar ) { $scalar = (float) $scalar; for ( $i = 0; $i < $this->rows; ++$i ) { for ( $j = 0; $j < $this->columns; ++$j ) { $this->matrix[$i][$j] *= $scalar; } } } /** * Transpose matrix * * @return ezcGraphMatrix Transposed matrix */ public function transpose() { $matrix = clone $this; $this->rows = $matrix->columns(); $this->columns = $matrix->rows(); $this->matrix = array(); for ( $i = 0; $i < $this->rows; ++$i ) { for ( $j = 0; $j < $this->columns; ++$j ) { $this->matrix[$i][$j] = $matrix->get( $j, $i ); } } return $this; } /** * Multiplies two matrices * * Multiply current matrix with another matrix and returns the result * matrix. * * @param ezcGraphMatrix $matrix Second factor * @returns ezcGraphMatrix Result matrix */ public function multiply( ezcGraphMatrix $matrix ) { $mColumns = $matrix->columns(); if ( $this->columns !== ( $mRows = $matrix->rows() ) ) { throw new ezcGraphMatrixInvalidDimensionsException( $this->columns, $this->rows, $mColumns, $mRows ); } $result = new ezcGraphMatrix( $this->rows, $mColumns ); for ( $i = 0; $i < $this->rows; ++$i ) { for ( $j = 0; $j < $mColumns; ++$j ) { $sum = 0; for ( $k = 0; $k < $mRows; ++$k ) { $sum += $this->matrix[$i][$k] * $matrix->get( $k, $j ); } $result->set( $i, $j, $sum ); } } return $result; } /** * Solve nonlinear equatation * * Tries to solve equatation given by two matrices, with assumption, that: * A * x = B * where $this is A, and the paramenter B. x is cosnidered as a vector * x = ( x^n, x^(n-1), ..., x^2, x, 1 ) * * Will return a polynomial solution for x. * * See: * * @param ezcGraphMatrix $matrix B * @return ezcGraphPolygon Solution of equatation */ public function solveNonlinearEquatation( ezcGraphMatrix $matrix ) { // Build complete equatation $equatation = new ezcGraphMatrix( $this->rows, $columns = ( $this->columns + 1 ) ); for ( $i = 0; $i < $this->rows; ++$i ) { for ( $j = 0; $j < $this->columns; ++$j ) { $equatation->set( $i, $j, $this->matrix[$i][$j] ); } $equatation->set( $i, $this->columns, $matrix->get( $i, 0 ) ); } // Compute upper triangular matrix on left side of equatation for ( $i = 0; $i < ( $this->rows - 1 ); ++$i ) { for ( $j = $i + 1; $j < $this->rows; ++$j ) { if ( $equatation->get( $j, $i ) !== 0 ) { if ( $equatation->get( $j, $i ) == 0 ) { $factor = 0; } else { $factor = -( $equatation->get( $i, $i ) / $equatation->get( $j, $i ) ); } for ( $k = $i; $k < $columns; ++$k ) { $equatation->set( $j, $k, $equatation->get( $i, $k ) + $factor * $equatation->get( $j, $k ) ); } } } } // Normalize values on left side matrix diagonale for ( $i = 0; $i < $this->rows; ++$i ) { if ( ( ( $value = $equatation->get( $i, $i ) ) != 1 ) && ( $value != 0 ) ) { $factor = 1 / $value; for ( $k = $i; $k < $columns; ++$k ) { $equatation->set( $i, $k, $equatation->get( $i, $k ) * $factor ); } } } // Build up solving polynom $polynom = new ezcGraphPolynom(); for ( $i = ( $this->rows - 1 ); $i >= 0; --$i ) { for ( $j = $i + 1; $j < $this->columns; ++$j ) { $equatation->set( $i, $this->columns, $equatation->get( $i, $this->columns ) + ( -$equatation->get( $i, $j ) * $polynom->get( $j ) ) ); $equatation->set( $i, $j, 0 ); } $polynom->set( $i, $equatation->get( $i, $this->columns ) ); } return $polynom; } /** * Build LR decomposition from matrix * * Use Cholesky-Crout algorithm to get LR decomposition of the current * matrix. * * Will return an array with two matrices: * array( * 'l' => (ezcGraphMatrix) $left, * 'r' => (ezcGraphMatrix) $right, * ) * * @return array( ezcGraphMatrix ) */ public function LRdecomposition() { /** * Use Cholesky-Crout algorithm to get LR decomposition * * Input: Matrix A ($this) * * For i = 1 To n * For j = i To n * R(i,j)=A(i,j) * For k = 1 TO i-1 * R(i,j)-=L(i,k)*R(k,j) * end * end * For j=i+1 To n * L(j,i)= A(j,i) * For k = 1 TO i-1 * L(j,i)-=L(j,k)*R(k,i) * end * L(j,i)/=R(i,i) * end * end * * Output: matrices L,R */ $l = new ezcGraphMatrix( $this->columns, $this->rows ); $r = new ezcGraphMatrix( $this->columns, $this->rows ); for ( $i = 0; $i < $this->columns; ++$i ) { for ( $j = $i; $j < $this->rows; ++$j ) { $r->set( $i, $j, $this->matrix[$i][$j] ); for ( $k = 0; $k <= ( $i - 1 ); ++$k ) { $r->set( $i, $j, $r->get( $i, $j ) - $l->get( $i, $k ) * $r->get( $k, $j ) ); } } for ( $j = $i + 1; $j < $this->rows; ++$j ) { $l->set( $j, $i, $this->matrix[$j][$i] ); for ( $k = 0; $k <= ( $i - 1 ); ++$k ) { $l->set( $j, $i, $l->get( $j, $i ) - $l->get( $j, $k ) * $r->get( $k, $i ) ); } $l->set( $j, $i, $l->get( $j, $i ) / $r->get( $i, $i ) ); } } return array( 'l' => $l, 'r' => $r, ); } /** * Returns a string representation of the matrix * * @return string */ public function __toString() { $string = sprintf( "%d x %d matrix:\n", $this->rows, $this->columns ); for ( $i = 0; $i < $this->rows; ++$i ) { $string .= '| '; for ( $j = 0; $j < $this->columns; ++$j ) { $string .= sprintf( '%04.2f ', $this->get( $i, $j ) ); } $string .= "|\n"; } return $string; } } ?>