=================================== eZ Components 2008.1alpha1 released =================================== :Author: Derick Rethans :Date: 2008-05-05 12:02 UTC The eZ Components team just released the first alpha version of the new 2008.1 release. Many new features have been added to this alpha. The most important things are hierarchical caching, improved data type support for PersistentObject, and the new Search component. This adds to earlier alphas, where major new features such as the new Feed component and optimized translation support in the Template component were introduced. Besides those major features there are other minor new enhancements in Archive, Authentication, Configuration, ConsoleTools, Database, DatabaseSchema, EventLog, Graph, Mail, Tree and Workflow. The alpha versions can be installed by running the following commands:: pear upgrade ezc/ezcomponents A full download of the release can be found on the download_ page. .. _download: /download This alpha release will be followed by a beta release on May 27th, unless major issues are uncovered during our code-review cycle. Changes ------- The full list of changes since eZ Components 2007.2.1 follows below: Archive ======= 1.3alpha1 - Monday 05 May 2008 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Implemented issue #12818: Add the possibility to open archives in read-only mode. Authentication ============== 1.2alpha1 - Monday 05 May 2008 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Implemented feature request #12935: Added the returnUrl OpenID option to customize the return URL on OpenID authentification. - Fixed the issue where a failed connection to an LDAP server would not be detected. Base ==== 1.5alpha1 - Monday 07 April 2008 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Implemented issue #8529: Added a by-reference argument to ezcBaseFile::findRecursive that returns statistsics (count and total size) of all files that are returned by this function. - Implemented issue #11506: Added the static method ezcBase::getInstallationPath(). - Implemented issue #12694: replace reflection test for class type with spl function. Cache ===== 1.4alpha1 - Monday 05 May 2008 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Implemented feature #12587: Hierachic caching for the Cache component. The class ezcCacheStack and related classes provide that feature. - Fixed issue #12666: ezcCacheStorageMemcache potentially creates multiple connections to the same memcached server. Configuration ============= 1.3alpha1 - Monday 05 May 2008 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Implemented issue #12694: replace reflection test for class type with spl function. - Implemented issue #12911: Added the hasGroup() and getSettingsInGroup() methods to ezcConfigurationManager to allow for fetching of all settings in a group. (Patch by James Pic) 1.2.1 - Monday 03 March 2008 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Fixed issue #12477: missing backslash \ in file format part of configuration component tutorial. ConsoleTools ============ 1.4alpha1 - Monday 05 May 2008 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Implemented issue #10765: ezcConsoleQuestionDialog::YesNoQuestion does not accept "Yes" or "yes" / "no", "No" as valid answer. A new validator (ezcConsoleQuestionMappingValidator) was introduced for this, which extends ezcConsoleQuestionCollectionValidator and is now used for the yes-no-question. - Implemented issue #10791: ezcConsoleTable should implement __toString. - Implemented issue #10838: ezcConsoleOutputFormats should implement Iterator and Countable. - Fixed issue #12561: getSynopsis() bugs when at least 2 options don't have short-names. - Fixed issue #12623: console menu dialog handles unexisting options wrong. - Fixed issue #12624: Wrong text in documentation of eZConsoleDialogViewer. - Fixed issue #12625: console tools lacks documentation on targets. - Fixed issue #12626: Type "ta" in ezconsoleoutput documentation. - Fixed issue #12628: Missing space in ezcConsoleInput::getHelp API doc. - Fixed issue #12629: Method name not replaced with link in ezcConsoleMenuDialog::display() API doc. - Fixed issue #12630: Add link to ezcDialogNoValidResultException in ezcConsoleDialog::getResult() API doc. - Fxied issue #12636: ezcConsoleOutput->outputLine() prints EOL always to STDOUT instead of the defined target. Database ======== 1.4alpha1 - Monday 05 May 2008 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Implemented issue #10753: ezcDbQuery should implement __toString(). - Implemented issue #12540: subselect support for other query types besides SELECT. DatabaseSchema ============== 1.4alpha1 - Monday 05 May 2008 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Implemented issue #10069: DatabaseSchema only for particular tables. - Implemented issue #10364: Added support for table name prefixes. - Implemented issue #11562: Schema validator for duplicate index names. - Implemented issue #12694: Replace reflection test for class type with SPL function. - Fixed bug #12538: No warning is thrown when an unsupported type is found while reading from a database, or writing to a database. Debug ===== 1.2alpha1 - Monday 03 March 2008 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Implemented enhancement #10701: Getting a readable backtrace. The ezcDebug->log() method now allows you to selectively add a stack trace to debug log messages. The new ezcDebugOptions class allows to globally switch on stack traces for all log messages. - Fixed issue #12427: Changed output rendering of the debug formatter to not include a stylesheet by default, but instead the formatter now includes easy overridable CSS classes. EventLog ======== 1.3alpha2 - Monday 05 May 2008 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Implemented feature #12907: Using both trigger_error() and all available error types. (Patch by James Pic) - Implemented feature: Trim spaces around source. 1.3alpha1 - Monday 07 April 2008 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Implemented feature #12503: Ability to disable log rotation by setting the max log file option to the constructor to false. Feed ==== 1.1alpha1 - Monday 07 April 2008 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Reorganized internal structure of classes. - Added ezcFeedSchema to define different feed types. - Added ezcFeedElement instead of ezcFeedItem. - Added support for XML attributes for feeds. - Added regression tests based on the ones from Template. - In RSS2 the title, link and description nodes of item nodes are not all required, but at least one of title or description nodes is required. - Added support for RSS2 enclosure and tutorial on how to use it for creating and parsing podcasts. - Completed support for creating and parsing RSS2 feeds. - Completed support for creating and parsing RSS1 feeds. - Completed support for creating and parsing ATOM feeds. - Added the getContentType() method in ezcFeed to return its Content-Type. - Added support for ATOM xml:lang attribute. - The RSS1 about attribute is accessed as id through ezcFeed. - Added support for the Content module. - Added support for the DublinCore module. - Fixed issue #12557: added parse support for version 0.91 and 0.92 RSS feeds, which are considered as RSS2 feeds. - Added support for the iTunes module. - Added support for the CreativeCommons module. - Added the required xmlns attribute when creating RSS1 feeds. - Added parse support for version 0.93 and 0.94 RSS feeds. - The RSS2 guid item attribute is accessed as id through ezcFeed. - Added a feed creator example application. - Changed the method ezcFeedTools::prepareDate() to return a DateTime object - PHP 5.2 is required now. - Added generator information for ATOM when generating the feed. 1.0beta1 - Monday 18 December 2006 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Added the ezcFeed::parseContent() method that parses a feed contained in a variable. 1.0alpha1 - Tuesday 24 October 2006 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Initial release of this package. Graph ===== 1.3alpha1 - Monday 05 May 2008 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Implemented feature #10829: Get resource from driver. - Implemented feature #10957: Embed glyphs for exact SVG font width estimation. (Patch by Freddie Witherden) - Implemented feature #11979: Line width configurable per data set. - Implemented feature #12382: Enhance line chart to allow invisible lines. - Fixed issue #12483: Average dataset does not work with a single value. 1.2.1 - Monday 21 January 2008 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Implemented feature #9407: Cairo driver. - Fixed issue #11777: Optionally independent axis font configuration. - Fixed issue #12254: Bad property-check for strokeLineJoin in SVG driver. - Fixed issue #12295: Broken automatic scaling with manually set min value, not divisible by major step. - Fixed issue #12326: Per datapoint colors not used with bar charts. - Fixed issue #12405: Highlightfontsize reduced when padding > 0 in highlight font options. ImageAnalysis ============= 1.1.3 - Monday 05 May 2008 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Fixed bug #12638: ezcImageAnalyzerImagemagickHandler::checkImagemagick method missing SunOS in switch. ImageConversion =============== 1.3.4 - Monday 05 May 2008 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Fixed issue #12592: New thumbnail filter. Documentation about the scale() filter has been added to the thumbnail filters. - Fixed issue #12667: ezcImageConverter doesn't pass saveOptions to ezcImageTransformation. - Fixed issue #12671: Unhandled exception in ezcImageTransformation. Checks to avoid double throwing of exceptions have been introduced. Additional parameter checks are performed. Mail ==== 1.5alpha1 - Monday 05 May 2008 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Fixed issue #12844: getTmpDir() not properly set in Windows. - Fixed issue #12903: The mail digest size is not calculated twice anymore. - Fixed issue #12930: The SMTP authentication methods are used in correct strength order now. - Implemented feature request #11937: Switch to turn off automatic inclusion of files with the Mail Composer. - Implemented feature request #12203: Replaced hard-coded paths for temporary directory with the PHP 5.2.1 function sys_get_temp_dir(). - Implemented feature request #12694: Replace reflection test for class type with SPL function. 1.4.3 - Monday 03 March 2008 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Fixed issue #12595: Folding is no longer applied twice for To, Cc and Bcc headers. 1.4.2 - Thursday 17 January 2008 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Fixed issue #12372: MTA transport does not encode subject. PersistentObject ================ 1.4alpha1 - Monday 05 May 2008 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Refactored ezcPersistentSession. - Implemented enhancement #10151: Improved Database and PersistentObject datatype support (especially binary data). The object definitions allow to specify the datatype of the database column assigned to a property. - Implemented enhancement #10373: Several relations to the same table for PersistentObject. - Implemented enhancement #10727: Improved error messages for PersistentObject with ManualGenerator. - Fixed issue #10205: Binding variables with an undeclared var doesn't throw an exception. If getState() on a persistent object does not return an array an exception is thrown now. - Fixed issue #12471: PersistentObject misses support for boolean datatype. Search ====== 1.0alpha1 - Monday 05 May 2008 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Initial release of this package. SignalSlot ========== 1.1.1 - Monday 05 May 2008 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Fixed bug #12676: Wrong link under "callback" in SignalSlot tutorial. SystemInformation ================= 1.0.6 - Monday 05 May 2008 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Fixed retrieving CPU count, type and speed on Windows Vista. Template ======== 1.3alpha2 - Monday 05 May 2008 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Implemented issue #12723: Make Template date functions support the DateTime object. - Fixed issue #11152: ezcTemplateLocationInterface should not have "Interface" in the classname. - Fixed issue #12322: Template regression between 1.1 and 1.2 - support for variable object properties re-added. 1.3alpha1 - Monday 03 March 2008 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Made the TemplateObject available in CustomBlocks. Thanks to Felix Weis for the patch. - Fixed issue #11228: Cannot supply an absolute Win32-Path to $t->process(). - Better error message when an external (use) variable is not given. - Made named parameters work with PHP 5.1.6. - Fixed issue #12289: String function str_last_index documented, but not defined. - Fixed issue #12323: Using {cache_template} inside a block will now throw an exception. - Fixed issue #11056: * {dynamic} is only allowed after {cache_template} or in {cache_block}. * corrected documentation in regard to TTL vs. ttl. * fixed the cache file names in Windows (replace '\' with '-'). - Fixed issue #12368: ezcTemplateConfiguration::addExtension() did not check for invalid arguments correctly. - Implemented issue #10940: Possibility to set default permissions to the compiled templates and generated cache files, by using the 0777 mode for creating the directories in which the compiled templates are stored. This mode is still modified by the umask. - Implemented issue #9973: Added a translation compiler to convert a string in the original language, to the translated one without substituting parameters. This is to have translation support for the Template component. TemplateTranslationTiein ======================== 1.0alpha2 - Monday 05 May 2008 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Fixed issue #12810: Issues with translations in templates (part c1): Quotes incorrectly handled in string extractor. 1.0alpha1 - Monday 03 March 2008 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Initial release of this package. Translation =========== 1.2alpha2 - Monday 05 May 2008 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Fixed issue #12810: Issues with translations in templates. 1.2alpha1 - Monday 03 March 2008 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Implemented issue #9973: Added a translation compiler to convert a string in the original language, to the translated one without substituting parameters. This is to have translation support for the Template component. - Implemented issue #10912: Add translation entries. - Added support for the new location element in Linguist version 1.1 files. - Added support for the keepObsolete option for the TsBackend. With this enabled, the obsolete translations are not dropped while reading contexts. This is both useful for testing as well as for manipulating TS files. Tree ==== 1.1alpha1 - Monday 03 March 2008 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Implemented issue #12139: Allow tree node keys to be auto-generated. - Fixed issue #12395: Tree docs lacking XHTML visualizaton. TreeDatabaseTiein ================= 1.1alpha1 - Monday 03 March 2008 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Implemented issue #12139: Allow tree node keys to be auto-generated. Url === 1.2.1 - Monday 05 May 2008 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Fixed issue #12825: No longer throw a notice when an unordered parameter name is empty. Workflow ======== 1.2alpha1 - Monday 07 April 2008 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Implemented issue #10941: Support for the Cancel Case workflow pattern. The execution of a workflow can now be cancelled by either reaching a ezcWorkflowNodeCancel node or by calling the cancel() node on an ezcWorkflowExecution object. In either case, the execution is immediately halted, already activated nodes will not be executed. - Implemented issue #12404: Separate file i/o from XML processing in ezcWorkflowDefinitionStorageXml. - Implemented a plugin system that allows plugin developers to hook into various extension points in the workflow execution engine. - The visualization visitor can now show the current state of a workflow in execution. This includes the highlighting of activated nodes as well as the contents of the workflow variables. - The new execution visualizer plugin (ezcWorkflowExecutionVisualizerPlugin) uses the visualization visitor to create visualizations of each step of a workflow execution. WorkflowDatabaseTiein ===================== 1.2alpha1 - Monday 07 April 2008 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Implemented issue #10941: Support for the Cancel Case workflow pattern. - Fixed issue #12403: Multiple construction of ezcWorkflowDatabaseDefinitionStorage.