About NMaven

NMaven provides Maven 2.x plugins to support building of .NET applications. NMaven is its own framework that provides the correct .NET compiler based on the environment (vendor/language/operating system). This framework leverages Maven for the build lifecycle, making it a small, compiler-plugin-framework on top of the larger Maven build-framework.

Road Map

The primary goal of NMaven is to provide a common Maven build environment across .NET compilers (C#, VB), vendors (Microsoft, Novell, DotGNU) and platforms (Windows, Linux). Specific, near-term goals include:

  • Browse Maven repository and add/delete dependencies through IDE (VS2005/SharpDevelop)
  • Write .NET Maven plugins with Mono (Similar to the one for Microsoft)
  • Generate project templates through archetypes

Click here for a complete Road Map

Reporting Bugs/Requesting Features

Site Info

All information contained within this web-site is based on the latest work at the SVN trunk , so all features may not work with the latest stable tag SVN tags