XMLhack http://xmlhack.com/ Developer news from the XML community en-us Edd Dumbill (mailto:webmaster@xmlhack.com) Edd Dumbill (mailto:editor@xmlhack.com) Copyright 1999-2001, xmlhack team. xmlhack http://xmlhack.com/images/mynetscape88.gif http://xmlhack.com News, opinions, tips and issues concerning XML development Editors' Newswire for 5 February, 2002 http://xmlhack.com/read.php?item=1526 Newswire stories, including: Norm Walsh gets his propers; Refactoring XPointer; Mozilla 0.9.8 Released. Quick pointers Editors' Newswire for 4 February, 2002 http://xmlhack.com/read.php?item=1525 Newswire stories, including: SVG Curriculum; New BizTalk Server; Krysalis; Cocoon 2.0.1 out; Updates to XML Catalog Resolvers; DIME and SOAP in DIME specs submitted as IETF Internet Drafts; DIY Web Services; DiffMk; XMLdiff. Quick pointers W3C QA Activity takes wing http://xmlhack.com/read.php?item=1524 The W3C has published an Introduction and Process & Operational Guidelines for the Quality Assurance Framework. W3C Apache XML project releases Xerces 2.0.0 http://xmlhack.com/read.php?item=1523 Xerces 2 for Java, the Apache XML Project's second generation XML parser, has now finished its beta phase and is considered production quality. Java Tools RDF datatyping activity http://xmlhack.com/read.php?item=1522 The RDFCore WG is on the move, with a flurry of activity relating to data typing. RDF Editors' Newswire for 2 February, 2002 http://xmlhack.com/read.php?item=1521 Newswire stories, including: Is the WSDL W3C XML Schema invalid?. Quick pointers Editors' Newswire for 1 February, 2002 http://xmlhack.com/read.php?item=1520 Newswire stories, including: E-Business Standards Today; OASIS and ISO/IEC JTC1/SC34 liaison; XML put to work in recording Icelandic heritage; RELAX NG gets C# implementation; Jena RDF API and toolkit version 1.3 available; IC'2002 Section on Web Services and Service-Oriented Architectures; AI-2002 Workshop on Business Agents and the Semantic Web; Open Publish; Entity and URI Resolvers; XHTML plus SMIL profile. Quick pointers Not for the faint of heart http://xmlhack.com/read.php?item=1514 Tommie Usdin has issued a call for participation at Extreme Markup Languages 2002, IDEAlliance's seriously technical markup conference. Community