*SVN* ----- 1.1.4 Fixed creation of multipart emails (Ticket #190) Added a temporary fix to the code-mixing issue. In your engine's test/test_helper.rb, please add the following lines: # Ensure that the code mixing and view loading from the application is disabled Engines.disable_app_views_loading = true Engines.disable_app_code_mixing = true is will prevent code mixing for controllers and helpers, and loading views from the application. One thing to remember is to load any controllers/helpers using 'require_or_load' in your tests, to ensure that the engine behaviour is respected (Ticket #135) Added tasks to easily test engines individually (Ticket #120) Fixture extensions will now fail with an exception if the corresponding class cannot be loaded (Ticket #138) Patch for new routing/controller loading in Rails 1.1.6. The routing code is now replaced with the contents of config.controller_paths, along with controller paths from any started engines (Ticket #196) Rails' Configuration instance is now stored, and available from all engines and plugins. ----- 1.1.3 Fixed README to show 'models' rather than 'model' class (Ticket #167) Fixed dependency loading to work with Rails 1.1.4 (Ticket #180) ----- 1.1.2 Added better fix to version checking (Ticket #130, jdell@gbdev.com). Fixed generated init_engine.rb so that VERSION module doesn't cause probems (Ticket #131, japgolly@gmail.com) Fixed error with Rails 1.0 when trying to ignore the engine_schema_info table (Ticket #132, snowblink@gmail.com) Re-added old style rake tasks (Ticket #133) No longer adding all subdirectories of /app or /lib, as this can cause issues when files are grouped in modules (Ticket #149, kasatani@gmail.com) Fixed engine precidence ordering for Rails 1.1 (Ticket #146) Added new Engines.each method to assist in processing the engines in the desired order (Ticket #146) Fixed annoying error message at appears when starting the console in development mode (Ticket #134) Engines is now super-careful about loading the correct version of Rails from vendor (Ticket #154) ----- 1.1.1 Fixed migration rake task failing when given a specific version (Ticket #115) Added new rake task "test:engines" which will test engines (and other plugins) but ensure that the test database is cloned from development beforehand (Ticket #125) Fixed issue where 'engine_schema_info' table was included in schema dumps (Ticket #87) Fixed multi-part emails (Ticket #121) Added an 'install.rb' file to new engines created by the bundled generator, which installs the engines plugin automatically if it doesn't already exist (Ticket #122) Added a default VERSION module to generated engines (Ticket #123) Refactored copying of engine's public files to a method of an Engine instance. You can now call Engines.get(:engine_name).copy_public_files (Ticket #108) Changed engine generator templates from .rb files to .erb files (Ticket #106) Fixed the test_helper.erb file to use the correct testing extensions and not load any schema - the schema will be cloned automatically via rake test:engines Fixed problem when running with Rails 1.1.1 where version wasn't determined correctly (Ticket #129) Fixed bug preventing engines from loading when both Rails 1.1.0 and 1.1.1 gems are installed and in use. Updated version (d'oh!) ----- 1.1.0 Improved regexp matching for Rails 1.0 engines with peculiar paths Engine instance objects can be accessed via Engines[:name], an alias for Engines.get(:name) (Ticket #99) init_engine.rb is now processed as the final step in the Engine.start process, so it can access files within the lib directory, which is now in the $LOAD_PATH at that point. (Ticket #99) Clarified MIT license (Ticket #98) Updated Rake tasks to integrate smoothly with Rails 1.1 namespaces Changed the version to "1.1.0 (svn)" Added more information about using the plugin with Edge Rails to the README moved extensions into lib/engines/ directory to enable use of Engines module in extension code. Added conditional require_or_load method which attempts to detect the current Rails version. To use the Edge Rails version of the loading mechanism, add the line: Engines.config :edge, true to your environment.rb file. Merged changes from /branches/edge and /branches/rb_1.0 into /trunk engine_schema_info now respects the prefix/suffixes set for ActiveRecord::Base (Ticket #67) added ActiveRecord::Base.wrapped_table_name(name) method to assist in determining the correct table name ----- 1.0.6 Added ability to determine version information for engines: rake engine_info Added a custom logger for the Engines module, to stop pollution of the Rails logs. Added some more tests (in particular, see rails_engines/applications/engines_test). Another attempt at solving Ticket #53 - controllers and helpers should now be loadable from modules, and if a full path (including RAILS_ROOT/ENGINES_ROOT) is given, it should be safely stripped from the require filename such that corresponding files can be located in any active engines. In other words, controller/helper overloading should now completely work, even if the controllers/helpers are in modules. Added (finally) patch from Ticket #22 - ActionMailer helpers should now load Removed support for Engines.start :engine, :engine_name => 'whatever'. It was pointless. Fixed engine name referencing; engine_stylesheet/engine_javascript can now happily use shorthand engine names (i.e. :test == :test_engine) (Ticket #45) Fixed minor documentation error ('Engine.start' ==> 'Engines.start') (Ticket #57) Fixed double inclusion of RAILS_ROOT in engine_migrate rake task (Ticket #61) Added ability to force config values even if given as a hash (Ticket #62) ----- 1.0.5 Fixed bug stopping fixtures from loading with PostgreSQL ----- 1.0.4 Another attempt at loading controllers within modules (Ticket #56) ----- 1.0.3 Fixed serious dependency bug stopping controllers being loaded (Ticket #56) ----- 1.0.2 Fixed bug with overloading controllers in modules from /app directory Fixed exception thrown when public files couldn't be created; exception is now logged (Ticket #52) Fixed problem with generated test_helper.rb file via File.expand_path (Ticket #50) ----- 1.0.1 Added engine generator for creation of new engines Fixed 'Engine' typo in README Fixed bug in fixtures extensions Fixed /lib path management bug Added method to determine public directory location from Engine object Fixed bug in the error message in get_engine_dir() Added proper component loading Added preliminary tests for the config() methods module ----- pre-v170 Fixed copyright notices to point to DHH, rather than me. Moved extension require statements into lib/engines.rb, so the will be loaded if another module/file calls require 'engines Added a CHANGELOG file (this file)