==================== eZ Components 2007.1 ==================== :Author: Derick Rethans :Date: Monday 02 July 2007 1:20:12 pm The development team is happy to release the 4th major version of the eZ Components. This release features two new components: * Authentication, which allows you to authenticate against databases, ldap, typekey and Open ID. * Workflow, which implements core functionality of an activity-based work flow system. Other major new features include performance improvements, such as delayed initialization of configuration of components, MS SQL Server support in the Database component, PDO and Numeric (callback) datasets for the Graph component, support for Radar charts, support for SSL in the Mail component and caching and dynamic location support in the Template component. All in all the development team addressed 154 defects, implemented 55 new features and completed 35 tasks - in total 244 issues. You can find downloads of the whole bundle on the download page and updated documentation on the documentation page. Users of the PEAR installer can upgrade to the new version by issuing:: pear upgrade ezc/ezcomponents General installation instructions can be found here_. .. _here: /docs/install The full changelog follows: Archive 1.2.3 - Monday 25 June 2007 * More fixes for issue #10711: Archive checksum fails on 64 bit Linux. 1.2.2 - Thursday 31 May 2007 * Fixed issue #10711: Archive checksum fails on 64 bit Linux. 1.2.1 - Monday 07 May 2007 * Fixed issue #10505: Archive does not work with OpenOffice (zip) archives. * Fixed issue #10658: Failures in Archive test suite. Authentication 1.0 - Monday 02 July 2007 * Renamed ezcAuthenticationSessionFilter to ezcAuthenticationSession. * Fixed issue #11060: TypeKey filter does not fail when using an URL which does not exist and does not return 404 as a public keys file. 1.0beta2 - Thursday 31 May 2007 * Implemented feature request #10724: Added OpenID support. 1.0beta1 - Monday 07 May 2007 * Initial release of this package. AuthenticationDatabaseTiein 1.0 - Monday 02 July 2007 * Renamed ezcAuthenticationSessionFilter to ezcAuthenticationSession. 1.0beta2 - Thursday 31 May 2007 * Refactoring of some code. * Updated documentation. 1.0beta1 - Monday 07 May 2007 * Initial release of this package. Base 1.3 - Monday 02 July 2007 * Documentation fixes and updates. 1.3rc1 - Monday 25 June 2007 * Documentation fixes and updates. 1.3beta2 - Thursday 31 May 2007 * Fixed issue #10704: Autoload fails on class not found. The exception is now off by default, but can be turned on through the "debug" property of the ezcBaseAutoloadOptions class. This option class can be set with ezcBase::setOptions(). 1.3beta1 - Monday 07 May 2007 * Fixed issue #8433: ezcBase::getRepositoryDirectories() problems. * Fixed issue #10583: ezcBaseOptions misses __isset(). * Fixed issue #10666: ezc_bootstrap.php fails on Windows. * Implemented issue #9569: Add "autoload.php" as 3rd fallback autoload file to search for. * Implemented issue #9988: Implement component preloading for better opcode cache performance. * Added exception class ezcBaseExtensionNotFoundException to be thrown when an extension is required but is not found. * Changed the ezcBaseInit::fetchConfig() method to return the value that was returned from the callback function. Cache 1.2 - Monday 02 July 2007 * Documentation fixes. 1.2rc1 - Monday 25 June 2007 * Documentation fixes. 1.2beta1 - Monday 07 May 2007 * Implemented issue #9383: Ability to set file permissions on created files. * Added ezcCacheStorageFileOptions class. * Fixed issue #10678: ezcCacheStorageOptions throws incorrect exceptions. * Implemented issue #10577: ezcCacheStorageFile::restore searches for files and returns the wrong data. A new parameter to disable searching was invented. Configuration 1.2 - Monday 02 July 2007 * Documentation fixes and updates. 1.2beta1 - Monday 07 May 2007 * Implemented issue #9965: Support for delayed initialization through ezcBaseInit. * Implemented issue #10457: Unclear what $name in getSetting() of Configuration component means. * Added the ezcConfigurationManager::reset() method that returns the manager to its uninitialized state. * Fixed issue #10110: Warnings in configuration tests with the posix extension is not enabled. ConsoleTools 1.3 - Monday 02 July 2007 * Documentation updates. 1.3beta2 - Thursday 31 May 2007 * Fixed issue #10766: ezcConsoleQuestionDialogTypeValidator with TYPE_FLOAT does not accept numbers like 4E3. * Fixed issue #10767: Class ezcConsoleQuestionDialogRegexValidator described in the design document is missing. * Fixed issue #10782: ConsoleTools: Argument mandatoryness applies always. If help option is set, arguments are not checked anymore and old argument checking is used, if arguments are disallowed (to assure this is checked correctly). * Fixed issue #10864: ezcConsoleTable calculates wrong column length for content including line breaks. * Fixed issue #10873: ezcConsoleArgument default value not working. * Fixed issue #10874: ezcConsoleArgument default value not contained in generated help text. 1.3beta1 - Monday 07 May 2007 * Fixed issue #9857: Multi-option and default value. Arrays are now allowed in default value, if multiple-option is set to true. * Fixed issue #9902: Problems on Windows. * Fixed issue #10594: ezcConsole*Options throw incorrect exceptions. * Fixed issue #10595: ezcConsole*Options perform improper string checks. * Fixed issue #10596: ezcConsoleTable* classes do not perform proper property checks. * Fixed issue #10604: ezcConsoleInput exception not thrown on invalid option string. * Fixed issue #10608: ezcConsoleInput->registerAlias( ) does not work. * Fixed issue #10617: ezcConsoleInput->process() bails out incorrectly on option exclusion. * Fixed issue #10619: ezcConsoleOutput __set() broken. * Fixed issue #10620: ezcConsoleProgressMonitor->__set() issues warning. * Fixed issue #10624: ezcConsoleStatusbar set access to property $options broken. * Fixed issue #10625: ezcConsoleStatusbar isset access to property $options broken. * Fixed issue #10626: ezcConsoleStatusbar does not trigger warning on invalid status. * Fixed issue #10710: ezcConsoleTable reports fatal error on example $table[][0]->content = "foo". * Implemented issue #8461: Argument help text. A completely new argument handling was invented. * Implemented issue #8471: Disable borders for ezcConsoleTable. Borders can be disabled by setting the line and corner properties to null. * Implemented issue #9216: ezcConsoleInput::getOptionValues I want long names. ezcConsoleInput->getOptionsValues() can now be configured to index the returning array with option long names. Database 1.3 - Monday 02 July 2007 * Documentation updates. 1.3rc1 - Monday 25 June 2007 * Fixed issue #10884: Database: Limit in Oracle only works with 1000 elements at maximum. * Fixed issue #10937: ezcDbHandler::hasFeature() is not implemented properly anywhere. * Fixed issue #10943: Add parameter to specify type of value in bindValue() and bindParam(). * Fixed issue #10986: in() expression test for sub selects fails in PHP 5.1.6. * Documentation fixes and updates. 1.3beta2 - Thursday 31 May 2007 * Fixed issue #10802: MSSql handler misses identifierQuoteChars. * Fixed issue #10803: Format of ezcQueryExpressionMssql::now(). * Fixed issue #10797: Do not quote numbers and subqueries in IN() 1.3beta1 - Monday 07 May 2007 * Fixed issue #8240: ezcQueryExpression::in does not work with strings. * Fixed issue #8520: The non trivial join methods have incomplete documentation. * Fixed issue #9526: Implemented expression now() for each database handler. * Fixed issue #10529: Tests for quoting of strings in query expressions. * Implemented feature #7772: SQL Server implementation for the Database package. Based on contributions by Joel Arvidsson and Friedel Hill. * Implemented feature #8473: Oracle Limit/Offset optimization. * Implemented feature #8448: Select Distinct not supported * Implemented feature #9960 [Database] sql abstraction. Based on contributions by Joel Arvidsson and Friedel Hill. * Implemented feature #9965: Support for delayed initialization through ezcBaseInit. DatabaseSchema 1.2 - Monday 02 July 2007 * Fixed issue #11059: PersistentObjectDatabaseSchemaTiein: Boolean fields not recognized correctly. * Documentation updates. 1.2beta2 - Thursday 31 May 2007 * Fixed issue #10768: PersistentObjectDatabaseSchemaTiein: Class prefix not reflected in definition file names. * Fixed issue #10769: PersistentObjectDatabaseSchemaTiein: Generated getState() expects parameter. * Fixed issue #10804: Adding auto increment to field fails with Oracle and SQLite. 1.2beta1 - Monday 07 May 2007 * Fixed issue #10113: Testing DatabaseSchema silently quits. * Fixed issue #10115: Reserved keywords are not quoted when used as table or field names. * Fixed issue #10286: Missing "throw new" before ezcBaseFilePermissionException. * Fixed issue #10365: "true" and "false" are handled incorrectly while parsing schemas from XML files. * Fixed issue #10398: Oracle tests of DatabaseSchema run into error. * Fixed issue #10548: DatabaseSchema uses different sequence names for Oracle and PostgreSQL. * Fixed issue #10630: Call-time pass-by-reference warning in Oracle handler. * Implemented feature #9584: Switch for overwriting files. (PersistentObjectDatabaseSchemaTiein) * Implemented feature #9874: ezcDbSchema[DB]Reader custom table schema class. * Implemented feature #8418: Generate class files as well. (PersistentObjectDatabaseSchemaTiein) Debug 1.1 - Monday 02 July 2007 * No changes. 1.1rc1 - Monday 25 June 2007 * Documentation fixes. 1.1beta1 - Monday 07 May 2007 * Implemented feature #9965: Support for delayed initialization through ezcBaseInit. EventLog 1.1 - Monday 02 July 2007 * Updated documentation. 1.1rc1 - Monday 25 June 2007 * Updated documentation. 1.1beta2 - Thursday 31 May 2007 * Fixed documentation. 1.1beta1 - Monday 07 May 2007 * Implemented feature #9965: Support for delayed initialization through ezcBaseInit. EventLogDatabaseTiein 1.0.2 - Monday 25 June 2007 * Documentation fixes. Execution 1.0.4 - Monday 25 June 2007 * Documentation updates and fixes. 1.0.3 - Monday 07 May 2007 * Fixed issue #010108: Grammar in default Execution error message needs fixing. File 1.1.1 - Monday 25 June 2007 * Documentation updates and fixes. Graph 1.1 - Monday 02 July 2007 * Documentation updates. 1.1rc1 - Monday 25 June 2007 * Fixed issue #10828: PHP error when overwriting renderer in extended ezGraphPieChart. * Documentation updates and fixes. 1.1beta2 - Thursday 31 May 2007 * Fixed issue #10741: Make ezcGraphOutOfLogithmicalBoundingsException more descriptive. * Fixed issue #10744: ExactAxisLabelRenderer shows last value at position of second last value if showLastValue is disabled. * Fixed issue #10745 (BaxedAxisLabelRenderer wrong label positions for angles: (135 <= $angle <= 325). * Fixed issue #10746: Border size reducement algorithm fails for polygones with edge lengths < reducement. * Fixed issue #10747: axisLabelRotatedRenderer accesses unitialised variables for Angles % 90 != .0 * Fixed issue #10750: SVG drivers output broken with wrong LC_NUMERIC. * Fixed issue #10759: Unset implementation broken in array access in datasets and dataset properties. * Fixed issue #10830: Automatically shorten labels if not enough space is available. * Fixed issue #10842: Pie charts fatal error with datasets with value sum <= 0. * Fixed issue #10846: Division by zero in polygon size reducement algorithm for edges with an angle equals 0 degree. * Fixed issue #10848: Missing pie segment labels in pie charts with 3d renderer. * Fixed issue #10852: Fixed radar chart documentation. * Fixed issue #10858: Document on how to embed the SVG graphs in an HTML document. * Fixed issue #10861: Circle sector size reducement failes for very big angles. * Fixed issue #10881: Wrong labeling with ezcGraphDateAxis. 1.1beta1 - Monday 07 May 2007 * Fixed issue #9916: Not documented: ArrayDataSet also can use Iterators. * Fixed issue #9926: Float values with date axis result in date parsing exception. * Fixed issue #9948: Make ezcGraphPolynom documentation public. * Fixed issue #9950: Improved ezcGraphPolynom::__toString method for more exact output. * Fixed issue #10018: Axis scale incorrect when startDate != first day of month. * Fixed issue #10025: Wrong statement in tutorial about swf versions supported by ext/ming. * Fixed issue #10074: Use iconv instead of mbstring. * Fixed issue #10055: Improve chart class documentation with chart elements. * Fixed issue #10056: Fixed drawing order for boxes with background and border. * Fixed issue #10199: Use saveXML instead of save( 'php://output' ) to work around PHP bug #40429. * Fixed issue #10246: sprintf output modification in PHP 5.2.1. * Fixed issue #10275: Low label count on labeled axis, when having (prime number > 10) + 1 labels. * Fixed issue #10536: Bar side polygons are drawn at the wrong side. * Fixed issue #10599: Pie chart label formatting callback only accepts callback functions but neither static nor non static methods. * Fixed issue #10606: Call to undefined function imagePsLoadFont() in gd tests when no t1lib is available. * Fixed issue #10675: Arrow heads on axis too small. * Fixed issue #10693: ezcGraphChartElementAxis::getSteps returns minor steps after last major steps. * Implemented feature #9402: Numeric datasets. * Implemented feature #9404: Add support for rotated texts on axis. * Implemented feature #9406: Add support for radar charts. * Implemented feature #9511: Added helper functions to create image maps an link SVG images in ezcGraphTools. * Implemented feature #10017: Plot whole months on date axis respecting their different length. * Implemented feature #10375: Manually reduce or increase the label count on labeled axis. * Implemented feature #10470: Add support for format callback functions on all axis. GraphDatabaseTiein 1.0 - Monday 02 July 2007 * No changes. 1.0rc1 - Monday 25 June 2007 * Documentation updates and fixes. 1.0beta1 - Monday 07 May 2007 * Implemented feature #9405: Allow creation of datasets directly from PDO statements. ImageAnalysis 1.1.2 - Monday 02 July 2007 * Documentation updates and fixes. 1.1.1 - Monday 25 June 2007 * Documentation updates and fixes. ImageConversion 1.3 - Monday 02 July 2007 * Fixed issue #11030: The GD-Handler's watermarkPercent() calculates incorrectly. The placement and size of the watermark are now calculated correctly. * Documentation updates and fixes. 1.3rc1 - Monday 25 June 2007 * Fixed issue #10949: Rename PHP error if file already exists. If rename() fails on Windows systems, the temporary files are cleaned up properly now. * Documentation updates and fixes. 1.3beta2 - Thursday 31 May 2007 * Fixed exception messages. * Updated documentation for ezcImageThumbnailFilters. 1.3beta1 - Monday 07 May 2007 * Implemented feature #8589: JPEG quality transform for ImageConversion. A new option class ezcImageSaveOptions supports setting a quality indicator for JPEG and a compression indicator for PNG images. * Implemented feature #9564: Watermark (and perhaps other filters) should allow image placements from opposite corners. Crop filters support negative offsets now, too. Mail 1.3 - Monday 02 July 2007 * No changes. 1.3rc1 - Monday 25 June 2007 * Documentation updates and fixes. 1.3beta2 - Thursday 31 May 2007 * Fixed issue #10762: Mail file set does not work with php://stdin. 1.3beta1 - Monday 07 May 2007 * Added walkParts() to ezcMail and the class ezcMailPartWalkContext which can be used to walk through all the parts in a mail and execute a callback function on each part (for example save mail parts to disk or a database). * Added support for multipart/report and message/delivery-status mail parts, connected to issue #8694. * Added header folding for the Content-Disposition header. * Fixed an issue with ezcMailHeaderFolder::foldAny() where notices were thrown if the header contained a too long string without any white spaces. * Fixed issue #10656: Parsing of incomplete multipart/related mails does not trigger a notice anymore. * Fixed ezcMailTransportException to inherit from ezcMailException, and not directly from ezcBaseException. * Implemented feature #8303: Added fetchParts() to ezcMail to return the mail parts of a mail. * Implemented feature #8419: added the property size to ezcMailPart, which is set when parsing a mail. * Implemented feature #8485: added the ezcMailStorageSet which wraps around another set and provides saving of mail sources. * Implemented feature #9068: added support for filename language and filename charset support for the Content-Disposition header. * Implemented feature #9292: added SSL support for IMAP and POP3. Based on a patch from Mikko Koppanen. * Implemented feature #9308: added option classes for transports. * Implemented feature #9785: Allow developers to specify their own character conversion function to UTF-8. Also fixed issue #8369 as developers can ignore the notices thrown by iconv in their own conversion function. * Implemented feature #10068: added a list of supported RFCs to the documentation. * Implemented feature #10082: added options class ezcMailParserOptions and deprecated second parameter of parseMail() in ezcMailParser. * Implemented feature #10091: added SSL/TLS support for the SMTP transport. Based on a patch from Christian Michel. * Implemented feature #10340: More selective encoding of mail headers. * Implemented feature #10341: MixedPart mail without attachments - Documentation enhancement * Implemented feature #10682: The IMAP PEEK command is now supported through the top() method. Added PEEK support to sortMessages() also. * Fixed a problem with certain IMAP servers which didn't allow the second parameter of top() method from IMAP to be 0. 1.2.1 - [RELEASEDATE] * Added ezcMailTools::guessContentType to resolve a bug in which the images embeded in an html part were treated like application/octet-stream attachments. * Fixed bug #010138: Doc of ezcMailMultipartDigest->__construct() incorrect (The documentation was correct, the implementation was wrong.) * Fixed issue #10283: ImapSet does not return the trailing parenthesis ')'. * Fixed issue #10312: Fixed the value of ezcMail::QUOTED_PRINTABLE constant. * Fixed issue #10200 (part 1): Content-Disposition header is no longer created during parsing if it is missing. * Fixed issue #10200 (part 2): The value of the generated Content-ID header contains the filename encoded with base64 to avoid problems. * Fixed issue #10136: ezcMailImapSet, ezcMailPop3Set and ezcMailMboxSet not marked as private anymore. * Fixed issue #10358: correct call to the ezcMailTextParser constructor in case the parsed message contains an unrecognized MIME main type. * Fixed issue #10389: tab characters are converted to one space when parsing mails with wrapped headers. * Fixed issue #10359: unrecognized mail body parts are parsed using the ezcMailFileParser. * Fixed issue #10396: Method convertToUTF8 assumes 'latin1' charset instead of 'unknown-8bit' and 'x-user-defined'. PersistentObject 1.3 - Monday 02 July 2007 * Documentation updates and fixes. 1.3rc1 - Monday 25 June 2007 * Documentation updates and fixes. 1.3beta2 - Thursday 31 May 2007 * Fixed issue #10152: Persistent Object and manual generator: string primary keys. * Fixed issue #10552: ManyToMany relations with multiple columns. Mapping works correctly now. * Fixed issue #10331: PersistentObject: Exceptions should become more verbose. ezcPersistentQueryException now contains the SQL query in its message, if appropriate. * Fixed issue #10725: PersistentObject saveOrUpdate() using manualgenerator will trigger one extra query to check if an object is persistent (save() and update() do this as well just moments later...). * Fixed issue #10726: PersistentObject definition should contain type info on the identifier. * Fixed issue #10770: PersistentObject throws PDOException in some cases. Throws correct ezcPersistentQueryException now. 1.3beta1 - Monday 07 May 2007 * Fixed testcase for manual generator giving failure for postgresql on correct behaviour (INSERT violating NULL contraint does give an error...). * Fixed issue #9999: idProperty missing in definition file causes unclear error messages. * Fixed issue #10106: ezcPersistentManualGenerator does not quote ID columnName. * Fixed issue #10112: Lots of failures in PersistentObject tests with PostgreSQL. * Fixed issue #10153: Persistent Object and manual generator (negative and 0 primary keys). * Fixed issue #10369: testAddRelatedBirthdayToPerson3UpdateSuccess fails for no apparant reason. * Implemented feature #8487: An interface for Persistent Objects. * Implemented feature #10166: Cache PO-definitions. * Implemented feature #9967: PersistentObject: getRelationQuery() method. This method is now called createRelationFindQuery() and is public now. * Implemented feature #9089: Make some methods public. ezcPersistentSession->generateAliasMap() and ->getColumnsFromDefinition() are public now. PersistentObjectDatabaseSchemaTiein 1.2 - Monday 02 July 2007 * Fixed issue #11059: PersistentObjectDatabaseSchemaTiein: Boolean fields not recognized correctly. 1.2beta2 - Thursday 31 May 2007 * Fixed issue #10712: PersistentObjectDatabaseSchemaTiein tests fail. * Fixed issue #10768: PersistentObjectDatabaseSchemaTiein: Class prefix not reflected in definition file names. * Fixed issue #10769: PersistentObjectDatabaseSchemaTiein: Generated getState() expects parameter. 1.2beta1 - Monday 07 May 2007 * Implemented feature #9584: Switch for overwriting files. * Implemented feature #8418: Generate class files as well. PhpGenerator 1.0.4 - Monday 02 July 2007 * Documentation updates and fixes. 1.0.3 - Monday 25 June 2007 * Documentation updates and fixes. SignalSlot 1.1 - Monday 02 July 2007 * Documentation updates and fixes. 1.1rc1 - Monday 25 June 2007 * Documentation updates and fixes. 1.1beta2 - Thursday 31 May 2007 * Implemented issue #10419: SignalSlot optionally throws an exception if an unknown signal is emited. 1.1beta1 - Monday 07 May 2007 * Implemented issue #9965: Support for delayed initialization through ezcBaseInit. * Implemented issue #10418: SignalSlot should support checking for a signal. * Implemented issue #10592: Add tests for passing more parameters to a slot then the slot function accepts. SystemInformation 1.0.5 - Monday 25 June 2007 * Fixed issue #11014: ezcSystemInfoMacReader::getCpuCount() returns incorrect type. * Documentation updates and fixes. 1.0.4 - Thursday 31 May 2007 * Fixed issue #9413: There is no Mac Reader for SystemInformation, although it's referenced in the code. 1.0.3 - Monday 07 May 2007 * Fixed issue #9838: ezcSystemInformation doesn't have proper property documentation. Template 1.2 - Monday 02 July 2007 * Documentation updates. 1.2rc1 - Friday 22 June 2007 * Documentation updates. 1.2beta2 - Thursday 31 May 2007 * Fixed issue #10075: Invalid cache created when the Customblock or CustomFunction produces a PHP error. * Fixed issue #10870: Return statement does not immediately return inside a {dynamic_block}. * Implemented issue #9972: Added support for caching. * Implemented issue #10738: Added support for dynamic locations. 1.2beta1 - Monday 07 May 2007 * Fixed issue #10035: Block comments mixed with Javascript comments generates wrong Template code. * Fixed issue #10036: Invalid generated PHP code cannot be renewed without deleting the generated template. * Fixed issue #10261: Array fetch and property fetch could not be used together. * Implemented issue #9965: Support for delayed initialization through ezcBaseInit. * Added support for named parameters in the custom functions. * Added support for dynamic locations in the template include(s). * Made it possible to send a Template Object to the custom function. Translation 1.1.4 - Monday 25 June 2007 * Documentation updates and fixes. 1.1.3 - Monday 07 May 2007 * Fixed issue #10027: The format of the XML file format is not documented. TranslationCacheTiein 1.1.2 - Monday 25 June 2007 * Documentation updates and fixes. Url 1.1 - Monday 02 July 2007 * Documentation updates and fixes. 1.1rc1 - Monday 25 June 2007 * Fixed issue #11012: basedir can be now specified as an absolute path also. * Documentation updates and fixes. 1.1beta1 - Monday 07 May 2007 * Implemented feature request #10109: Added support for delayed initialization for ezcUrlConfiguration. * Implemented feature request #10444: Added removeOrderedParameter() and removeUnorderedParameter() methods to ezcUrlConfiguration. Also exposed the url configuration as a property of ezcUrl objects. UserInput 1.1.2 - Monday 02 July 2007 * Documentation updates and fixes. * Fixed issue #11035: UserInput tutorial inconsistent. 1.1.1 - Monday 07 May 2007 * Fixed issue #10002: Wrong documentation of return type for ezcInputForm::validateDefinition. * Fixed issue #10247: ezcInputForm::hasGetData and ezcInputForm::hasPostData do not return booleans are per documentation. Workflow 1.0 - Monday 02 July 2007 * Fixed an issue that is caused by a bug in PHP 5.2.1. 1.0rc1 - Monday 25 June 2007 * Fixed issue #10919: Input validation of all waiting variables before throwing an exception. * Fixed issue #10922: Resuming with execution ID. * Fixed issue #10968: Allow service objects to suspend the workflow execution. * Documentation updates and fixes. 1.0beta2 - Thursday 31 May 2007 * Fixed issue #10641: ezcWorkflowNodeVariableSet is not exported to XML properly. 1.0beta1 - Monday 07 May 2007 * Initial release of this package. WorkflowDatabaseTiein 1.0 - Monday 02 July 2007 * Documentation updates. 1.0rc1 - Monday 25 June 2007 * Fixed issue #10902: Workflow nodes are not activated correctly when loading. * Fixed issue #10922: Resuming with execution ID. * Documentation updates and fixes. 1.0beta2 - Thursday 31 May 2007 * Fixed issue #10761: Wrong table name in ezcWorkflowDatabaseTieinTestCase::cleanupTables(). 1.0beta1 - Monday 07 May 2007 * Initial release of this package. WorkflowEventLogTiein 1.0 - Monday 02 July 2007 * Documentation updates. 1.0beta2 - Thursday 31 May 2007 * Refactored tests, made compatible with new Workflow version. 1.0beta1 - Monday 07 May 2007 * Initial release of this package.