iBATIS.NET Class Library DataMapper V1.6.1, DataAccess V1.9.1

ArgumentProperty Properties

The properties of the ArgumentProperty class are listed below. For a complete list of ArgumentProperty class members, see the ArgumentProperty Members topic.

Public Instance Properties

ArgumentName Specify the constructor argument name.
ArgumentStrategy Sets or gets the IArgumentStrategy used to fill the object property.
CallBackName (inherited from ResultProperty) Specify the custom type handlers to used.
CLRType (inherited from ResultProperty) Specify the CLR type of the result.
ColumnIndex (inherited from ResultProperty) Column Index
ColumnName (inherited from ResultProperty) Column Name
DbType (inherited from ResultProperty) Give an entry in the 'DbType' enumeration
HasNullValue (inherited from ResultProperty) Tell if a nullValue is defined.
IsComplexMemberName (inherited from ResultProperty) Indicate if we have a complex member name as [FavouriteLineItem.Id]
IsGenericIList (inherited from ResultProperty) Tell us if the member type implement generic Ilist interface.
IsIList (inherited from ResultProperty) Tell us if the member type implement Ilist interface.
IsLazyLoad Tell us if we must lazy load this property..
LazyFactory (inherited from ResultProperty) The lazy loader factory
ListFactory (inherited from ResultProperty) List factory for IList property
MemberType Get the argument type
NestedResultMap (inherited from ResultProperty) A nested ResultMap use to set a property
NestedResultMapName (inherited from ResultProperty) The name of a nested ResultMap to set the property
NullValue (inherited from ResultProperty) Null value replacement.
PropertyName (inherited from ResultProperty) The property name used to identify the property amongst the others.
PropertyStrategy (inherited from ResultProperty) Sets or gets the IPropertyStrategy used to fill the object property.
Select (inherited from ResultProperty) The name of the statement to retrieve the property
SetAccessor (inherited from ResultProperty) Defines a field/property ISetAccessor
TypeHandler (inherited from ResultProperty) The typeHandler used to work with the result property.

See Also

ArgumentProperty Class | IBatisNet.DataMapper.Configuration.ResultMapping Namespace