Account Location ================ Account location is a set of protected methods that supports the account-key-as-subdomain way of identifying the current scope. These methods allow you to easily produce URLs that match this style and to get the current account key from the subdomain. The methods are: account_url, account_host, and account_domain. Example: class ApplicationController < ActiveRecord::Base include AccountLocation before_filter :find_account protected def find_account @account = Account.find_by_username(account_subdomain) end end class AccountController < ApplicationController def new @new_account = Account.create(params[:new_account]) redirect_to :host => account_host(@new_account.username), :controller => "weblog" end def authenticate session[account_domain] = :authenticated redirect_to :controller => "weblog" end protected def authenticated? session[account_domain] == :authenticated end end # The view: Your domain: <%= account_url %> By default, all the methods will query for @account.username as the account key, but you can specialize that by overwriting default_account_subdomain. You can of course also pass it in as the first argument to all the methods. Copyright (c) 2005 David Heinemeier Hansson, released under the MIT license