=================================== eZ Components 2007.2alpha1 released =================================== :Author: Derick Rethans :Date: 2007-11-12 09:49 The eZ Components development team is pleased to announce the first alpha version of the new release, due to be out later this year. There are a few new components, but also many improvements to existing components. New components ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Tree*, which handles the creating, manipulating and querying of tree structures. The component supports different storage algorithms for optimal performance. There are two tieins for this component, TreeDatabaseTiein, providing functionality to store tree-data in a database, and TreePersistentObjectTiein, providing data storage in the form of persistent objects. *Webdav*, which allows you to set up and run your own WebDAV (RFC 2518) server, to enable online content editing for the users of your system through the WebDAV HTTP extension. Download ~~~~~~~~ The alpha version can be downloaded from the download__ page, or installed through the PEAR installer. You can upgrade to the alpha version by issuing the following command:: pear upgrade ezc/ezcomponents-alpha Updated documentation is also available on the `documentation page`__. __ /download/dl_components __ /docs/api/2007.2alpha1 ChangeLog ~~~~~~~~~ The full changelog since version 2007.1.1 follows: Authentication ============== 1.1alpha2 - Monday 29 October 2007 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - No external changes. This release features some internal code improvements only. 1.1alpha1 - Tuesday 18 September 2007 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Implemented feature request #10971: Added the possibility to fetch extra data during authentication for Database, LDAP, OpenID and TypeKey filters. - Implemented feature request #10997: Added support for OpenID check_immediate mode. - Implemented feature request #10998: Added a Database backend for OpenID authentication. - Implemented feature request #11001: Added multiple credentials support in the Group filter. - Implemented feature request #11006: Added the isValid() method in the ezcAuthenticationSession class which can be used to avoid creating the authentication filters if the credentials are already stored in the session. - Fixed the OpenID filter so that it no longer converts dots to underscores in URLs. AuthenticationDatabaseTiein =========================== 1.1alpha1 - Monday 29 October 2007 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Implemented feature request #10998: Added a Database backend for OpenID authentication. - Implemented feature request #10971: Added the possibility to fetch extra data during authentication for Database, LDAP, OpenID and TypeKey filters. - Fixed issue #11412: The Database filter does not trigger a PDO General Error 2014 with MySQL. - Fixed issue #11465: Fetching extra authentication data in Database filter does not trigger a PDO General Error 904 with Oracle. Base ==== 1.4alpha2 - Monday 29 October 2007 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Added the ezcBaseFile::copyRecursive() method, to recursively copy files or directories - Fixed issue #11540: Problems with ezcFile::findRecursive and ezcFile::calculateRelativePath on systems where DIRECTORY_SEPERATOR is not //. 1.4alpha1 - Tuesday 18 September 2007 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Added the ezcBaseFile class, which was moved from the File component. - Added the ezcBaseFile::isAbsolutePath() method, which returns whether a path is absolute or relative. Cache ===== 1.3alpha1 - Monday 29 October 2007 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Implemented issue #10533: ezcCacheManager::getCache does not support delayed initialization. - Fixed issue #11064: Marked search() as protected in ezcCacheStorageFile. - Implemented feature request #11049: Added APC and Memcache backends for caching. Based on a patch from Grady Kuhnline. - Fixed issue #11181: A physical location is not required anymore for pure memory backends. - Fixed issue #11413: The search flag is off by default for restore() and delete(). - Fixed issue #11138: The validateLocation() method is defined as abstract in ezcCacheStorage. Database ======== 1.3.1 - Monday 12 November 2007 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Fixed issue #11609: Subselect query documentation is incorrect. - Fixed issue #11687: Mssql DSN with port does not work. - Fixed issue #11700: Subselects only work when there is a database instance set. DatabaseSchema ============== 1.3alpha1 - Monday 29 October 2007 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Implemented feature #11047: Make ConvertToDDL() methods accept the database name instead of only the database handler. - Fixed bug #11281: DatabaseSchema's XML reader does not understand '1' for the notnull, autoincrement and unsigned fields. - Fixed bug #11282: DatabaseSchema's SQLite reader doesn't understand the float and varchar data types. - Fixed bug #11283: DatabaseSchema's PersistentObject definition writer generates a sequence generater even when the field is not auto-increment. - Fixed bug #11285: Documentation example code comment glitch. EventLog ======== 1.2alpha1 - Monday 12 November 2007 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Implemented feature #10434: unix syslog writer, also works with the windows event system. Execution ========= 1.1alpha1 - Monday 12 November 2007 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Implemented change #10677: Removed the throwing of an exception of the execution mechamisn was not initialized. File ==== 1.2alpha1 - Tuesday 18 September 2007 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Moved the ezcFile class to Base/ezcBaseFile. That means that the ezcFile class is now deprecated. As this is the only class in this component, the whole component is now deprecated. Backwards compatibility is kept by making the ezcFile class extend ezcBaseFile - So long and thanks for all the fish. Graph ===== 1.2alpha1 - Monday 29 October 2007 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Fixed issue #11640: Polygon size reducement fails for very thin four edged polygons. - Fixed issue #11511: Line thickness wasn't used for rendering. - Fixed issue #11509: Typo in line chart option. - Implemented feature #10978: Add support for stacked bar charts. - Implemented feature #11325: Allow values of 0 to be added to pie charts, to be included in the legend and not rendered in the actual pie. - Implemented feature #11247: Custom highlight values in line and bar charts. Thanks to Elger Thiele for the basic patch. - Implemented feature #10322 and #10565: Support for multiple x, y axis, vertical and horizontal lines in line and bar charts. 1.1.1 - Monday 13 August 2007 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Fixed issue #11107: Floating point inaccuracies caused missing grid in line chart. - Fixed issue #11157: Wrong display of single record with labeled axis. - Fixed issue #11180: Color Palette: $dataSetColor in ezcGraphPalette starts with index 1 and not zero in pie charts. - Fixed issue #11207: Missing URL property for legend, or missing legend, may cause PHP notice. - Fixed issue #11233: Path for circular arcs in SVG driver may break because of locale settings. - Fixed issue #11235: In interactive 3D bar charts circle and bullet bars are not linked. - Fixed issue #11236: Legend is not properly linked in interactive 3D line and bar charts. Mail ==== 1.4alpha2 - Monday 29 October 2007 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Fixed issue #11582: ezcMailImapSet won't be caught in an infinite loop if the mail headers or body contain an IMAP tag. - The IMAP, POP3 and SMTP transports and the ezcMailParser class can receive options objects in the constructor. They can still receive options as arrays to keep compatibility. 1.4alpha1 - Tuesday 18 September 2007 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Implemented feature request #8436: Added the method validateEmailAddress() in ezcMailTools. - Implemented feature request #10459: Added the searchMailbox() method to the IMAP transport. Based on a patch from Sinisa Dukaric. - Implemented feature request #10659: Added the getHierarchyDelimiter() method to the IMAP transport. - Implemented feature request #10996: Added support for the SMTP authentication methods DIGEST-MD5, CRAM-MD5, NTLM and LOGIN. - Implemented feature request #10999: Added the possibility to refer to messages by their unique IDs in IMAP. - Implemented feature request #11061: Added missing conditions for SMTP methods. - Implemented feature request #11299: Added an optional argument to the setHeader() method in ezcMailPart to assign a charset to a header. - Added the fetchSizes() method in IMAP which returns the sizes of the specified messages. PersistentObject ================ 1.3.1 - Monday 13 August 2007 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Documentation updates and fixes. Tree ==== 1.0alpha1 - Monday 12 November 2007 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Initial release of this package. TreeDatabaseTiein ================= 1.0alpha1 - Monday 12 November 2007 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Initial release of this package. TreePersistentObjectTiein ========================= 1.0alpha1 - Monday 12 November 2007 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Initial release of this package. Url === 1.2alpha2 - Monday 12 November 2007 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Fixed issue #11477: Fixed errors in documentation. 1.2alpha1 - Tuesday 18 September 2007 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Implemented feature request #10896: Allow aggregation of unordered parameter values if the parameter names appear more than once. - Implemented feature request #10897: Added the getParams() method in ezcUrl which fetches the unordered parameters as a flat array, useful for working with URLs without delimiters for parameter names. - Implemented feature request #11000: Added ability to include script name when building an URL through a buildUrl() parameter. - Implemented feature request #11296: added the function getCurrentUrl() to ezcUrlTools to build the current URL from the $_SERVER array or another array source. - Fixed issue #11277: The dots in the query string parameter names are not converted to underscores. UserInput ========= 1.2alpha1 - Monday 12 November 2007 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Implemented feature #10249: Added a hint text field for ezcUserInputDefinitionElement. Based on a patch by Thomas Koch. Webdav ====== 1.0alpha1 - Monday 29 October 2007 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Initial release of this package. Workflow ======== 1.1alpha1 - Monday 29 October 2007 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Added ezcWorkflowNodeLoop class to conveniently express loops. - Refactored the XML definition storage: - DOM is now used for both the loading and saving of workflows (issue #10702). - The marshalling of the node configuration is now handled in the individual node classes. This makes it possible to have custom node classes handled by the XML definition storage. - Default node configurations are handled better now. - Implemented issue #10883: Apply comparison conditions to two variables. - Implemented issue #10918: Error messages when loading invalid XML. - Implemented issue #10985: Mapping variables between parent and sub workflows. - Implemented issue #11003: Add ELSE option to exclusive choice. - Fixed issue #11068: Implement ezcWorkflowExecution::hasVariable(). WorkflowDatabaseTiein ===================== 1.1alpha1 - Monday 29 October 2007 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Default node configurations are handled better now.