Replace DIndex with GridState in-vm replication lose dead code SVN rename dirs/packages (mvn2 locations) move to ASF repo rename dirs/packages (e.g. wadi -> geronimo.cluster, core->web, etc) website (junit, clover, reports) refactor and tidy up DOCS sort through tests SNAPSHOT release remember list of registered MBeans and deregister them on Sessionmanager.stop() move WADI fn-ality from Filter to Valve/Handler.. OpenEJB integration (see openejb/ROADMAP.txt) Transactions in GridState HA-JNDI Make GridState 1st class Geronimo service Consider Colocations issues (discussed on g-dev) Management & Monitoring Migrate to backport-util-concurrent (then you are in good stead to move to Java 5's optimised concurrency implementations) we've done this on ActiveMQ, ActiveIO & ServiceMix - might be worth following suit?