# ************************************************************* # # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # # ************************************************************* # This is a collection of BASIC macros that can cause Syntax errors, Exceptions, # Runtime Errors. They are loaded in the test framework/optional/f_basic_issues.bas # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # [Default_Macro] REM BASIC sub main end sub # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # [MessageBoxes] '# MessageBoxes - Macro that opens all flavors of messageboxes function TestMessageBoxes() msgbox( "0x" , 0 ) msgbox( "1x" , 1 ) msgbox( "2x" , 2 ) msgbox( "3x" , 3 ) msgbox( "4x" , 4 ) msgbox( "5x" , 5 ) msgbox( "16" , 2 + 16 ) msgbox( "32" , 2 + 32 ) msgbox( "48" , 2 + 48 ) msgbox( "64" , 2 + 64 ) msgbox( "128" , 2 + 128 ) msgbox( "256" , 2 + 256 ) msgbox( "512" , 2 + 512 ) end function # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # [TTMacro1] '# TTMacro1: This is a short testscript for automated testing! sub main print( "TTMacro1" ) end sub # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # [TTMacro2] '# TTMacro2: Macro that only contains a comment on the first line # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # [TTMacro3] '# TTMacro3: Bring up a messagebox sub main msgbox( "TTMacro3" ) end sub # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # [tBasicExport] ' This is a macro to test the BASIC library export sub main msgbox( "tBasicExport" ) end sub # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # [i41695] ' No runtime exception sub main dim F as string dim S as string msgbox( "i41695-1" ) F = "file://" & curdir & "/test.txt" Open F for random as #17 get #17, 1, S msgbox( "i41695-2" ) end sub # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # [i77436] '# This is a macro required for verification of issue 77436 Sub Main 'test service o= createUnoService("TestNamesComp") msgbox o.dbg_supportedInterfaces 'test singleton ctx = getDefaultContext factory = ctx.getValueByName("org.openoffice.test.Names") msgbox o.dbg_supportedInterfaces End Sub # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # [i82830] 'should display '12D687 '4553207 Sub Main dim l as long l = 1234567 msgbox hex( l ) msgbox oct( l ) end sub # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # [i81674] Sub Main MsgBox Format(1250, "Currency") MsgBox Format(1250, "Yes/No") MsgBox Format(1250, "True/False") MsgBox Format(1250, "On/Off") End Sub # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # [i80532] ' Should display three messageboxes: -10,1,-10 Sub Main aTestFunction (-10) ' will compile aTestFunction 1,-10 ' will compile aTestFunction -10 ' should now compile and run, too End Sub function aTestFunction( param1 as variant ) msgbox "param1 = " & param1 end function # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # [i83978] ' This should trigger an exception Sub Main BasicLibraries.LoadLibrary( "ThisLibDoesNotExist" ) End Sub # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # [i84040] ' Two messageboxes that should display "false" Sub Main Dim oError1 as new com.sun.star.sdbc.SQLException print isnull( oError1 ) Dim oError2 as Object oError2 = CreateUnoStruct( "com.sun.star.sdbc.SQLException" ) print isnull( oError2 ) End Sub # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # [i86265] ' There should be no "Parantheses do not match" warning OPTION EXPLICIT Public Const cMAX = 256 Sub Main Dim mRangeArray(0, 0) as String Dim n as Integer n = 10 MsgBox "i86265-1" ReDim mRangeArray(CInt(cMAX), n) as String MsgBox "i86265-2" End Sub # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # [i92329] Option VBASupport 1 Sub Main() Dim mTmp() As String mTmp() = Test(False) '<-- generates an 'unexpected ')' compiler error MsgBox mTmp(0) & " " & mTmp(1) End Sub Function Test(ByVal bFlag As Boolean) As Variant Dim mRanges(100) As String If (bFlag = True) Then Test = "return a String" Else mRanges(0) = "Return an" mRanges(1) = "Array" Test = mRanges() End If End Function # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # [i97038] ' Date should contain the year 1900 and the value should be 2 Sub Main Dim v v = DateSerial(0,1,1) Msgbox ("Date : " & v) MsgBox ("Value : " & CDbl(v)) End Sub # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # [i103691] option vbasupport 1 Sub Main dim a, b if (not a = b) then msgbox( "not equal" ) else msgbox( "Equal" ) end if End Sub # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # [i103697] Private Declare Function FooFunction Lib "foo" ( nVal ) Public Declare Function FooFunction2 Lib "foo" ( nVal ) sub main msgbox( "i103697" ) end sub # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # [i103990] type MyType a( 3 ) as integer b as double end type Sub Main dim mt as MyType mt.a(0) = 42 mt.a(1) = 43 mt.b = 3.14 msgbox( mt.a(0) ) msgbox( mt.a(1) ) if ( mt.b = 3.14 ) then msgbox( "Pi" ) else msgbox( "Error" ) endif end sub # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # [i107070] Sub Main oSingleton = com.sun.star.logging.LoggerPool oInstance1 = oSingleton.get() msgbox oInstance1.dbg_properties oCtx = GetDefaultContext() oInstance2 = oSingleton.get( oCtx ) msgbox oInstance2.dbg_properties ' Uncommenting this should result in an error "Invalid procedure call" oInstanceErr1 = oSingleton.get( 42 ) End Sub # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # [i106744-1] sub main msgbox test1() end sub Function test1() As String Dim foo As String : foo = "astring" On Error Resume Next test1 = "GOT ERROR" If IsEmpty(foo) Then test1 = "EMPTY" Else test1 = "NOT EMPTY" End If End Function # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # [i106744-2] option VBASupport 1 sub main msgbox test1() end sub Function test1() As String Dim foo As String : foo = "astring" On Error Resume Next test1 = "GOT ERROR" If IsEmpty(foo) Then test1 = "EMPTY" Else test1 = "NOT EMPTY" End If End Function