iBATIS.NET Class Library DataMapper V1.6.1, DataAccess V1.9.1

DbProvider Properties

The properties of the DbProvider class are listed below. For a complete list of DbProvider class members, see the DbProvider Members topic.

Public Instance Properties

AllowMARS Tell us if this provider allows having multiple open IDataReader with the same IDbConnection.
AssemblyName The name of the assembly which conatins the definition of the provider.
CommandBuilderClass The commandBuilder class name to use.
CommandBuilderType Get the CommandBuilder Type for this provider.
DataAdapterClass The dataAdapter class name to use.
DbCommandClass The command class name to use.
DbConnectionClass The connection class name to use.
Description Description.
IsDefault Tell us if it is the default data source. Default false.
IsEnabled Tell us if this provider is enabled. Default true.
IsObdc Check if this provider is Odbc ?
Name Name used to identify the provider amongst the others.
ParameterDbType Get the ParameterDb Type for this provider.
ParameterDbTypeClass The ParameterDbType class name to use.
ParameterDbTypeProperty The ParameterDbTypeProperty class name to use.
ParameterPrefix Parameter prefix use in store procedure.
SetDbParameterPrecision Used to indicate whether or not the provider supports parameter precision.
SetDbParameterScale Used to indicate whether or not the provider supports a parameter scale.
SetDbParameterSize Used to indicate whether or not the provider supports parameter size.
UseDeriveParameters Used to indicate whether or not the provider supports DeriveParameters method for procedure.
UseParameterPrefixInParameter Does this ConnectionProvider require the use of the Named Prefix when trying to reference the Parameter in the Command's Parameter collection.
UseParameterPrefixInSql Does this ConnectionProvider require the use of a Named Prefix in the SQL statement.
UsePositionalParameters The OLE DB/OBDC .NET Provider uses positional parameters that are marked with a question mark (?) instead of named parameters.

See Also

DbProvider Class | IBatisNet.Common Namespace