properties; } catch ( ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException $e ) { return; } $this->fail( "ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException not thrown on access to forbidden property \$properties" ); } public function testGetOffsetAccessFailure() { $opt = new ezcBaseTestOptions(); try { echo $opt["properties"]; } catch ( ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException $e ) { return; } $this->fail( "ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException not thrown on access to forbidden property \$properties" ); } public function testSetOffsetAccessFailure() { $opt = new ezcBaseTestOptions(); try { $opt["properties"] = "foo"; } catch ( ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException $e ) { return; } $this->fail( "ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException not thrown on access to forbidden property \$properties" ); } public function testConstructorWithParameters() { $options = new ezcBaseTestOptions( array( 'foo' => 'xxx' ) ); $this->assertEquals( 'xxx', $options->foo ); } public function testMerge() { $options = new ezcBaseTestOptions(); $this->assertEquals( 'bar', $options->foo ); $options->merge( array( 'foo' => 'xxx' ) ); $this->assertEquals( 'xxx', $options->foo ); } public function testOffsetExists() { $options = new ezcBaseTestOptions(); $this->assertEquals( true, $options->offsetExists( 'foo' ) ); $this->assertEquals( false, $options->offsetExists( 'bar' ) ); } public function testOffsetSet() { $options = new ezcBaseTestOptions(); $this->assertEquals( 'bar', $options->foo ); $options->offsetSet( 'foo', 'xxx' ); $this->assertEquals( 'xxx', $options->foo ); } public function testOffsetUnset() { $options = new ezcBaseTestOptions(); $this->assertEquals( 'bar', $options->foo ); $options->offsetUnset( 'foo' ); $this->assertEquals( null, $options->foo ); $this->assertEquals( true, $options->offsetExists( 'foo' ) ); } public function testAutoloadOptions() { $options = new ezcBaseAutoloadOptions(); try { $options->no_such_property = 'value'; $this->fail( 'Expected exception was not thrown.' ); } catch ( ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException $e ) { $this->assertEquals( "No such property name 'no_such_property'.", $e->getMessage() ); } try { $options->preload = 'wrong value'; $this->fail( 'Expected exception was not thrown.' ); } catch ( ezcBaseValueException $e ) { $this->assertEquals( "The value 'wrong value' that you were trying to assign to setting 'preload' is invalid. Allowed values are: bool.", $e->getMessage() ); } } } ?>