Apache Labs
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Mailing Lists

Important Notices

Before posting a question or problem to any mailing list, please first look at the following resources:

If you are posting about a problem that you are having, it will aid in finding a speedy resolution if you provide full configuration details, including the version number of Droids, your operating system, JDK version, and servlet engine, and full details of any errors encountered including full error messages and stack traces.

Please use our Jira issue tracker to submit attachments, rather than the mailing list. Create a new issue, if necessary.

Please do not send emails directly to individual developers asking for free support. We are non-paid volunteers who help out with the project and we do not necessarily have the time or energy to help people on an individual basis. Instead, we have these mailing lists which contain many individuals who will help to answer. There are numerous benefits of using mailing lists over private communication. It is a shared resource where others can also learn from common mistakes and as a community we all grow together. This discussion also builds a searchable knowledge-base. Doing off-list discussion is not efficient: only one person hears the answers and it will cause the volunteers to become burnt out.


See ASF-wide notes about expectations, subscription instructions, nettiquette, etc. for all mailing lists. Be aware of the Public Forum Archive Policy.

Droids is still an Apache Labs project meaning it shares the principal mailing list of Labs.
Name Archives Purpose Notes Subscription Management
labs@labs Labs Home - MarkMail

mod_mbox at mail-archives.apache.org
Any issue related to development and enhancement. Postings from non-subscribers are moderated. labs-subscribe<at>labs.apache.org

mod_mbox at mail-archives.apache.org
Receive notifications on changes in the Doids/labs codebase in the SVN repository. Replies go to labs@labs commit-subscribe<at>labs.apache.org