Apache Kato M1 Release November 2009 ===================================== This is the milestone 1 release of the Apache Kato project. The Apache Kato project provides implementations of the JSR-326 API which provides means of generating dumps in Java virtual machines and reading them. The project currently provides the following: . An implementation of JSR-326 for accesing hprof files. . A JVMTI agent (Windows and Linux x86) for providing dump files. . An implementation of JSR-326 for accessing the JVMTI dumps. . JNI library (Windows and Linux x86) for generating dumps on demand. . An interactive command line tool for analyzing dumps. . A JDI server for allowing Java debuggers to attach to dumps. . JavaDoc for the API . A PDF of the specification. Our website is here: http://incubator.apache.org/kato To make queries regarding the API, please email: kato-spec@incubator.apache.org Archive: http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/incubator-kato-spec/ Other queries should be made to the following list: kato-spec@incubator.apache.org Archive: http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/incubator-kato-dev/ For instructions on how to build the project, see "BUILDING". For instructions on howto use the project, see "USING". Apache Kato welcomes your participation, whether it be code, testing, documentation or your design ideas. Many thanks, The Apache Kato team. CHANGES ======= M1-incubator November 2009 ========================== Initial release.