eZ Components - AuthenticationDatabaseTiein ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. contents:: Table of Contents Introduction ============ Description ----------- The purpose of the `Authentication`_ component is to provide support for different means of identification and authentication of users using different providers and protocols. AuthenticationDatabaseTiein provides a Database filter for the `Authentication`_ component by using the `Database`_ component, and an implementation of a database store (backend) for OpenID authentication. Class overview ============== An overview of the most important classes in the `Authentication`_ component and this component. Base classes ------------ ezcAuthentication Main class of `Authentication`_. It is a container for authentication filters, which will be run in sequence. The method run() returns true or false depending on the success of the authentication filters. Implemented in `Authentication`_. ezcAuthenticationCredentials Structure which holds user credentials. Types are id credentials (ezcAuthenticationIdCredentials) and id + password credentials (ezcAuthenticationPasswordCredentials). Implemented in `Authentication`_. Authentication filters ---------------------- ezcAuthenticationDatabaseFilter Filter to authenticate against a database. Uses a database instance provided by the `Database`_ component (via the ezcDbInstance::get() function). Stores ------ OpenID uses a store to hold the generated nonces and the associations (in "smart" mode). If there is no store specified, then nonces are not checked. ezcAuthenticationOpenidStore Abstract class from which the different stores inherit. Implemented in `Authentication`_. ezcAuthenticationOpenidFileStore Uses file storage. Nonces are stored in files named after the nonce itself, and associations are stored in files named after the OpenID provider with which the association is made. Implemented in `Authentication`_. ezcAuthenticationOpenidDbStore Database storage. Nonces and associations are stored in two tables, with names defined as options in ezcAuthenticationOpenidDbStoreOptions. Authentication filters ====================== Database -------- The following example shows how to authenticate against a database. .. include:: tutorial/tutorial_database.php :literal: First, a credentials object is created with username jan.modaal and password 'b1b3773a05c0ed0176787a4f1574ff0075f7521e' (sha1() hash). An authentication object is created using the credentials object, and a Database filter is added to it. The $database structure specifies the database instance (ezcDbInstance::get()), the table name ('users') and the username and password fields in the table ('user', 'password'). After running the authentication (line 8), if the username and the password do not pass through the Database filter, then the credentials are incorrect and the user must be informed. The getStatus() method is used for this. The values in the status returned must be cycled through and for each value a response is created for the user ("Username incorrect", "Password incorrect"). If run() returned true (line 24) then the user is logged-in and he can see his content. Fetch extra data during Database authentication ``````````````````````````````````````````````` Any value from the table which holds the users can be fetched. The exact column names must be specified. Example: :: // $filter is an ezcAuthenticationDatabaseFilter object $filter->registerFetchData( array( 'name', 'country' ) ); After the authentication process is finished (after run()), retrieve the extra data: :: // $filter is an ezcAuthenticationDatabaseFilter object $data = $filter->fetchData(); For the previous example, the $data array will be something like this: :: array( 'name' => array( 'John Doe' ), 'country' => array( 'US' ) ); OpenID ------ OpenID "smart" (stateful) mode `````````````````````````````` The following example shows how to authenticate against OpenID in "smart" (stateful) mode, using a database store. .. include:: tutorial/tutorial_openid_smart_db.php :literal: A database store is defined at line 25. This store will also hold the nonces which are used to prevent replay attacks. The database store requires that certain tables are present in the database. To load the .dba definition for these tables into your database you must have the DatabaseSchema component installed. Use the following code to load the schema: .. include:: tutorial/load_openid_db_store_schema.php :literal: Securing applications ===================== `Securing applications`_ - A guide to improve the security of online applications. It is not exhaustive, but it provides solutions against common attacks. .. _Securing applications: Authentication_security.html .. _Authentication: introduction_Authentication.html .. _Database: introduction_Database.html .. Local Variables: mode: rst fill-column: 79 End: vim: et syn=rst tw=79 nocin