eZ publish Enterprise Component: EventLog, Design ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Introduction ============ Purpose of the EventLog package ------------------------------- A set of classes that handles different kinds of logging methods. Provided methods include a file based logger that also supports log-rotations and a database based logging engine. Each logging engine is build as a handler to minimize external dependencies. We will also try to make the functionality general enough so it can be used to do event logging and create audit trails. Current implementation ---------------------- The current implementation is limited to write simple log messages to a file only. The log files can be rotated whenever a specific (hard-coded) log size is exceeded. Requirements ============ Messages -------- *Message* The message that should be written to the output or log. *eventType* The eventType defines the type of the log message. Possible event types are: * Debug * Notice * Warning * Error * Fatal *eventSource* The source where the debug message originates from. For example group them on the module you're currently in. *eventCategory* The category of the debug message. For some debug messages it may make sense to categorize them. If the message shouldn't be categorized, then this message can be left out. For audit trailing the category will describe the type of user action. For example: Edit, Publish, login/logout, etc. *extraInfo* Additional types can be added. For example the file and line number. Log writers ----------- By default a file and database writer will be available. Depending on the type of message, source, and category should the message be written to a specific writer. This should be configurable in the application. The file writer should write the log messages to a specific file. The name of the file(s) and the location whereto will be written should be configurable as well. There should also be a log rotation mechanism available. The database writer can writes the log messages the current database. It is up to the application to define the database type (which should be supported by the components) and table. In the future, extra log writers may be added or an existing Log writer may be extended. For example when there should be written in another file format. Design ====== Zero or more writers can be assigned to the Log class. The writer is attached to the eventType, eventSource, and Category. This makes it possible to have a specific writer for specific message types. ezcLog ------ The main class that provides a public API for this package. This class is implemented as a singleton to make sure only one Log object exists and to get easily a reference of this object. Exceptions can be enabled or disabled with the enableWriterException. On one hand the intention of the application developer will be to enable exceptions whenever an log message can not be written. This yields especially in the development phase. On the other hand, a live server should not throw a 'deadly' exception when a relatively unimportant notice can not be written to the log. The setContext method specifies the source contexts with their value. Every time a log message is written to the system, the contexts that match with the current eventSource are added as well. Another type of context, eventType context, is hard-coded in the Log system. The log method writes to the log writers a: log message, eventType, eventSource, category, and possibly extra context information. ezcLogWriter ------------ Abstract class that garantees that subclasses implement the writeLogEntry method. ezcLogWriterFile ---------------- Provides the basic implementation of the File writer(s). Log rotation and default file writer methods are implemented. The file structure is implemented in the subclasses. ezcLogWriterUnix ---------------- Writes file in the Unix log format to disk. ezcLogWriterDatabase -------------------- Implements a tie-in for a database. ezcLogContext ------------- This class stores the eventType and eventSource contexts. The correct context for a specific message can be retrieved with the getContext method. ezcLogMap --------- This map keeps track of the writers attached to a specific message; thus eventType, eventSource, and category. vim:filetype=rst: :q