Writing .NET Mojos (Microsoft Only)

The first thing to do is to create an implementation of the NMaven.Plugin.AbstractMojo class. You will need to become familiar with two attributes:

  1. ClassAttribute - provides the phase and goal info for the Mojo
  2. FieldAttribute - provides the Java fieldName, Java fieldType and Maven expression. The Expression parameter should be the same as you would specify within a Java Mojo

It is important to note that the plugin framework currently only handles String types and the maven project types: it also does not handle collections. Additional types will be added in future versions.

 using System;
 using NMaven.Plugin;

 namespace NMaven.Plugins.Test
        [ClassAttribute(Phase = "compile", Goal = "Hello")]
        public sealed class MyMojo : AbstractMojo

                [FieldAttribute("basedir", Expression = "${basedir}", Type = "java.lang.String")]
                public String basedir;

                [FieldAttribute("mavenProject", Expression = "${project}",
                                                Type = "org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject")]
                public NMaven.Model.Model mavenProject;

                public override Type GetMojoImplementationType()
                        return this.GetType();//LEAVE THIS UNCHANGED

                public override void Execute()
                    Console.WriteLine("My  First Mojo"):
            //DO SOMETHING HERE

After that, add a pom.xml file to your project. Notice that the packaging type must be "netplugin". You must also add the NMaven.Plugin dependency, as that assembly contains the base AbstractMojo class and the attributes. The NMaven.Model.Pom dependency is only needed if you are injecting the MavenProject into a field.

<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0">

For the example above, your project structure should look something like:

 |-- src
 |   `-- main
 |       `-- csharp
 |           `-- NMaven
 |               `-- Plugins
 |                   `-- Test
 |                       `-- MyMojo.cs
  `-- pom.xml

Now compile and install the module containing your plugin:

 mvn install

Next generate the JavaBinding classes for the .NET Plugin.

 mvn org.apache.maven.dotnet.plugins:maven-mojo-generator-plugin:generate-bindings

Your project structure will now look like this:

 |-- src
 |   `-- main
 |       |-- csharp
 |       |   `-- NMaven
 |       |       `-- Plugins
 |       |            `-- Test
 |       |                 `-- MyMojo.cs
 |        `-- java
 |           `-- NMaven
 |               `-- Plugins
 |                   `-- Test
 |                     `-- MyMojo.java
  `-- pom.xml
  `-- pom-java.xml

You will see that the maven-mojo-generator-plugin generates a Java class - containing an implementation of a Maven AbstractMojo - for each corresponding .NET AbstractMojo class within your plugin. It also generates a pom-java.xml file. Type:

 mvn intall -f pom-java.xml

This generates a traditional Maven plugin (in Java) that binds to your .NET version. Now type

 mvn NMaven.Plugins:NMaven.Plugins.Test.JavaBinding:Hello

and on your screen, you will see

 My First Mojo