2012-05-31 Apache Any23 Anything To Triples (Any23) is a library, a web service and a command line tool that extracts structured data in RDF format from a variety of Web documents. Apache Any23 is used in major Web of Data applications. It is written in Java and licensed under the Apache License v2.0. Apache Any23 can be used in various ways: * As a library in Java applications that consume structured data from the Web. * As a command-line tool for extracting and converting between the supported formats. * As online service API available at any23.org. Java Apache Any23 0.7.0-incubating 2012-07-16 0.7.0-incubating Apache Any23 Development Team RDF/XML W3C Turtle - Terse RDF Triple Language W3C Notation 3 W3C RDFa Primer W3C RDFa1.1 prefix mechanism W3C Microformats HTML5 Microdata W3C CSV IETF