Releases are built from this directory. Copy the to Ensure that the file has the correct . numbers. Set the property 'build.release' to 'true' if you're generating a release without a time-stamp. Create release notes if required. Use the format RELEASE-NOTES--.txt. All release notes should reside in the 'releasenotes' directory. To build all releases, simply type 'ant'. The releases will be built in the 'nightly' directory. DO NOT check in the 'nightly' directory into the repository. However, it is appropriate to check-in new release notes added. To run RAT on a release, do the following: . Ensure you have the rat-.jar and commons-lang-.jar in ~/.ant/lib. . Type: ant php-rat >nightly/php-rat.out . Type: ant rails-rat >nightly/rails-rat.out NOTES: . The running of RAT is not made part of the release generation as it takes a long time. . TODO: Automate creation of md5 and asc files.