#************************************************************** # # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # #************************************************************** # relevant for non-product builds only, but built unconditionally .IF "$(ABORT_ON_ASSERTION)" != "" DBGSV_ERROR_OUT=abort SAL_DIAGNOSE_ABORT=TRUE .EXPORT: SAL_DIAGNOSE_ABORT .ELSE DBGSV_ERROR_OUT=shell .ENDIF .EXPORT: DBGSV_ERROR_OUT # don't allow to overwrite DBGSV_ERROR_OUT with an INI file. Otherwise, people # might be tempted to put an DBGSV_INIT into their .bash_profile which points to a file # delcaring to ignore all assertions completely ... DBGSV_INIT= .EXPORT: DBGSV_INIT .IF "$(OS)" == "WNT" my_file = file:/// .ELSE my_file = file:// .END # The following conditional is an approximation of: UPDATER set to YES and # SHIPDRIVE set and CWS_WORK_STAMP not set and either SOL_TMP not set or # SOLARENV set to a pathname of which SOL_TMP is not a prefix: .IF "$(UPDATER)" == "YES" && "$(SHIPDRIVE)" != "" && \ "$(CWS_WORK_STAMP)" == "" && "$(SOLARENV:s/$(SOL_TMP)//" == "$(SOLARENV)" my_instsets = $(shell ls -dt \ $(SHIPDRIVE)/$(INPATH)/OpenOffice/archive/$(WORK_STAMP)_$(LAST_MINOR)_native_packed-*_$(defaultlangiso).$(BUILD)) installationtest_instset = $(my_instsets:1) .ELSE installationtest_instset = \ $(SOLARSRC)/instsetoo_native/$(INPATH)/OpenOffice/archive/install/$(defaultlangiso) .END .IF "$(OS)" == "WNT" installationtest_instpath = `cat $(MISC)/$(TARGET)/installation.flag` .ELSE installationtest_instpath = $(SOLARVERSION)/$(INPATH)/installation$(UPDMINOREXT) .END .IF "$(OS)" == "MACOSX" my_sofficepath = \ $(installationtest_instpath)/opt/OpenOffice.org.app/Contents/MacOS/soffice .ELIF "$(OS)" == "WNT" my_sofficepath = \ $(installationtest_instpath)'/opt/OpenOffice.org 3/program/soffice.exe' .ELSE my_sofficepath = \ $(installationtest_instpath)/opt/openoffice.org3/program/soffice .END .IF "$(OOO_TEST_SOFFICE)" == "" my_soffice = path:$(my_sofficepath) .ELSE my_soffice = '$(OOO_TEST_SOFFICE:s/'/'\''/)' .END .IF "$(OOO_LIBRARY_PATH_VAR)" != "" my_cppenv = \ -env:arg-env=$(OOO_LIBRARY_PATH_VAR)"$${{$(OOO_LIBRARY_PATH_VAR)+=$$$(OOO_LIBRARY_PATH_VAR)}}" my_javaenv = \ -Dorg.openoffice.test.arg.env=$(OOO_LIBRARY_PATH_VAR)"$${{$(OOO_LIBRARY_PATH_VAR)+=$$$(OOO_LIBRARY_PATH_VAR)}}" .END # Work around Windows problems with long pathnames (see issue 50885) by # installing into the temp directory instead of the module output tree (in which # case $(TARGET).installation.flag contains the path to the temp installation, # which is removed after smoketest); can be removed once issue 50885 is fixed; # on other platforms, a single installation to solver is created in # smoketestoo_native: .IF "$(OS)" == "WNT" && "$(OOO_TEST_SOFFICE)" == "" OOO_EXTRACT_TO:=$(shell cygpath -m `mktemp -dt ooosmoke.XXXXXX`) $(MISC)/$(TARGET)/installation.flag : $(shell \ ls $(installationtest_instset)/OOo_*_install-arc_$(defaultlangiso).zip) $(COMMAND_ECHO)$(MKDIRHIER) $(@:d) $(COMMAND_ECHO)unzip -q $(installationtest_instset)/OOo_*_install-arc_$(defaultlangiso).zip -d "$(OOO_EXTRACT_TO)" $(COMMAND_ECHO)mv "$(OOO_EXTRACT_TO)"/OOo_*_install-arc_$(defaultlangiso) "$(OOO_EXTRACT_TO)"/opt $(COMMAND_ECHO)echo "$(OOO_EXTRACT_TO)" > $@ .END cpptest .PHONY : $(COMMAND_ECHO)$(RM) -r $(MISC)/$(TARGET)/user $(COMMAND_ECHO)$(MKDIRHIER) $(MISC)/$(TARGET)/user $(CPPUNITTESTER) \ -env:UNO_SERVICES=$(my_file)$(SOLARXMLDIR)/ure/services.rdb \ -env:UNO_TYPES=$(my_file)$(SOLARBINDIR)/types.rdb \ -env:arg-soffice=$(my_soffice) -env:arg-user=$(MISC)/$(TARGET)/user \ $(my_cppenv) $(TEST_ARGUMENTS:^"-env:arg-testarg.") --protector \ $(SOLARSHAREDBIN)/unoexceptionprotector$(DLLPOST) \ unoexceptionprotector $(CPPTEST_LIBRARY) # As a workaround for #i111400#, ignore failure of $(RM): $(COMMAND_ECHO)- $(RM) -r $(MISC)/$(TARGET)/user .IF "$(OS)" == "WNT" && "$(OOO_TEST_SOFFICE)" == "" $(COMMAND_ECHO)$(RM) -r $(installationtest_instpath) $(MISC)/$(TARGET)/installation.flag cpptest : $(MISC)/$(TARGET)/installation.flag .END .IF "$(SOLAR_JAVA)" == "TRUE" && "$(OOO_JUNIT_JAR)" != "" javatest_% .PHONY : $(JAVATARGET) $(COMMAND_ECHO)$(RM) -r $(MISC)/$(TARGET)/user $(COMMAND_ECHO)$(MKDIRHIER) $(MISC)/$(TARGET)/user $(COMMAND_ECHO)$(JAVAI) $(JAVAIFLAGS) $(JAVACPS) \ '$(OOO_JUNIT_JAR)$(PATH_SEPERATOR)$(CLASSPATH)' \ -Dorg.openoffice.test.arg.soffice=$(my_soffice) \ -Dorg.openoffice.test.arg.user=$(my_file)$(PWD)/$(MISC)/$(TARGET)/user \ $(my_javaenv) $(TEST_ARGUMENTS:^"-Dorg.openoffice.test.arg.testarg.") \ org.junit.runner.JUnitCore \ $(subst,/,. $(PACKAGE)).$(@:s/javatest_//) $(RM) -r $(MISC)/$(TARGET)/user .IF "$(OS)" == "WNT" && "$(OOO_TEST_SOFFICE)" == "" $(RM) -r $(installationtest_instpath) $(MISC)/$(TARGET)/installation.flag javatest : $(MISC)/$(TARGET)/installation.flag .END javatest .PHONY : $(JAVATARGET) $(COMMAND_ECHO)$(RM) -r $(MISC)/$(TARGET)/user $(COMMAND_ECHO)$(MKDIRHIER) $(MISC)/$(TARGET)/user $(COMMAND_ECHO)$(JAVAI) $(JAVAIFLAGS) $(JAVACPS) \ '$(OOO_JUNIT_JAR)$(PATH_SEPERATOR)$(CLASSPATH)' \ -Dorg.openoffice.test.arg.soffice=$(my_soffice) \ -Dorg.openoffice.test.arg.user=$(my_file)$(PWD)/$(MISC)/$(TARGET)/user \ $(my_javaenv) $(TEST_ARGUMENTS:^"-Dorg.openoffice.test.arg.testarg.") \ org.junit.runner.JUnitCore \ $(foreach,i,$(JAVATESTFILES) $(subst,/,. $(PACKAGE)).$(i:s/.java//)) $(RM) -r $(MISC)/$(TARGET)/user .IF "$(OS)" == "WNT" && "$(OOO_TEST_SOFFICE)" == "" $(RM) -r $(installationtest_instpath) $(MISC)/$(TARGET)/installation.flag javatest : $(MISC)/$(TARGET)/installation.flag .END .ELSE javatest .PHONY : @echo 'javatest needs SOLAR_JAVA=TRUE and OOO_JUNIT_JAR' .END