iBATIS.NET Class Library DataMapper V1.6.1, DataAccess V1.9.1

IBatisNet.DataMapper.Commands Namespace

Namespace hierarchy


Class Description
DataReaderDecorator Decorate an IDataReader to auto move to next ResultMap on NextResult call.
DataReaderTransformer For IDataReader which don't support M.A.R.S, wraps the current IDataReader in an InMemoryDataReader.
DbCommandDecorator Decorate an IDbCommand to auto move to next ResultMap on ExecuteReader call.
InMemoryDataReader An implementation of IDataReader that will copy the contents of the an open IDataReader to an in-memory InMemoryDataReader if the session IDbProvider doesn't allow multiple open IDataReader with the same IDbConnection.


Interface Description
IPreparedCommand Summary description for IPreparedCommand.