This is the invitation email, sent after a positive result from the vote for a new committer. Don't send this until there has been 72 hours for a lazy consensus on Don't forget we need to forward this mail to ------------------------------------------------------------ To: Cc: Subject: invitation to become Wookie committer: Joe Bloggs ##### Hello #####, the Apache Wookie Podling Project Management Committee would like to invite you to become a Wookie committer and member of the PPMC. We value your contributions and are aware that you are committed to the project. Being a committer enables you to more easily make changes and so not need to go via the patch submission process. This should enable you to be more productive. Being also a PMC member enables you to guide the direction of the project. While this does not mean that you need to participate any more than you already do, it does tend to make one even more committed. Hence you will probably find that you spend more time here. Of course, you can decline and instead remain as a developer, contributing as you do now. This personal email is also providing a chance for you to decline in private. Either way, please let us know in reply only to the list. If you agree, then we will announce on the wookie-dev@ list after the account is established. Yours, The Apache Wookie PPMC ------------------------------------------------------------------------