using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Net;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using Mono.Security.Cryptography;
using Janrain.OpenId.Store;
namespace Janrain.OpenId.Consumer
public class ParseException : ApplicationException { }
public class MissingParameterException : ApplicationException
public MissingParameterException(string key) : base(String.Format("NameValueCollection missing key: {0}", key))
public struct AuthRequest
public string token;
public string nonce;
public Uri serverId;
public Uri serverUri;
/// This class is the gateway to the OpenId consumer logic.
/// Instances of it maintain no per-request state, so they can be
/// reused (or even used by multiple threads concurrently) as needed.
public class Consumer
public enum Mode {
public enum Status {
static uint NONCE_LEN = 8;
static byte[] NONCE_CHARS = new byte[62];
static uint TOKEN_LIFETIME = 120;
IAssociationStore store;
Fetcher fetcher;
static Consumer()
uint i = 0;
uint j;
for (j = 97; j < 123; i++, j++)
NONCE_CHARS[i] = (byte)j;
for (j = 65; j < 91; i++, j++)
NONCE_CHARS[i] = (byte)j;
for (j = 48; j < 58; i++, j++)
NONCE_CHARS[i] = (byte)j;
/// Initializes a new instance.
public Consumer(IAssociationStore store, Fetcher fetcher)
{ = store;
this.fetcher = fetcher;
/// This method is called to start the OpenId login process.
/// To create the parameter from
/// the text submitted by the user, use the NormalizeUri
/// method of .
/// This is the url the user entered as their OpenId.
/// This method returns an instance of
/// representing the state of
/// the authorization request.
public AuthRequest BeginAuth(Uri userUrl)
// Retrieve the users info from their openid page
FetchResponse response = this.fetcher.Get(userUrl);
AuthRequest request = ParseIdentityInfo(response);
// Create a nonce for this openid exchange
byte[] nonce = new byte[NONCE_LEN];
CryptUtil.RandomSelection(nonce, NONCE_CHARS);
request.nonce = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(nonce);
// Added a signed token to the request
GenToken(response.finalUri, ref request);
return request;
/// This method is called to construct the redirect URL sent
/// to the browser to ask the server to verify its identity.
/// The generated redirect should be sent to the browser
/// which initiated the authorization request.
/// An instance of as returned
/// from BeginAuth.
/// The URL the identity server should redirect back to.
/// This represents the consumer to the identity server. For example,
/// an ASP application would probably send an absolute URL using
/// the Application path. The OpenId spec,
/// has more information on what the trust_root value is for
/// and what its form can be.
/// This method returns a
/// representing the URL to redirect to when such a URL is
/// successfully constructed.
public Uri CreateRedirect(Mode mode, AuthRequest request, Uri returnTo, string trustRoot)
Association assoc = GetAssociation(request.serverUri, true);
UriBuilder redir = new UriBuilder(request.serverUri);
UriUtil.AppendQueryArgument(redir, "openid.identity", request.serverId.AbsoluteUri);
UriUtil.AppendQueryArgument(redir, "openid.return_to", returnTo.AbsoluteUri);
UriUtil.AppendQueryArgument(redir, "openid.trust_root", trustRoot);
switch (mode) {
case Mode.IMMEDIATE:
UriUtil.AppendQueryArgument(redir, "openid.mode", "checkid_immediate");
case Mode.SETUP:
UriUtil.AppendQueryArgument(redir, "openid.mode", "checkid_setup");
if (assoc != null)
UriUtil.AppendQueryArgument(redir, "openid.assoc_handle", assoc.Handle);;
return new Uri(redir.ToString(), true);
/// This method is called to interpret the server's response
/// to an OpenID request.
/// This is the token for this authentication transaction,
/// generated by the call to BeginAuth.
/// Should contain the query parameters the OpenID server
/// included in its redirect back to the return_to URL. The
/// keys and values should both be url-unescaped.
/// This output parameter is the data associated with the returned
/// status.
/// When SUCCESS is returned, the additional information
/// returned is either null or a .
/// If it is null, it means the user cancelled the login, and
/// no further information can be determined. If the
/// additional information is a , it
/// is the identity that has been verified as belonging to
/// the user making this request.
/// When FAILURE is returned, the additional information is
/// either null or a . In either
/// case, this code means that the identity verification
/// failed. If it can be determined, the identity that
/// failed to verify is returned. Otherwise null is returned.
/// When SETUP_NEEDED is returned, the additional information
/// is the user setup URL of type .
/// This is a URL returned only as a response to requests
/// made with the IMMEDIATE mode, which indicates that the
/// login was unable to proceed, and the user should be sent
/// to that URL if they wish to proceed with the login.
public Status CompleteAuth(string token, NameValueCollection query, out object info)
string mode = query["openid.mode"];
if (mode != null)
switch (mode) {
case "cancel":
info = null;
return Status.SUCCESS;
case "error":
string error = query["openid.error"];
if (error != null)
// XXX: log this error
case "id_res":
return DoIdRes(token, query, out info);
// XXX: log this error
info = null;
return Status.FAILURE;
private Association GetAssociation(Uri serverUri, bool replace)
if (
return null;
Association assoc =;
if (assoc == null || (replace && (assoc.ExpiresIn < TOKEN_LIFETIME)))
DiffieHellman dh = CryptUtil.CreateDiffieHellman();
byte[] body = CreateAssociateRequest(dh);
assoc = FetchAssociation(dh, serverUri, body);
return assoc;
private void GenToken (Uri consumerId, ref AuthRequest request)
string timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow.ToFileTimeUtc().ToString();
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
byte[] temp = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(timestamp);
ms.Write(temp, 0, temp.Length);
temp = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(request.nonce);
ms.Write(temp, 0, temp.Length);
temp = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(consumerId.AbsoluteUri);
ms.Write(temp, 0, temp.Length);
temp = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(request.serverId.AbsoluteUri);
ms.Write(temp, 0, temp.Length);
temp = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(request.serverUri.AbsoluteUri);
ms.Write(temp, 0, temp.Length);
HMACSHA1 hmac = new HMACSHA1(;
byte[] hash = hmac.ComputeHash(ms);
MemoryStream ms2 = new MemoryStream();
ms2.Write(hash, 0, hash.Length);
request.token = CryptUtil.ToBase64String(ms2.ToArray());
private Association FetchAssociation(DiffieHellman dh, Uri serverUri, byte[] body)
try {
FetchResponse resp = this.fetcher.Post(serverUri, body);
NameValueCollection results = KVUtil.KVToDict(;
return ParseAssociation(results, dh, serverUri);
catch (FetchException e)
if (e.response == null)
// XXX: log network failure
else if (e.response.code == HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)
// XXX: log this
server_error = results.get('error', '')
fmt = 'Getting association: error returned from server %s: %s'
oidutil.log(fmt % (server_url, server_error))
// XXX: log this
/*fmt = 'Getting association: bad status code from server %s: %s'
oidutil.log(fmt % (server_url, http_code))
return null;
private string GetParameter(NameValueCollection args, string key)
string val = args[key];
if (val == null)
throw new MissingParameterException(key);
return val;
protected Association ParseAssociation(NameValueCollection results, DiffieHellman dh, Uri serverUri)
if (GetParameter(results, "assoc_type") != "HMAC-SHA1")
// XXX: log this
return null;
byte[] secret;
string sessionType = results["session_type"];
if (sessionType == null)
string macKey = results["mac_key"];
if (macKey == null)
// XXX: Log this
return null;
secret = Convert.FromBase64String(macKey);
if (sessionType != "DH-SHA1")
// XXX: log this
return null;
byte[] spub = Convert.FromBase64String(GetParameter(results, "dh_server_public"));
byte[] encMacKey = Convert.FromBase64String(GetParameter(results, "enc_mac_key"));
secret = CryptUtil.SHA1XorSecret(dh, spub, encMacKey);
string assocHandle = GetParameter(results, "assoc_handle");
TimeSpan expiresIn = new TimeSpan(0, 0, Convert.ToInt32(GetParameter(results, "expires_in")));
Association assoc = new HMACSHA1Association(assocHandle, secret, expiresIn);, assoc);
return assoc;
catch (MissingParameterException e)
// XXX: log this
return null;
private Status DoIdRes (string token, NameValueCollection query, out object info)
string nonce;
Uri consumerId, serverId, serverUri;
if ( ! SplitToken(token, out nonce, out consumerId, out serverId, out serverUri) )
// XXX: log this
info = null;
return Status.FAILURE;
string userSetup = query["openid.user_setup_url"];
if (userSetup != null)
info = new Uri(userSetup);
return Status.SETUP_NEEDED;
GetParameter(query, "openid.return_to");
string serverId2 = GetParameter(query, "openid.identity");
string assocHandle = GetParameter(query, "openid.assoc_handle");
if (serverId.AbsoluteUri != serverId2)
// XXX: log this
info = null;
return Status.FAILURE;
Association assoc =, assocHandle);
if (assoc == null )
// It's not an association we know about. Dumb
// mode is our only chance for recovery.
info = consumerId;
return CheckAuth(nonce, query, serverUri);
if (assoc.ExpiresIn <= 0)
XXX: It might be a good idea sometimes to
re-start the authentication with a new
association. Doing it automatically opens the
possibility for denial-of-service by a server
that just returns expired associations (or
really short-lived associations)
// XXX: Log this
info = consumerId;
return Status.FAILURE;
// Check the signature
string sig = GetParameter(query, "openid.sig");
string signed = GetParameter(query, "openid.signed");
string[] signedArray = signed.Split(new char[] { ',', });
string vSig = assoc.SignDict(signedArray, query, "openid.");
if (vSig == sig)
if (
info = consumerId;
return Status.SUCCESS;
// XXX: log this
// XXX: log this
catch (MissingParameterException e)
// XXX: log this
info = consumerId;
return Status.FAILURE;
private bool SplitToken(string token, out string nonce, out Uri consumerId, out Uri serverId, out Uri serverUri)
nonce = null;
consumerId = null;
serverId = null;
serverUri = null;
byte[] tok = Convert.FromBase64String(token);
if (tok.Length < 21)
return false;
byte[] sig = new byte[20];
for (uint i = 0; i < sig.Length; i++)
sig[i] = tok[i];
int idx, prev = 20;
byte delim = 0x00;
// Parse timestamp
if ((idx = Array.IndexOf(tok, delim, prev)) == -1) return false;
string timestamp = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(
tok, prev, idx - prev);
prev = idx + 1;
// Check if timestamp has expired
DateTime ts = DateTime.FromFileTimeUtc(Convert.ToInt64(timestamp));
ts += new TimeSpan(0, 0, (int) TOKEN_LIFETIME);
if (ts < DateTime.UtcNow)
// XXX: log this
return false;
// Parse nonce
if ((idx = Array.IndexOf(tok, delim, prev)) == -1)
// XXX: log this
return false;
nonce = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(tok, prev, idx - prev);
prev = idx + 1;
// Parse consumerId
if ((idx = Array.IndexOf(tok, delim, prev)) == -1)
// XXX: log this
return false;
consumerId = new Uri(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(tok, prev, idx - prev));
prev = idx + 1;
// Parse serverId
if ((idx = Array.IndexOf(tok, delim, prev)) == -1)
// XXX: log this
return false;
serverId = new Uri(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(tok, prev, idx - prev));
prev = idx + 1;
// Parse serverUri
serverUri = new Uri(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(tok, prev, tok.Length - prev));
return true;
private Status CheckAuth(string nonce, NameValueCollection query, Uri serverUri)
NameValueCollection checkArgs = new NameValueCollection();
foreach (DictionaryEntry pair in query)
string key = pair.Key as string;
if (key.StartsWith("openid."))
checkArgs.Add(key, pair.Value as string);
checkArgs["openid.mode"] = "check_authentication";
string postString = UriUtil.CreateQueryString(checkArgs);
byte[] postData = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(postString);
FetchResponse resp = this.fetcher.Post(serverUri, postData);
NameValueCollection results = KVUtil.KVToDict(;
string isValid = results["is_valid"];
if (isValid == "true")
string invalidateHandle = results["invalidate_handle"];
if (invalidateHandle != null), invalidateHandle);
if (
return Status.SUCCESS;
string error = results["error"];
if (error != null)
// XXX: Log this error string
catch (FetchException e)
// XXX: Log this fetch error
return Status.FAILURE;
/**************** Static Methods *****************/
public static byte[] CreateAssociationRequest (DiffieHellman dh, NameValueCollection args)
byte[] dhPublic = dh.CreateKeyExchange();
string cpub = CryptUtil.UnsignedToBase64(dhPublic);
DHParameters dhps = dh.ExportParameters(true);
args.Add("openid.mode", "associate");
args.Add("openid.assoc_type", "HMAC-SHA1");
args.Add("openid.session_type", "DH-SHA1");
args.Add("openid.dh_modulus", CryptUtil.UnsignedToBase64(dhps.P));
args.Add("openid.dh_gen", CryptUtil.UnsignedToBase64(dhps.G));
args.Add("openid.dh_consumer_public", cpub);
return ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(UriUtil.CreateQueryString(args));
private static byte[] CreateAssociateRequest(DiffieHellman dh)
NameValueCollection args = new NameValueCollection();
return CreateAssociationRequest(dh, args);
private static AuthRequest ParseIdentityInfo(FetchResponse response)
string server = null;
string deleg = null;
string rel, href;
foreach (NameValueCollection attrs in LinkParser.ParseLinkAttrs(, response.length, response.charset))
rel = attrs["rel"];
if (rel != null)
href = attrs["href"];
if (rel == "openid.server" && server == null)
if (href != null)
server = href;
if (rel == "openid.delegate" && deleg == null)
if (href != null)
deleg = href;
if (server == null)
throw new ParseException();
AuthRequest request = new AuthRequest();
request.serverUri = UriUtil.NormalizeUri(server);
if (deleg == null)
request.serverId = response.finalUri;
request.serverId = UriUtil.NormalizeUri(deleg);
return request;