Developer news from the XML community
en-usEdd Dumbill (mailto:webmaster@xmlhack.com)Edd Dumbill (mailto:editor@xmlhack.com)Copyright 1999-2001, xmlhack team.xmlhackhttp://xmlhack.com/images/mynetscape88.gif
News, opinions, tips and issues concerning XML developmentEditors' Newswire for 5 February, 2002
Newswire stories, including: Norm Walsh gets his propers; Refactoring XPointer; Mozilla 0.9.8 Released.Quick pointersEditors' Newswire for 4 February, 2002
Newswire stories, including: SVG Curriculum; New BizTalk Server; Krysalis; Cocoon 2.0.1 out; Updates to XML Catalog Resolvers; DIME and SOAP in DIME specs submitted as IETF Internet Drafts; DIY Web Services; DiffMk; XMLdiff.Quick pointersW3C QA Activity takes wing
The W3C has published an Introduction and Process & Operational Guidelines for the Quality Assurance Framework.W3CApache XML project releases Xerces 2.0.0
Xerces 2 for Java, the Apache XML Project's second generation XML parser, has now finished its beta phase and is considered production quality.JavaToolsRDF datatyping activity
The RDFCore WG is on the move, with a flurry of activity relating to data typing.RDFEditors' Newswire for 2 February, 2002
Newswire stories, including: Is the WSDL W3C XML Schema invalid?.Quick pointersEditors' Newswire for 1 February, 2002
Newswire stories, including: E-Business Standards Today; OASIS and ISO/IEC JTC1/SC34 liaison; XML put to work in recording Icelandic heritage; RELAX NG gets C# implementation; Jena RDF API and toolkit version 1.3 available; IC'2002 Section on Web Services and Service-Oriented Architectures; AI-2002 Workshop on Business Agents and the Semantic Web; Open Publish; Entity and URI Resolvers; XHTML plus SMIL profile.Quick pointersNot for the faint of heart
Tommie Usdin has issued a call for participation at Extreme Markup Languages 2002, IDEAlliance's seriously technical markup conference.Community