iBATIS.NET Class Library DataMapper V1.6.1, DataAccess V1.9.1

TypeRegistry Members

TypeRegistry overview

Public Static (Shared) Fields

ArrayListAlias1 The alias around the 'list' type.
ArrayListAlias2 Another alias around the 'list' type.
BoolAlias Another alias around the 'bool' type.
BooleanAlias The alias around the 'bool' type.
ByteAlias The alias around the 'byte' type.
CharAlias The alias around the 'char' type.
DateAlias1 The alias around the 'DateTime' type.
DateAlias2 Another alias around the 'DateTime' type.
DecimalAlias The alias around the 'decimal' type.
DoubleAlias The alias around the 'double' type.
FloatAlias The alias around the 'float' type.
GuidAlias The alias around the 'guid' type.
HashtableAlias1 The alias around the 'Hashtable' type.
HashtableAlias2 Another alias around the 'Hashtable' type.
HashtableAlias3 Another alias around the 'Hashtable' type.
Int16Alias1 The alias around the 'short' type.
Int16Alias2 Another alias around the 'short' type.
Int32Alias1 The alias around the 'int' type.
Int32Alias2 Another alias around the 'int' type.
Int32Alias3 Another alias around the 'int' type.
Int64Alias1 The alias around the 'long' type.
Int64Alias2 Another alias around the 'long' type.
NullableBoolAlias The alias around the 'bool?' type.
NullableBoolArrayAlias The alias around the 'bool?[]' array type.
NullableCharAlias The alias around the 'char?' type.
NullableCharArrayAlias The alias around the 'char?[]' array type.
NullableDecimalAlias The alias around the 'decimal?' type.
NullableDecimalArrayAlias The alias around the 'decimal?[]' array type.
NullableDoubleAlias The alias around the 'double?' type.
NullableDoubleArrayAlias The alias around the 'double?[]' array type.
NullableFloatAlias The alias around the 'float?' type.
NullableFloatArrayAlias The alias around the 'float?[]' array type.
NullableInt16Alias The alias around the 'short?' type.
NullableInt16ArrayAlias The alias around the 'short?[]' array type.
NullableInt32Alias The alias around the 'int?' type.
NullableInt32ArrayAlias The alias around the 'int?[]' array type.
NullableInt64Alias The alias around the 'long?' type.
NullableInt64ArrayAlias The alias around the 'long?[]' array type.
NullableUInt16Alias The alias around the 'unsigned short?' type.
NullableUInt16ArrayAlias The alias around the 'ushort?[]' array type.
NullableUInt32Alias The alias around the 'unsigned int?' type.
NullableUInt32ArrayAlias The alias around the 'uint?[]' array type.
NullableUInt64Alias The alias around the 'unsigned long?' type.
NullableUInt64ArrayAlias The alias around the 'ulong?[]' array type.
SByteAlias The alias around the 'SByte' type.
SingleAlias Another alias around the 'float' type.
StringAlias The alias around the 'string' type.
TimeSpanAlias The alias around the 'TimeSpan' type.
UInt16Alias1 The alias around the 'unsigned short' type.
UInt16Alias2 Another alias around the 'unsigned short' type.
UInt32Alias1 The alias around the 'unsigned int' type.
UInt32Alias2 Another alias around the 'unsigned int' type.
UInt64Alias1 The alias around the 'unsigned long' type.
UInt64Alias2 Another alias around the 'unsigned long' type.

Public Static (Shared) Methods

ResolveType Resolves the supplied alias to a Type.

Public Instance Methods

Equals (inherited from Object)Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
GetHashCode (inherited from Object)Serves as a hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetType (inherited from Object)Gets the Type of the current instance.
ToString (inherited from Object)Returns a String that represents the current Object.

Protected Instance Methods

Finalize (inherited from Object)Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object)Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.

See Also

TypeRegistry Class | IBatisNet.Common.Utilities.TypesResolver Namespace