This is not specifically about syntax, but includes some info about trunk checkins in general. Rules ================================================================================ 1. Use comments, and make them docstrings. epydoc will automatically generate HTML docs from this. 2. Do not modify auto-generated code (thrift output specifically). 3. If you're going to make a big change to the code (restructuring, replacing core functionality, etc.), do it in a branch and do it in such a way that life is not painful for the trunk maintainer. 4. If you're going to make a big change to the code, only make one big change at a time. 5. You should not check in code you know doesn't work to trunk. 6. Library dependencies should not require the newest releases of packages. A rule of thumb: if it doesn't work on something a year old (feisty at the time of this writting), it doesn't count as working. 7. When making a big change, if you would like it to eventually go into trunk (and you should always want that -- this is an Apache project), make sure that everybody who would care about what you're doing atleast gives some form of approval. Testing ================================================================================ Currently, testing means testing the classes that implement an interface (VmControlInterface, DFSInterface, etc) as well as the RPC servers (test every RPC call). Additionally, it means regression testing. We are not currently doing strict unit testing.