iBATIS.NET Class Library DataMapper V1.6.1, DataAccess V1.9.1

IDaoManager Members

IDaoManager overview

Public Instance Properties

Id Name used to identify the the IDaoManager
Item Gets a Dao instance for the requested interface type.
LocalDaoSession Gets the local DAO session.
LocalDataSource Gets the local data source.
SessionStore Allow to set a custom session store like the HybridWebThreadSessionStore

Public Instance Methods

BeginTransactionOverloaded. Begins a database transaction with the specified isolation level.
CloseConnection Close a connection
CommitTransaction Commits the database transaction.
GetDao Gets a Dao instance for the requested interface type.
GetDaoSession Get a new DaoSession
IsDaoSessionStarted Determines whether [is DAO session started].
OpenConnectionOverloaded. Open a connection, on the specified connection string.
RollBackTransaction Rolls back a transaction from a pending state.

See Also

IDaoManager Interface | IBatisNet.DataAccess Namespace