VERSION 20110516 PhoneGap is a static library and static framework that enables users to include the PhoneGap API in their iPhone application projects easily, and also create new PhoneGap-based iPhone application projects through an Xcode project template. 20110516 - Xcode 3 Template does not copy in the PhoneGap javascript files anymore to your www, the javascript files are now part of the template (Note for upgraders from the old templates: you will need to grab the .js files manually from ~/Documents/PhoneGapLib/javascripts after building your project at least once) - PhoneGapLib use is considered deprecated, for the next installer the Xcode 3 Template will use the PhoneGap.framework exclusively - Xcode 4 Template has an improved build script - it will detect whether the 'www' folder reference was added and will warn you if it has not been added 20110503 - Added Xcode 4 Template (need to add in www folder reference manually - sample 'www' folder created after first run) - Added PhoneGap static framework generation (as the UniversalFramework target in PhoneGapLib xcodeproj) - Modified Xcode 3 Template (for compatibility with the Xcode 4 template) - Installed PhoneGap static framework in /Users/Shared/PhoneGap/Frameworks/PhoneGap.framework (for non-admin privilege users, this may change in further updates) 20110306 - Updated PhoneGap application template to handle project and PhoneGapLib locations with spaces in it - Removed iPad template - Updated compiler of application template and PhoneGapLib to LLVM GCC 4.2 - Cleaned up static analyzer warnings. 20110306 - Updated PhoneGap application template to handle project and PhoneGapLib locations with spaces in it - Removed iPad template - Updated compiler of application template and PhoneGapLib to LLVM GCC 4.2 - Cleaned up static analyzer warnings. 20110126 - phonegap.js is minified using the YUI compressor, and also renamed to phonegap.{ver}.min.js where {ver} is the version number of PhoneGapLib from the VERSION file - the PhoneGap template is changed as well, at build time it will replace any references to 'src="phonegap.js"' to the new versioned js file (and copy the new phonegap.{ver}.min.js file). This replacement will look in all files in the 'www' folder. - note that with the new PhoneGapLib phonegap.{ver}.min.js renaming, existing PhoneGap templates must copy the new "Copy PhoneGap Javascript" post-build script from the new template (in Xcode, under Targets/[ProjectName]) 20101102 - Updated the Base SDK to "Latest iOS" (iOS 4.2 is the minimum to submit to the App Store) for the project files. This setting requires the latest Xcode 3.2.5 (included with the iOS 4.2 SDK) 20101019 - Updated the Base SDK to iOS 4.1 (the minimum to submit to the App Store) for the project files 20100902 - Updated the Base SDK to iOS 4.0 (the minimum to submit to the App Store) for the project files - Added PhoneGapBuildSettings.xcconfig to the template. To override your PHONEGAPLIB folder on a project by project basis, modify the PHONEGAPLIB value in this file. 20100416 - Removed keys from PhoneGap.plist (AutoRotate, StartOrientation, RotateOrientation). - To support orientation in your app: edit/add the UISupportedInterfaceOrientations (iPhone) or UISupportedInterfaceOrientations~ipad (iPad) key into your app's [appname]-Info.plist, with an array of strings that show what orientation your app supports. The supported values are: UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait, UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft, UIInterfaceOrientationPortraitUpsideDown, UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight. - The first value in the array is the orientation that your app starts in. If you have more than one value in the array, it will autorotate (to the other supported orientations). 20100406 - added iPad universal xcodeproj file (3.2 OS required) 20091103 - fixed permissions and initial run problems 20091030 - initial release