iBATIS.NET Class Library DataMapper V1.6.1, DataAccess V1.9.1

ParameterProperty Properties

The properties of the ParameterProperty class are listed below. For a complete list of ParameterProperty class members, see the ParameterProperty Members topic.

Public Instance Properties

CallBackName Specify the custom type handlers to used.
CLRType Specify the CLR type of the parameter.
ColumnName Column Name for output parameter in store proccedure.
DbType Give an entry in the 'DbType' enumeration
Direction Indicate the direction of the parameter.
DirectionAttribute The direction attribute of the XML parameter.
GetAccessor Defines a field/property get accessor
HasNullValue Tell if a nullValue is defined._nullValue!=null
IsComplexMemberName Indicate if we have a complex member name as [avouriteLineItem.Id]
NullValue Null value replacement.
Precision Column Precision.
PropertyName Property name used to identify the property amongst the others.
Scale Column Scale.
Size Column size.
TypeHandler The typeHandler used to work with the parameter.

See Also

ParameterProperty Class | IBatisNet.DataMapper.Configuration.ParameterMapping Namespace