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include Directory Reference


file  lcn_api.h [code]
file  lcn_directory.h [code]
 Routines for working with various types of directories.
file  lcn_document.h [code]
 Routines for manipulating lucene documents.
file  lcn_field.h [code]
 Routines for manipulating lucene fields.
file  lcn_fielddata.h [code]
 Routines for manipulating a segment's field data file.
file  lcn_fieldinfos.h [code]
 Routines for reading information about a segment's fields.
file  lcn_frequencies.h [code]
 routines for reading the frequencies data for a segment
file  lcn_index.h [code]
 Routines for manipulating a lucene index.
file  lcn_istream.h [code]
 Routines for manipulating read-only streams of data.
file  lcn_query.h [code]
 Routines for working with queries.
file  lcn_query_parser.h [code]
 Routines for creating queries from a user provided string.
file  lcn_scorer.h [code]
 Routines for working with scorers.
file  lcn_segment.h [code]
 Routines for manipulating a segment of a lucene index.
file  lcn_segments.h [code]
 Routines for reading the segments contained within a lucen index.
file  lcn_term.h [code]
 Routines for handling lucene terms.
file  lcn_terminfos.h [code]
 Routines for manipulating the terminfos file from a lucene segment.
file  lcn_types.h [code]
 Random stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else.

Generated on Sat Mar 26 08:12:11 2005 for Lucene4c by  doxygen 1.4.0