Prerequisites * csc.exe must be available on your PATH. Usually it can be found in C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\[version] * NUnit must be installed or otherwise configured, see Initial Build * The latest version of NMaven requires .NET 2.0+ to build and run NMaven. This is due to needing the .NET 2.0 AppDomainManagers for executing Maven .NET plugins. You may still target your own projects with .NET 1.1 build. * On the first build, for Windows execute bootstrap-build.bat [ -DMicrosoft | -DVisualStudio2005 | -DMono ] Or on *nix, If this is a clean build (meaning that you do not have a ~./m2/nmaven-settings.xml file) then you will also need to make sure that you have csc within your path. On subsequent builds, you can just type mvn -f pom.xml install from the command prompt. IntelliJ IDEA Setup * Do the initial build. This will create the dotnet modello model source code and will download all of the maven binary dependencies. Next, click the maven-dotnet.ipr file. Go to settings/Path variables and set localRepository to your ~/.m2/repository directory (specify the absolute path). Exit IntelliJ and click the maven-dotnet.ipr file. Now all of the binary dependencies will be mapped to the local maven repo. Deploying NMaven Artifacts (File System Only) * On the command line set phase=deploy set${remoteRepository} bootstrap-build.bat * Due to a bug with not being able to use snapshots with an executables exe.config file, you will need to do this next step manually: Copy ${localRepository}\NMaven\Plugins\NMaven.Plugin.Resx\0.14\NMaven.Plugin.Resx.exe.config to ${remoteRepository}\NMaven\Plugins\NMaven.Plugin.Resx\0.14\NMaven.Plugin.Resx.exe.config To set up a remote repository accessible to others, you can transfer the contents of ${remoteRepository} from your file system to a web server. Generating CS Project Files and Solutions: * Go to the directory containing a pom file. * type: mvn org.apache.maven.dotnet.plugins:maven-solution-plugin:solution If the project was multi-module, the plugin will pick those up as well. Setting up the Visual Studio 2005 Addin: After building the project with bootstrap-build -DVisualStudio2005 * Deploy the components/dotnet-service/embedder/target/dotnet-service-embedder.war file on a standard web server running port 8080. * To generate the Addin for VisualStudio type: mvn org.apache.maven.dotnet.plugins:maven-vsinstaller-plugin:install * Start the IDE * Click on an NMaven project * Click on Tools/NMaven Addin Changing NMaven's Version: If you need to either update (or change) NMaven's project version, run the following: modify-versions.bat <> This changes all of the versions within the pom.xml files. If you also need to override the maven version (it is currently set to maven-2.1-snapshot) bootstrap-build.bat -DmavenVersion=<> Building Against NonPublic Repo (For release versions) Deploy local versioned snapshot of maven 2.1 to internal repo Deploy openrdf artifacts to internal repo Deploy Castle artifacts to internal repo Modify version to internal release version (as shown above) Manually change the mavenVersion property in the pom.xml to a release version Type: bootstrap-build.bat -DrdfProfile.none -DVisualStudio2005 -DmavenVersion=<>