Processes asynchronously the items and send to the write a Future<?>.
- delegateRef: The actual processor (delegate)
- locator: Locator for the delegate processor
- poolSize: the pool size, if <= 0 cached threads are used
Reads a flat file.
- comments: Comments prefix marker (default #)
- input: Input file path
- lineMapper: The line mapper implementation or reference (see locator)
- locator: Locator to find line mapper
Writes a flat file.
- encoding: output file encoding
- line.separator: line separator to use, default is OS dependent
- output: output file path
Executes an update or delete query.
- driver: The datasource driver to use if jndi is null
- jndi: The JNDI name of the datasource
- password: The datasource password to use if jndi is null
- sql: The update query to execute (UPDATE or DELETE)
- url: The datasource url to use if jndi is null
- user: The datasource user to use if jndi is null
Reads data from a SQL query
- driver: The datasource driver to use if jndi is null
- jndi: The JNDI name of the datasource
- locator: The locator to lookup the mapper
- mapper: The ResultSet mapper
- password: The datasource password to use if jndi is null
- query: The query to execute to find data
- url: The datasource url to use if jndi is null
- user: The datasource user to use if jndi is null
Store the items in a database.
- driver: The datasource driver to use if jndi is null
- jndi: The JNDI name of the datasource
- locator: The locator to lookup the mapper
- mapper: The mapper to convert items to JDBC domain
- password: The datasource password to use if jndi is null
- sql: The update query
- url: The datasource url to use if jndi is null
- user: The datasource user to use if jndi is null
- entityManagerProvider: The reference of qualified name of the proviedr for the entity manager
- locator: The locator to use to find the entity manager provider
Read JPA entities from a query.
- detachEntities: Should entities be detached (default false)
- entityManagerProvider: The reference of qualified name of the proviedr for the entity manager
- jpaTransaction: Should JPA transaction be used (default false)
- locator: The locator to use to find the entity manager provider
- namedQuery: The named query to execute
- pageSize: Pagination size
- parameterProvider: The parameter provider ref or qualified name
- query: The query to execute if the named query is empty
Write all items using JPA
- entityManagerProvider: The reference of qualified name of the proviedr for the entity manager
- jpaTransaction: Should JPA transaction be used (default false)
- locator: The locator to use to find the entity manager provider
- useMerge: If set to true merge() will be used instead of persist()
Reads XML items using StAX.
- input: Input file path
- marshallingClasses: JAXB type(s) to instantiate for items, supports CSV values
- marshallingPackage: JAXB package if needed (optional)
- tag: Tag to match - others are ignored
Write a file using StAX
- encoding: output encoding
- marshallingClasses: JAXB type(s) to instantiate for items, supports CSV values
- marshallingPackage: JAXB package if needed (optional)
- output: output file path
- rootTag: output root tag
- version: XML document version
Uses bean validation to validate incoming items.
- group: optional bean validation group to validate
- skipNotValidated: whether a validation failure throws a ConstraintViolationException or just returns null