iBATIS.NET Class Library DataMapper V1.6.1, DataAccess V1.9.1

CacheModel Properties

The properties of the CacheModel class are listed below. For a complete list of CacheModel class members, see the CacheModel Members topic.

Public Instance Properties

CacheController Set the cache controller
FlushInterval Set or get the flushInterval (in Ticks)
Id Identifier used to identify the CacheModel amongst the others.
Implementation Cache controller implementation name.
IsReadOnly Determines if the cache will be used as a read-only cache. Tells the cache model that is allowed to pass back a reference to the object existing in the cache.
IsSerializable Specifie how the cache content should be returned. If true a deep copy is returned.
Item Adds an item with the specified key and value into cached data. Gets a cached object with the specified key.

See Also

CacheModel Class | IBatisNet.DataMapper.Configuration.Cache Namespace