EXAMPLE.mail.properties [Removed 1855870] From audit. NOTES.txt This file. assign_shepherds.py With content/podlings.xml and content/shepherds.json create content/shepherd_assignments.json audit [Removed r1855870] RAT Audit from 2008 authors-transform.txt [Removed r1855870] map of authors vs. email? build.bat Ant build on Windows. build.props Ant props - UTF-8 build.sh Ant build include lib directory on classpath build.xml Old style site builds. build_cms.sh Build using Apache CMS build_site.sh [Obsolete] Example of asf-site build from git???? clutch.pkl Python Pickle database from clutch processing clutch.py Evaluates the clutch, uses pickle file for state, creates clutch status in content/clutch/. clutch2data.py Generates clutch data from pickle file. clutch2report.py Generates monthly report template from pickle file. connect.py [Removed r1855870] ssh-agent to people.apache.org? content Website content and podling status files/ cpappend.bat [Removed r1855870] current.xsl XSL transform for current? data [Removed r1855870] one cycle old reporting yml data. devlists.py [Obsolete?] Get the dev mailing lists for current podlings diff.py [Obsolete?] auditing of release artifacts. doap_converter [Obsolete?] DOAP - Perl and XSL. email_reminder_template.txt Podling report reminder. (Needs to be updated for Mentors helping quesiton) entry.xsl Podlings XSL w/ startdate. lib Java jars for anakia webpage builds. pom Maven POM - why is this needed? ppmc-aliases.xsl Transform for list of podling private lists. Does not consider old style mailing list names. See devlists.py rat-audit [Removed r1855870] RAT audit from 2008 report-groups.xsl [Obsolete?] Reporting groups transform report-next-month.xsl [Obsolete?] Reporting groups transform report_reminders.py send monthly report reminders to this month's podlings dev lists. report_runbook.py IPMC Chair - runbook for reporting - will need updating for CWiki report_timeline.py Reporting timeline - needs update for MOIN to Confluence migration report_who.py Reporting podling list. scanner.py Scan incubator dist and archive areas includes hash checks. Needs update for policy changes. tests.py Scanner testing / diff.py too. tools [Removed r1855870] (adc) 2013 - Python Tools - Are these used? - produces authors-transform.txt? voter [Removed r1855870] (brane,crossley) 2014 - Looks for VOTE threads and puts them in a database. votes [Removed r1855870] Vote thread summary from ODFToolkit