Reads a CSV file using commons-csv.
- allowMissingColumnNames: is missing column names allowed
- commentMarker: comment marker
- delimiter: delimiter of the file
- encoding: input encoding
- escapeCharacter: escape character
- format: format to use (Default, RFC4180, Excel, TDF, MySQL)
- header: headers
- headerComments: header comments
- ignoreEmptyLines: should empty lines be skipped
- ignoreSurroundingSpaces: should the parser ignore surrounding spaces
- input: file to read
- locator: locator to lookup the mapper
- mapper: record mapper if mapping is null
- mapping: mapping type if mapper is null
- nullString: string replacement for null
- quoteCharacter: quote character
- quoteMode: quote mode (ALL, MINIMAL, NON_NUMERIC, NONE)
- readHeaders: should headers be used
- recordSeparator: record separator
- skipHeaderRecord: should headers be skipped
Writes a CSV file using commons-csv.
- allowMissingColumnNames: is missing column names allowed
- commentMarker: comment marker
- delimiter: delimiter of the file
- encoding: output encoding
- escapeCharacter: escape character
- format: format to use (Default, RFC4180, Excel, TDF, MySQL)
- header: headers
- headerComments: header comments
- ignoreEmptyLines: should empty lines be skipped
- ignoreSurroundingSpaces: should the parser ignore surrounding spaces
- locator: locator to lookup the mapper
- mapper: record mapper if mapping is null
- mapping: mapping type if mapper is null
- nullString: string replacement for null
- output: file to write
- quoteCharacter: quote character
- quoteMode: quote mode (ALL, MINIMAL, NON_NUMERIC, NONE)
- recordSeparator: record separator
- skipHeaderRecord: should headers be skipped
- writeHeaders: should headers be written