FROM 1.0.x TO 2.0.x =================== Almost all interfaces have been updated from 1.0.x -> 2.0.x. The following information is not complete. == container.js config changes == * gadgets.parentOrigins: Default ["*"] (NEW) An array of valid origin domains for the container. * Endpoint Changes for rpc The default RPC endpoints used for json-rpc were moved from /gadgets/api/rpc and /social/rpc to just /rpc * css for tabs/minimessage is now included in container.js == Java Dependency Changes == Too many to mention. Check the top-level pom.xml for all the new versions. Here are some highlights: * guava replaces google-collections * caja r3034 -> r4209 * guice 1.0->2.0 * guice-multibindings (NEW) * nekohtml 1.9.9 -> 1.9.13 * oauth-* 20080621 -> 20100527 (and others) * rome 0.9 -> 1.0 * rome-modules 0.3.2 (NEW) * servlet-api 2.4->2.5 * ehcache 1.5 -> 1.6.2 * xstream 1.2 -> 1.3.1 * xpp3 -> 1.1.4c * commons-coded 1.3 -> 1.4 == Java Interface Changes == * AbstractContainerConfig Changed signature on getMap() and getList() to use Java generics. * SecurityToken New methods: getExpiresAt() and isExpired() are now required. A new AbstractSecurityToken base class is available. * SecurityTokenDecoder The interface and implementation are replaced with the new SecurityTokenCodec interface and implementations. You will need to adjust any custom SecurityToken decoders to encode tokens as well as decode them. * SocialSpiException class is removed, use ProtocolException instead * GuiceBeanConverter.DuplicateFieldException class is removed * RestfulCollection The constructor RestfulCollection(List entry, int startIndex, int totalResults) is removed. Use the constructor with an items-per-page parameter instead. * RequestRewriter, ImageRewriter -> ResponseRewriter ResponseRewriter is replacing RequestRewriter and ImageRewriter. Its interface method is: void rewrite(HttpRequest req, HttpResponseBuilder builder); HttpResponseBuilder extends MutableContent. RequestRewriters may be migrated by mutating builder rather than the previously-passed MutableContent. There is no provision for reading "original" HttpResponse headers. ImageRewriters may be migrated to ResponseRewriters as well by mutating the builder, where previously a new HttpResponse was returned. * UrlManager -> IframeUriManager, JsUriManager, OAuthUriManager The UrlManager interface has been removed. In its place are IframeUriManager, JsUriManager, and OAuthUriManager, producing Uris (equivalent to previous Strings). This change is done to better encapsulate Uri logic, putting creation and processing logic in the same place. @see (now-removed) shim class ...for a schematic on how the previous methods map to new versions. This class was a bridge between the new and old interfaces. Default implementations of each UriManager class are provided in org.apache.shindig.gadgets.uri, each named DefaultX, where X = interface. These classes are suitable for subclassing to extend, should you prefer. Note that the ContainerConfig values the default implementations use are different (mostly by name/key) than those DefaultUrlGenerator used. Specific values are documented in the class comment and statics for each impl. * MediaItem Location field changed from String to Address. == Java Guice Changes == 2.0.x uses Guice 2.0 which allows for @Provides annotations and much more. * TemplateModule If you had previously customized the Set of TagHandlers you'll need to start using Guice Multibindings instead. This is much easier than subclassing the Guice module. Here's what you would add to your local module to add a new Tag handler. Multibinder.newSetBinder(binder(), TagHandler.class).addBinding().to(MyCustomTagHandler.class); * SocialApiGuiceModule, DefaultGuiceModule Configuring a new Rest/RPC handler now uses Multibindings. Adding a new binding is easy, just use the following syntax: Multibinder.newSetBinder(binder(), Object.class, Names.named("org.apache.shindig.handlers")) .addBinding().toInstance(MyHandler.class); The long value annotated with the name "org.apache.shindig.serviceExpirationDurationMinutes" has been moved to shindig/common/conf/ Guice 2.0 can inject Long values from Strings automatically. * Rename SecurityTokenDecoder to SecurityTokenCodec This class is renamed to provide a single place to capture both encoding and decoding work for gadget security tokens. This also affects classes previously implementing SecurityTokenDecoder and previously extending DefaultSecurityTokenDecoder. == PHP Changes == TBD