%s '; // Different sets of server URLs for use in the URI tag $__server_url_options = array( array(), // This case should not generate an endpoint object array('http://server.url/'), array('https://server.url/'), array('https://server.url/', 'http://server.url/'), array('https://server.url/', 'http://server.url/', 'http://example.server.url/'), ); // A couple of example extension type URIs. These are not at all // official, but are just here for testing. $__ext_types = array( 'http://janrain.com/extension/blah', 'http://openid.net/sreg/1.0'); // All valid combinations of Type tags that should produce an OpenID // endpoint $__openid_types = array( _OPENID_1_0_TYPE, _OPENID_1_1_TYPE, _OPENID_1_2_TYPE); $temp = array(); foreach (__subsets($__ext_types) as $exts) { foreach (__subsets($__openid_types) as $ts) { if ($ts) { $temp[] = array_merge($exts, $ts); } } } $__type_uri_options = $temp; // Range of valid Delegate tag values for generating test data $__delegate_options = array( null, 'http://vanity.domain/', 'https://somewhere/yadis/'); $temp = array(); foreach ($__delegate_options as $delegate) { foreach ($__type_uri_options as $type_uris) { foreach ($__server_url_options as $uris) { $temp[] = array($uris, $type_uris, $delegate); } } } // All combinations of valid URIs, Type URIs and Delegate tags $__data = $temp; function _mkXRDS($services_str) { global $__XRDS_BOILERPLATE; return sprintf($__XRDS_BOILERPLATE, $services_str); } function _mkService($uris = null, $type_uris = null, $delegate = null, $dent = ' ') { $chunks = array($dent, "\n"); $dent2 = $dent . ' '; if ($type_uris) { foreach ($type_uris as $type_uri) { $chunks = array_merge($chunks, array($dent2 . '', $type_uri, "\n")); } } if ($uris) { foreach ($uris as $uri) { if (is_array($uri)) { list($uri, $prio) = $uri; } else { $prio = null; } $chunks = array_merge($chunks, array($dent2, '', $uri, "\n")); } } if ($delegate) { $chunks = array_merge($chunks, array($dent2, '', $delegate, "\n")); } $chunks = array_merge($chunks, array($dent, "\n")); return implode("", $chunks); } // Used for generating test data function __subsets($list) { // Generate all non-empty sublists of a list $subsets_list = array(array()); foreach ($list as $elem) { $temp = array(); foreach ($subsets_list as $t) { $temp[] = array_merge(array($elem), $t); } $subsets_list = array_merge($subsets_list, $temp); } return $subsets_list; } class Tests_Auth_OpenID_Tester extends PHPUnit_TestCase { function Tests_Auth_OpenID_Tester($uris, $type_uris, $delegate) { $this->uris = $uris; $this->type_uris = $type_uris; $this->delegate = $delegate; parent::PHPUnit_TestCase(); } function setUp() { $this->yadis_url = 'http://unit.test/'; // Create an XRDS document to parse $services = _mkService($this->uris, $this->type_uris, $this->delegate); $this->xrds = _mkXRDS($services); } function runTest() { // Parse into endpoint objects that we will check $xrds_object = Services_Yadis_XRDS::parseXRDS($this->xrds); $endpoints = array(); if ($xrds_object) { $endpoints = $xrds_object->services(array('filter_MatchesAnyOpenIDType')); $endpoints = Auth_OpenID_makeOpenIDEndpoints($this->yadis_url, $endpoints); } // make sure there are the same number of endpoints as // URIs. This assumes that the type_uris contains at least one // OpenID type. $this->assertEquals(count($this->uris), count($endpoints), "URI <-> Endpoint count"); // So that we can check equality on the endpoint types $type_uris = $this->type_uris; sort($type_uris); $seen_uris = array(); foreach ($endpoints as $endpoint) { $seen_uris[] = $endpoint->server_url; // All endpoints will have same yadis_url $this->assertEquals($this->yadis_url, $endpoint->identity_url); // and delegate $this->assertEquals($this->delegate, $endpoint->delegate); // and types $actual_types = $endpoint->type_uris; sort($actual_types); $this->assertEquals($actual_types, $type_uris); } // So that they will compare equal, because we don't care what // order they are in sort($seen_uris); $uris = $this->uris; sort($uris); // Make sure we saw all URIs, and saw each one once $this->assertEquals($uris, $seen_uris); } } class Tests_Auth_OpenID_OpenID_Yadis extends PHPUnit_TestSuite { function Tests_Auth_OpenID_OpenID_Yadis() { global $__data; foreach ($__data as $case) { $this->addTest(new Tests_Auth_OpenID_Tester($case[0], $case[1], $case[2])); } } function getName() { return 'Tests_Auth_OpenID_OpenID_Yadis'; } } ?>