# --- # weinre is available under *either* the terms of the modified BSD license *or* the # MIT License (2008). See http://opensource.org/licenses/alphabetical for full text. # # Copyright (c) 2010, 2011 IBM Corporation # --- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # example of a personal.properties file #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Create a file called personal.properties in this directory, and it will # you to override property settings during the build. # # The personal.properties file is set to not be stored in the SCM. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BUILDER: Your Name in Lights USE_GROWL: true USE_JAVAC: false #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # the libraries commented out below are particularly slow to get from their # originating locations, and are good to cache locally. The definitions # override those in vendor.properties #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #CACHED_LIBRARIES: file:///Users/me/Sites/weinre-cached-libraries #SWT_URL_PREFIX: ${CACHED_LIBRARIES} #JETTY_URL_PREFIX: ${CACHED_LIBRARIES}/jetty #JAVAX_SERVLET_URL_PREFIX: ${CACHED_LIBRARIES}/jetty #JSON4J_URL_PREFIX: ${CACHED_LIBRARIES}/wink