This is the email to end a vote for a new PPMC member. We do this on the Wookie Private mailing list as that is where the vote is held.. Remember that this also needs to be forwarded to and a 72 hour period for lazy consensus must follow before moving on to the next stage (committerInvite.txt). ------------------------------------------------------------ To: cc: Subject: [RESULT] [Vote] new PPMC member: Joe Bloggs The vote has now closed. The results are: Binding Votes: +1 [TOTAL BINDING +1 VOTES] 0 [TOTAL BINDING +0/-0 VOTES] -1 [TOTAL BINDING -1 VOTES] [If three binding +1 and no binding -1] The vote passes, we now need lazy consensus approval from the IPMC. This email calls for that consensus. Consensus period ends 72 hours from now, i.e. XYZ UTC on YYYY-MM-DD ------------------------------------------------------------