NOTES Base ==== 1.1.1 - Monday 28 August 2006 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Added the ezcBaseStruct class from which all structs in all components should inherit from. Cache ===== 1.1.2 - Monday 28 August 2006 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Refactored property handling. 1.1.1 - Monday 07 August 2006 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Updated tutorial with a new example. Configuration ============= 1.0.3 - Monday 28 August 2006 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Refactored to use new ezcBaseStruct class to inherit all the structs from. ConsoleTools ============ 1.1.2 - Monday 28 August 2006 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Fixed bug #8738: Unexpected behaviour with options->colPadding. - Fixed bug #8478: ezcConsoleOutput format (foreground) color 'black' not available. (The fore-/background colors black and gray are now the same and available for fore- and background). - PHP 5.2 compatibility. 1.1.1 - Monday 07 August 2006 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Fixed bug #8525: ConsoleInput::getHelpTable() exits with a fatal error. - Fixed bug #8645: Default values not set correctly in ezcConsoleInput. Database ======== 1.1.2 - Monday 28 August 2006 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Fixed bug #8835: Documentation of lOr and lAnd. 1.1.1 - Monday 07 August 2006 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Fixed bug #8360: ezcQueryExpressionOracle::concat() calls non-existing method. - Added ezcQuery::resetBinds() which allows you to reset the bound values and parameters associated with a query. DatabaseSchema ============== 1.0.2 - Monday 28 August 2006 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Fixed bug #8900: Problem with auto increment and primary keys for MySQL because the skip_primary context was not reset for new tables. - Added a new validator to check whether columns marked as 'auto_increment' actually have a primary key defined as well. - Implemented FR #8901: Written schemas should indent the XML. - Refactored the structs to use the new ezcBaseStruct class. 1.0.1 - Monday 19 June 2006 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Fixed a bug that an empty 'is null value' string in the database caused a PHP warning. Debug ===== 1.0.1 - Monday 28 August 2006 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Refactored to use the new ezcBaseStruct class. - PHP 5.2 compatibility. EventLog ======== 1.0.2 - Monday 28 August 2006 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Refactored to use new ezcBaseStruct class and new properties approach. Execution ========= 1.0.1 - Monday 28 August 2006 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Documentation updates. ImageConversion =============== 1.1.1 - Monday 28 August 2006 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Fixed bug #8712: The x and y parameters for cropping where handled as coordinates and not as offsets. - Refactored to use new ezcBaseStruct and properties approach. Mail ==== 1.1.2 - Monday 28 August 2006 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Added the ezcMailPop3Transport::fetchByMessageNr() method that returns an ezcMailPop3Set containing the message with the specified number. - Fixed bug #8736: variable transport non-functional. - Fixed bug that caused the contentId property of the ezcMailFile class not to be set even if it was available for the related part while parsing multipart/related messages. - PHP 5.2 compatibility. 1.1.1 - Monday 07 August 2006 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Partially fixed bug #8694: * Don't crash when generating empty mail. * Don't assume that message/ parts are actually rfc822 messages when parsing mail. PhpGenerator ============ 1.0.1 - Monday 28 August 2006 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Updated documentation. - Refactored to use the new ezcBaseStruct class. SystemInformation ================= 1.0.1 - Monday 28 August 2006 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Refactored to use the new ezcBaseStruct class. Translation =========== 1.1.1 - Monday 28 August 2006 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Refactored to use the new ezcBaseStruct class and properties approach. UserInput ========= 1.0.1 - Monday 28 August 2006 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Refactored to use the new ezcBaseStruct class. - Updated documentation. PACKAGES Archive: 1.1 Base: 1.1.1 Cache: 1.1.2 Configuration: 1.0.3 ConsoleTools: 1.1.2 Database: 1.1.2 DatabaseSchema: 1.0.2 Debug: 1.0.1 EventLog: 1.0.2 EventLogDatabaseTiein: 1.0 Execution: 1.0.1 File: 1.0 ImageAnalysis: 1.0.1 ImageConversion: 1.1.1 Mail: 1.1.2 PersistentObject: 1.1 PersistentObjectDatabaseSchemaTiein: 1.0 PhpGenerator: 1.0.1 SystemInformation: 1.0.1 Template: 1.0 Translation: 1.1.1 TranslationCacheTiein: 1.1 UserInput: 1.0.1