} else {
$mesg = "DEBUG: " . $val . "
file_put_contents("/tmp/zoni_register.log", $mesg, FILE_APPEND);
function get_netmask ($cidr) {
$val = $cidr;
$count = 4;
$mask = "";
$oct = "";
while ($val > 0) {
if ($val >= 8){
$mask = $mask . "255.";
$val -= 8;
$count -= 1;
if ($val < 8 ){
for ($i=0;$i<8;$i++){
if ($i < $val){
$oct = $oct . "1";
}else {
$oct = $oct . "0";
$lastoct = base_convert($oct, 2, 10);
$val -= 8;
$count -= 1;
$mask = $mask . $lastoct;
if ($val <= 0){
for ($i=0;$i<$count;$i++){
$mask = $mask . ".0";
return $mask;
function createPassword($length=8) {
$pass = NULL;
for($i=0; $i<$length; $i++) {
$char = chr(rand(48,122));
while (!preg_match("/[a-zA-Z0-9]/", $char)){
$char = chr(rand(48,122));
$pass .= $char;
return $pass;
class db_connection {
var $conn;
var $status;
var $mydb;
var $table_headings;
var $num_rows;
var $num_fields;
var $field_names;
var $results_array;
var $me;
function db_connection ($HOST, $DBUSER, $password=NULL, $dbinst) {
$this->conn = mysql_connect ($HOST, $DBUSER, $password);
if (!$this->conn) {
die("Could not connect to $HOST as $DBUSER; " . mysql_error());
$this->mydb = mysql_select_db ($dbinst, $this->conn);
if (!$this->mydb) {
die ("Can't use $dbinst: " . mysql_error());
if (isset($_SESSION['user_id'])) {
$this->me = $_SESSION['user_id'];
return $this->conn;
function close () {
mysql_close ($this->conn);
// will return the results of the query
// if index is set to 1, array key will be the field names
function query ($query, $index=NULL) {
#$result = mysql_query($query) or die('Query failed: ' . mysql_error());
$result = $this->run_query($query);
if (!(is_bool($result))) {
$this->num_fields = $this->set_num_fields($result);
$this->num_rows = $this->set_num_rows($result);
$this->field_names = $this->set_field_names($result);
$this->results_array = array();
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
$tmp = array();
// number index
if ($index == 0) {
for ($i = 0; $i < $this->get_num_fields($result); $i++) {
array_push ($tmp, $row[$i]);
array_push($this->results_array, $tmp);
// print field labels as array index
} else {
for ($i = 0; $i < $this->get_num_fields($result); $i++) {
$val = $this->field_names[$i];
$tmp[$val] = $row[$i];
array_push($this->results_array, $tmp);
if ($this->get_num_rows($result) == 0) {
return -1;
} else {
return $this->results_array;
function set_num_fields ($result) {
return mysql_num_fields($result);
function get_num_fields () {
return $this->num_fields;
function set_num_rows ($result) {
return mysql_num_rows($result);
function get_num_rows () {
return $this->num_rows;
function set_field_names ($result) {
$this->field_names = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < $this->num_fields; $i++) {
$var = mysql_field_name($result, $i);
array_push ($this->field_names, $var);
return $this->field_names;
function get_field_names () {
return $this->field_names;
function get_results () {
return $this->results_array;
function system_exists ($mac) {
$query = "select * from sysinfo where mac_addr = '$mac'";
$result = mysql_query ($query)
or die ('Check dup query failed: ' . mysql_error());
$val = $this->set_num_rows ($result);
if ($val > 0) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
function get_ip_addr($mac) {
$query = "select ip_addr from sysinfo where mac_addr = '$mac'";
$val = $this->query($query, 1);
return $val[0]['ip_addr'];
function get_location ($sys_id) {
# location is not defined in here so get it from db
$query = "select location from sysinfo where sys_id = '$sys_id'";
$results = $this->query($query, 1);
$location = $results[0]['location'];
return $location;
function get_sys_id($mac) {
$query = "select sys_id from sysinfo where mac_addr = '$mac'";
$val = $this->query($query, 1);
return $val[0]['sys_id'];
function check_dup ($table, $colname, $value, $colname2=NULL, $value2=NULL) {
$cond = "where $colname = '$value'";
if ($colname2 != NULL && $value2 != NULL) {
$cond .= " and $colname2 = '$value2'";
$query = "select * from $table $cond";
$result = mysql_query($query)
or die('Check dup query failed: ' . mysql_error());
$val = $this->set_num_rows ($result);
return $val;
function add_system ($G, $u) {
$val = $this->check_dup ("users", "username", $u['username']);
if ($val < 1) {
$user_info = $this->create_new_user($u);
$msg = "SUCCESS
} else {
$msg = "A username by this name ";
$msg .= "({$u['username']}) already exists
return $msg;
* This function returns all info about a system
* @param $G Global var
* @return Returns an array of the contents indexed by mac address.
function get_system_summary () {
$query = "select s.mac_addr, s.location, ";
$query .= "s.num_procs, s.num_cores, s.mem_total, s.clock_speed, ";
$query .= "s.sys_vendor, s.sys_model, s.proc_vendor, s.proc_model, ";
#$query .= "s.proc_cache, s.dell_tag, s.cpu_flags, s.bios_rev ";
$query .= "s.proc_cache, s.dell_tag, s.bios_rev ";
// $query .= "d.disk_size ";
#$query .= "from sysinfo s, diskinfo d ";
$query .= "from sysinfo s";
//$query .= "where s.mac_addr = d.mac_addr";
$results = $this->query($query, 1);
return $results;
* This function returns all images
* @return Returns an array of the contents
function get_images () {
$image_array = array();
$query = "select image_name from imageinfo";
$val = $this->query($query, 1);
for ($i = 0; $i < count($val); $i++) {
foreach ($val[$i] as $key => $image) {
array_push($image_array, $image);
return $image_array;
function get_something ($fieldname, $table, $crit_field, $crit) {
$query = "select $fieldname from $table ";
$query .= "where $crit_field = '$crit'";
$val = $this->query($query, 1);
return $val[0]["$fieldname"];
function get_mac_addr_from_hostname ($node) {
$query = "select mac_addr from sysinfo ";
$query .= "where location = '$node' ";
$val = $this->query($query, 1);
return $val[0]['mac_addr'];
function get_hostname_from_mac_addr($mac_addr) {
$query = "select location from hostinfo ";
$query .= "where mac_addr = '$mac_addr' ";
$val = $this->query($query, 1);
if ($this->num_rows == 1) {
return $val[0]['location'];
} else {
$query = "select location from ";
$query .= "where mac_addr = '$mac_addr' ";
$val = $this->query($query, 1);
return $val[0]['location'];
function get_image_id_from_image_name ($name) {
$query = "select image_id from imageinfo ";
$query .= "where image_name = '$name'";
$val = $this->query($query, 1);
return $val[0]['image_id'];
* This function returns image from mac_addr
* @return Returns an array of the contents
function get_current_image($mac_addr) {
#$mac_addr = $this->get_mac_addr_from_hostname ($node);
$query = "select image_name from ";
$query .= "imageinfo i, imagemap j ";
$query .= "where i.image_id = j.image_id ";
$query .= "and j.mac_addr = '$mac_addr'";
$val = $this->query($query, 1);
return $val[0]['image_name'];
* This function returns all projects
* @return Returns an array of the contents
function get_projects () {
$my_array = array();
$query = "select project_id, project_name, description from projectinfo";
$val = $this->query($query, 1);
if ($this->get_num_rows() == 0) {
return 0;
# for ($i = 0; $i < count($val); $i++) {
# foreach ($val[$i] as $key => $value) {
# array_push($my_array, $value);
# }
# }
return $val;
* This function adds a projects
* @return Returns string message
* @param $project_name
* @param $description desc of project
function add_project ($project_name, $description) {
$val = $this->check_dup ("projectinfo", "project_name", $project_name);
if ($val < 1) {
$query = "insert into projectinfo ";
$query .= "(project_name, description) ";
$query .= "values ('$project_name', '$description')";
$result = mysql_query($query)
or die('insert into projectinfo query failed: ' . mysql_error());
return "Entry added to database";
} else {
return "Project $project_name exists";
* This function deletes a projects
function del_project($id) {
$query = "delete from projectinfo ";
$query .= "where project_id = '$id' ";
$result = mysql_query($query)
or die('Deleting projectinfo query failed: ' . mysql_error());
* This function gets all users
* @return Returns array of users
function get_users() {
$my_array = array();
$query = "select * from userinfo";
$val = $this->query($query, 1);
if ($this->get_num_rows() == 0) {
return 0;
return $val;
* This function adds a user
* @return Returns string message
function add_user($surname, $fname, $user_name, $position, $affil, $notes) {
$val = $this->check_dup ("userinfo", "user_name", $user_name);
if ($val < 1) {
$query = "insert into userinfo ";
$query .= "(surname, fname, user_name, position, ";
$query .= "affiliation, notes ) ";
$query .= "values ('$surname', '$fname', '$user_name', ";
$query .= "'$position', '$affil', '$notes')";
$result = mysql_query($query)
or die('insert into userinfo query failed: ' . mysql_error());
return "Entry added to database";
} else {
return "User $fname $surname exists";
* This function deletes a user
* @return
function del_user($user_id) {
$query = "delete from userinfo ";
$query .= "where user_id = '$user_id' ";
$result = mysql_query($query)
or die('Deleting userinfo query failed: ' . mysql_error());
* This runs a generic query
* @ return 0 on success
function run_query($query) {
$result = mysql_query($query)
or die('Query failed: ' . mysql_error() . "\n$query");
return $result;