it0001: CS-MS: Build a .netmodule it0002: CS-MS: Build a library that is dependent on a .netmodule it0003: CS-MS: Verify that .netmodules are not a compile-time transitive dependency. it0004: CS-MS: Run an NUnit test that uses libraries and run-time transitive .netmodule dependencies. it0005: CS-MS: Build a webapp and deploy it it0006: PATH: Generate a class binding from a schema it0007: PATH: Generate a schema from an XML instance and then create a class binding from the generated schema it0008: PATH: Generate a WSDL (not included) it0009: Removed it0010: VB-MS: Build a library that is dependent on a .netmodule it0011: CS-MONO: Build a library that is dependent on a .netmodule it0012: CS-GNU: Build a .netmodule it0013: CS-GNU: Build a library that is dependent on a .netmodule (Disabled: option yet not supported). it0014: CS-GNU: Verify that .netmodules are not a compile-time transitive dependency. (Disabled: option not yet supported). it0015: CS-GNU: Build a library. it0016: CS-GNU: Build a library that is dependent on another library it0017: CS-GNU: Run an NUnit test that uses library dependencies. it0018: CS-MS-v1.1: Build a library with version 1.1 of the framework (verify manually by looking at the dll manifest) it0019: CS-MS-Compact: Build a library with the COMPACT framework (windows only) it0020: CS-MS-Resources: Generate resource file and embed into assembly it0021: VB: Resource generation for VB it0022: Signing of an assembly (verify manually by looking for the signature in the manifest) it0023: CS-MS: .NET 3.0 compiling it0024: CS-MS: .NET 3.0 NUnit it0027: Compiling CS with flat directory structure it0028: Deploys a snapshot dll to a remote repo it0029: Deploys a non-snapshot dll to a remote repo it0030: Pulls a snapshot dll and non-snapshot dll from a remote repo it0032: Verifies that compile plugin processes excludes and testExcludes elements from the pom