0.4.0 ===== Features / Improvements ----------------------- - Asynchronous HTTP client has configurable redirect support (HTTP status code 301 & 302) (#118) - Asynchronous HTTP client supports 'Transfer-Encoding: chunked' (#116) - Multi-threaded web server support (#139) - Experimental support for large static files. (Nb. will memory map the entire file) (#75) - Improved documentation for the AsynchronousSocket (#152) - Using the AsynchronousSocket for server operations is officially supported (#150) - Bug fix. Non deterministic behaviour when multiple timeouts have exact same deadline (DEFT-156) - AsynchronousSocket accepts SocketChannel instead of SelectableChannel (DEFT-162) - Improved error handling in AsynchronousSocket (DEFT-154) - Bug fix. NPE when using AsynchronousSocket.write (DEFT-155) - Asynchronous HTTP client supports POST and PUT (DEFT-117) - Support for HTTP Cookies (DEFT-52) - Request handlers now configured through annotations (DEFT-100) Configuration ------------- - See org.apache.deft.example.DeftServerExample (or www.deftserver.org) for configuration and usage hints. 0.3.0 ===== Features -------- - Authentication support (#83) - Header names are now case-insensitive (#48) - Generic callbacks in IOLoop (#93) - Bug fix. ConcurrentModificationException if a new timeout was added in a timeout callback (#89) - Http HEAD support (#58) - Bug fix. RequestHandler not found if query parameters is present. (#104) - Periodic callbacks. Schedule a job to be executed by the IOLoop every nth ms. (#90) - Bug Fix. Selector timeout tuning. (#108) - Asynchronous socket to help third party developers. (#109) - Asynchronous HTTP client (#97) - IOLoop.addCallback is thread safe (#103) - Bug fix. Proper 'keep-alive' management in web server component (#99) Configuration ------------ - See org.deftserver.example.DeftServerExample (or www.deftserver.org) for configuration and usage hints. 0.2.0 ===== Features -------- - Asynchronous writes done right (#63). - Support for third party libraries to work within Deft's IOLoop (#62) (Thanks to github.com/williame and github.com/sris for inspiration and implementation details). - Improved write performance (Using the fact that a java.nio socket write buffer is always writable as long its space left in the write buffer, #74) - Closed HTTP request premature in HttpResponse.finish() (#72) - JMX monitoring (read only) for IOLoop (#68) - Configurable knobs, e.g. keep-alive timeout, read/write buffer sizes. (#57, #67) - java.nio.ByteBuffer reuse (byte[] allocation is expensive) (#77) - Timeouts (JMX debuggable) (#80, #85) - HTTP Post support (#50, #71) Configuration ------------ - See org.deftserver.example.DeftServerExample (or www.deftserver.org) for configuration and usage hints. 0.1.0 ===== Features -------- - Date headers are always sent in http response (#29). - Support for non-blocking, asynchronous requests (#11). - Regular expressions (with capturing groups) in URL mapping (#10). - Support for HTTP GET parameters (#35). - Persistent connections ('Connection: Keep-Alive') (#19). - Static resources (#21 and #28, thanks to github.com/williame for pointing in right direction). - JMX api for monitoring 'keep-alive' connections. Configuration ------------ - See org.deftserver.example.DeftServerExample (or www.deftserver.org) for configuration and usage hints.